{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

nice guide, thanks :)
when my minions kill things it takes my rarity at the time of the kill correct? so if i swap from my aurumovax -20 rarity to my other weapon set that has a +36rarity shield right before a boss or rare mob does then swap back after kill i get the affect correct?
exp4 wrote:
when my minions kill things it takes my rarity at the time of the kill correct? so if i swap from my aurumovax -20 rarity to my other weapon set that has a +36rarity shield right before a boss or rare mob does then swap back after kill i get the affect correct?

For those who use zombies with melee splash:
Didnt you tested:
RZ + rem mine + trap + melee phys + melee slash + conc effect?

Havent any comp at hand to try it.

One last question, i understand the MORE multiplier, but have some of you already determined, without quality at what level witch gem is better. I coul remember matt speaking that at some point the more will be better.

For now i have fairly low level gem and still no melee phys and i made a point no to log in standard until i finished my char (lv 96)
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG

First of all I wanted to thank you for your guide its really fun and fast to play!

I am running your IR/Grace variant WITH cloak of defiance (got 500 mana left) and I feel pretty much unkillable with a lvl 19 AA.

I wanted to ask how important the grasp is to this build in terms of clearspeed and endgame content, since they are pretty expensive and its a huge investment for me. Since I am mainly using this build for MF'ing right now would it be better for me to get 2 andvarius'es and just kill stuff in lower maps quickly (~lvl 70 maps)?

so long and thx again
lk_77lk wrote:
For those who use zombies with melee splash:
Didnt you tested:
RZ + rem mine + trap + melee phys + melee slash + conc effect?

Havent any comp at hand to try it.

One last question, i understand the MORE multiplier, but have some of you already determined, without quality at what level witch gem is better. I coul remember matt speaking that at some point the more will be better.

For now i have fairly low level gem and still no melee phys and i made a point no to log in standard until i finished my char (lv 96)

Trap->Faster Attacks
Conc effect->Multistrike

A ton better on packs. Conc effect really cuts radius.
Some "MORE" gems don't need quality(trap, remote mine, conc effect).
In case of dmg-remote mine+trap setup is the best in case of single target dmg. Attack speed is another thing that you don't have to skip, bc zombies really need it. Their native atk spd is very low, so they won't clean everything without it as fast as with it, even with trap gem instead of it. Well, that's only my opinion, you can always swap it out and you won't see the difference(maybe you will, but a bit).
As for me, i prefer zombies as single target killers(well, I also don't want to repaint my chober every time i want the others):RZ+Mine+Trap+Mstrike+Meleephys+FA in Chober, that gives +1 to some gems. Really good for bosses, and flame sentinels do aoe work. But if i use msplash instead of trap i will lose only about 0.2 sec on boss or so.
AnjovisFilet wrote:

First of all I wanted to thank you for your guide its really fun and fast to play!

I am running your IR/Grace variant WITH cloak of defiance (got 500 mana left) and I feel pretty much unkillable with a lvl 19 AA.

I wanted to ask how important the grasp is to this build in terms of clearspeed and endgame content, since they are pretty expensive and its a huge investment for me. Since I am mainly using this build for MF'ing right now would it be better for me to get 2 andvarius'es and just kill stuff in lower maps quickly (~lvl 70 maps)?

so long and thx again

Don't use Grasp for MFing. You'll be able to summon only 3x4L zombies(IIR and IIQ gems replace the other) and only 2x2L spectres. You will lose a ton of dmg while mfing, so a better choice will be to buy 2xMidnight bargains to snapshot with them, or 6L chober to be able to summon both 4L zombies and spectres.
But I would have bought 2xAndvarius first(because your goal is to MF).

P.S. I haven't tried solo MFing yet after 1.1.0
I've been MFing a lot in the prev patch with BMs, and it was VERY easy. Everything was burning out very fast, sometimes i even had no time to use flask. As for now-I really don't know how will this be with 2 evangelists or 2 flame sentinels...
hey thx for the answer.

I totally forgot to mention that I am AMBUSH so there goes the IIQ...its very hard to stack. I am currently MF'ing quiet well with only ~170 IIR (IIR gems on zombies and spectres) mainly due to the lack of andvariuses. Since I am running 3 spectres I dont use goldwyrm boots right now but thats okay for me...high quantity maps are convenient enough and I like my spectres =).
Furthermore its super fast and relaxing. I cant die in those maps anylonger and my zombies kill everything in seconds.

so long
AnjovisFilet wrote:
hey thx for the answer.

I totally forgot to mention that I am AMBUSH so there goes the IIQ...its very hard to stack. I am currently MF'ing quiet well with only ~170 IIR (IIR gems on zombies and spectres) mainly due to the lack of andvariuses. Since I am running 3 spectres I dont use goldwyrm boots right now but thats okay for me...high quantity maps are convenient enough and I like my spectres =).
Furthermore its super fast and relaxing. I cant die in those maps anylonger and my zombies kill everything in seconds.

so long

Well, yeah. On ambush it becomes a bit easier to mf with them. New goldvyrm boots have crap quantity roll, with that roll I would also have chosen summoner boots for +1 spectre.
If you don't feel need in DPS then boost your minion's survivability using chober to summon them and save currency for 2xAndvarius, but it would be hard to find them on ambush...
Does the original build without cloak have enough mana to get benefit from MoM? It seems with 4-5 auras that there would be very little mana for MoM to use... Anyone using the original build without cloak have any insights?

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