{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

worth mentioning that a +2 minion helm is essentially worth around 30% "more" damage and 30% "more"health not increase. so that is basically like 2 gems worth of stats although 1 of them is defensive if you want max zombie dpsits still better to 6link in tabula but if you ever use a minion health its probably better to just 4 link in a +2 helm then 6 link your spectre's.

for AA and/or MoM mana regen sustainability around how much bonus mana regen am i going to need and total mana? cause atm i ahve like 800 mana and 60% regen and im getting 22 regen. Just can not afford to spend 5-10 nodes on just mana regen for my build atm.
This build works equally well ES based with CI instead of life?
At least 300 mps regen for mom to be effective
500 to be able to run AA on 50% regen maps
If you'll have less manareg, you'll have to move by warping, and that's bit annoing for me...
Last edited by alfapf#5389 on Mar 21, 2014, 4:14:20 PM
alfapf wrote:
You don't have to use cloak of defiance to summon your spectres. Use tabula to summon 6L ones, and then put the RS gem into the same socket in your cloak of defiance. 1 color must be blue, the rest are up to gems you use.

ah , thanks my friend.
btw , i read that u mentioned u needed at least 300 manaregen to get MoM?
is that the case if im running cloak of defiance?
how do u get that much regen?
IGN: IKryal
When should I be specing into Elemental Equilibrium? I am level 64 now, working on picking up all the aura nodes. I haven't got EB or IR yet. I'm running Hatred and Clarity currently.
"Come along fool, a direct hit to the senses will leave you disconnected."
KimchiGirlx3 wrote:
When should I be specing into Elemental Equilibrium? I am level 64 now, working on picking up all the aura nodes. I haven't got EB or IR yet. I'm running Hatred and Clarity currently.

I'd actually like to know this as well. Since we are mostly using the Evangelists which cast a physical damage aoe, are we really gaining much from picking up EE anymore? I know we give them cold damage from our auras, but does it help that much?

Anyone with information on if we should still be getting EE etc would be nice.
JSquiggle wrote:
KimchiGirlx3 wrote:
When should I be specing into Elemental Equilibrium? I am level 64 now, working on picking up all the aura nodes. I haven't got EB or IR yet. I'm running Hatred and Clarity currently.

I'd actually like to know this as well. Since we are mostly using the Evangelists which cast a physical damage aoe, are we really gaining much from picking up EE anymore? I know we give them cold damage from our auras, but does it help that much?

Anyone with information on if we should still be getting EE etc would be nice.

Well I prefer Flame Sentinals right now, but I was assuming EE would proc off of minions buffed by hatred. Maybe it doesn't work that way, but I still don't know when to get EE.
"Come along fool, a direct hit to the senses will leave you disconnected."
Zombies just die waaaaaay too easy and fast. I was using the exact same snapshot gear linked here in this guide but it doesn't help.

After getting my zombies wiped for the third time in an average roll lvl 73 dark forest map i gave up snap shotting. Even some of my flame sentinels died but they are atleast much more sturdy than zombies and didn't die to the first challenging encounter.

But what am i gonna do with all 9 zombies dead and 2-3 spectres alive. Not like i can finish the map anyway. Back to town to snapshot yet another time..

It kinda sucks that the minions are so squishy. Makes summoners nothing more than a gimmick.

I was using a lvl 19 raise spectre gem and a lvl 18 raise zombie gem with 20 quality if that is of any interest to anyone attempting to help me.

Even with regen totem + healing minions with 4x minion flasks they just died all the time..
Really disappointing i was enjoying playing this build.
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Mar 21, 2014, 8:07:19 PM
I'm using this now

and I really love it!

Any suggestion for a 4L setup? I'm using multistrike+ faster attacks + melee splash at the moment

IGN: Rosalind_
Jack89 wrote:
I'm using this now

and I really love it!

Any suggestion for a 4L setup? I'm using multistrike+ faster attacks + melee splash at the moment

I know right? So much fun, makes mapping a lot easier i feel.
Your set up doesn't work for the mages and the archers though. I put this in a +2 minion helm with increased minion damage, increased duration, remote mine.

Remote mine and minion damage because they work with all the minions, increased duration means you can clear 2-3 packs with one activation, effectively increasing the skill's up time, by the time you clear those packs the skill is usually 2/3 charged already. Right now I have vaal skelly up 50% of the time, it is awesome.

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