{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

i dont think bones of ullr are worth it on invasion, two evangelists are enough to do some pretty amazing damage, your clear speed suffers a little but the huge life/MS you can get on boots is a must. I would even run goldwryms over bones at this point because the 60% mana regen is pretty awesome with this build.
Hi, I wanted to say thank you very much for the build. I started out as some self-made raging spirit build and then when it failed (or rather wasn't as good as I'd hoped) - your build got me back on track with some respecs.

I wanted to ask you a couple of questions though that have been bugging me a little. (gear spec is below)

1) I wanted to ask your advice on Inner Force and whether you 'really' think it's worth it? Just seems like a bit of a waste to spend 3 point for 21% increased aura/arctic armour?

2) Double curse? Worth the point in your opinion?

3) I have started out with Fire Cloth spectres and so EE+Static Blows seemed like a good idea. Now I switched to evangelists. My Arc does about 300 average dmg so I only shock stack up to 30k health mobs. Which means I dont shock stack most blues anw (or at least not for long). Do you think it's still worth it for whites? Or drop it for Inner Force and/or Double Curse and/or General hp/mana nodes?

Thanks a lot again!

Also some pointers/advice to others if they are interested:

Leveling up as Scion was very easy. I essentially leveled up as a Elemental Buzzsaw Spectral Throw.
You take a lot of aura nodes at the start, run aura/wrath/haste with a quick 1hand and some elemental dmg on gear - use about 12 points to put into attack speed/projectile damage to easily respec later.

Switched around A1M. Leveling was extremely easy and fast.

As some have mentioned, magic find is a bliss with this build. My gear is nothing special, all self funded and atm I am breezing through maps.


poppawheelie wrote:
i dont think bones of ullr are worth it on invasion, two evangelists are enough to do some pretty amazing damage, your clear speed suffers a little but the huge life/MS you can get on boots is a must. I would even run goldwryms over bones at this point because the 60% mana regen is pretty awesome with this build.

I have 420 ManaReg without those, im thinking of using:

@peter: not sure, 2 are mostly enough o:
My Static Strike Marauder: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1211370
Our Map Guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/339977/page/1

Avoid: BKR, apinkpwny
Violander wrote:

2) Double curse? Worth the point in your opinion?

I run double curses (hex master and whispers of doom) enfeeble + vulnerability mostly.

I kinda like it. It was either getting that or putting points into ranger area for more mana reduction reservation nodes to run another aura.

It does open up for triple curses or more if you get the unique boots windscream and doedre's damning. 5 curses is the maximum with double rings. With hex master curses last forever so it's very convenient.

I might do it eventually. Then i would use:

1. Enfeeble
2. Temp chains
3. Vulnerability
4. Warlord's mark
5. With a second doedre ring perhaps critical weakness or punishment. Dark horse curse.

With the flame sentinels or fire dogs flammability + ele weakness would be given. Depends what spectres are used.

Very good vs tough exiles but more suited for premade party play or solo play. The normal pug players will just overwrite the curses with single curses.
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Apr 5, 2014, 6:37:11 PM
Beauty of summoner builds is that its very flexible. You guys can pretty much do almost anything you want and still be viable. Only two things you need to focus on are enough tankiness so my character survives and enough minion tankiness so the minions can actually get in there and do damage without dying.
Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
So this is the EV based build that I am planning to spec into to experiment once I hit 90. Basic idea is that instead of AA+CLOAK, we'll run lightning coil + acrobatics + ondar's guile as our defensive mechanism.

Gear plan:

Alpha's howl

Lightning coil

Atziri's Step

Saffell's Frame/Crest of Perandus for NA


Aura: Grace Hatred Purity of Lightning in alpha's howl, purity of element in other gear

Any critique/suggestions before I spend an ex respec'ing?

defense layers:
1. 220% increased life = ~4500 life
2. 40% attack dodge, 46% spell dodge
3. You have around 40% chance to evade attacks, 80% chance to evade projectile attacks.
4. When attack hits, 40% of that is converted into lightning damage, which is mitigated by your lightning resistence.

On paper this looks like a very tanky character, can't wait to try it out. This guy is not gonna be able to MF much though, oh well.
Last edited by petercai#7135 on Apr 6, 2014, 2:16:44 AM
petercai wrote:

Any critique/suggestions before I spend an ex respec'ing?

On paper this looks like a very tanky character, can't wait to try it out. This guy is not gonna be able to MF much though, oh well.

Hello, just a few points

1) Are you certain you will have enough mana without discipline for casting (and mana regen)?

2) Grace isn't all that great for minions, so just beware.

3) Necro aegis - in a way necro aegiis is a great way to counter the lack of discipline for minions, but in general Necro Aegis is a poor choice for a summoner (imo), since you need the shield much more, especially as an extra layer of defence for EV based build.
Been slowly upgrading my gear in ambush. Still nowhere near where I want to be, but I did manage to pick up some nifty items (and lose out on some, too, haha):

Ignore my gems, really. Build is not yet at peak and I am able to make it through lower tier maps without much else aside from my +2 minion helm (which I still need to upgrade, too :p) and crappy links on other gear. Mainly just leveling gems now. I doubt I will drop the Aurumvorax as my resists barely cap as is (80/89/73... damn lightning!) and I am fine with a slightly slower clear speed without hopping around with brightbeak. Chaos res is at -5 which is nice for when your minions kill a cluster of those poison cloud zombies right next to you and you do not notice it right away. Mana regen is 290.5 with the listed regen gear and a lvl 14 clarity (which I am still not sure if I should level up again).

I do not get to play nearly as often as I would like anymore (due to literally working 7 days a week), but maybe I can spend some time in standard with this char if I run out of ambush time and still have great gear.
Violander wrote:

3) Necro aegis - in a way necro aegiis is a great way to counter the lack of discipline for minions, but in general Necro Aegis is a poor choice for a summoner (imo), since you need the shield much more, especially as an extra layer of defence for EV based build.

I use to agree with not using NA, but after testing NA the survivability drop isn't that much in a life build and if you can make up res else where (which is easy on a summoner) the spell block + MaxRes of saffels pretty much makes all of the spell damage type bosses trivial.
Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
Last edited by mattc3303#7526 on Apr 6, 2014, 11:19:33 AM
I need to make my minions more sturdy. Everytime i run into arch lessard or other high damage exiles i tend to lose a zombie or more.

Also maps with damage modifiers like extra projectiles/chain in addition to the demon mod are really zombie killers. Those ranged machine gun demons do a ton of damage to my zombies.

You guys know what i mean right? Is it worth trying to make them tougher?


1. Raise zombie
2. Minion life
3. Multistrike
4. Melee splash
5. Faster attacks/minion resistance/life on hit/life leech

Anyone got some ideas? Lvl 73 cells map with demons is my new nemesis map.

I am beginning to wonder if it's better to just not snapshot zombies.
Maybe a +2 minion helm and Rz+multi+splash+fa is sufficient?

I run 4 auras.

Hatred + Purity of elements + Vitality + Discipline
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Apr 6, 2014, 11:32:45 AM

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