Are complains about portals, exp loss, and similar coming from zoomers (as in "kids")?

More than likely that's who it's coming from.

The only thing I'd change of those is the 1-death limit for maps, I think EXP loss is perfectly fine and should exist for more games.
I got the sauce.
Last edited by Holigawd#2935 on Jan 12, 2025, 12:02:26 AM
kamiknx#1162 wrote:
If you're a boomer that played games, there's a high chance your played some MMO or some other game where you had to grind for real to get to the end game.

I remember playing Priston Tale and being extremely happy when my exp went up 0.5% in an entire day.

Maybe the difference was that the game was better to play with friends? So I didn't mind the grind because I was chatting with people and stuff?

But I've also played another game that was solo, and it was the same, maybe you'll get 1% a day.

There's a very niche game that one of my friends play, he says it's worse than Priston Tale, you'll hit a point that you'll not get 0.5% not even in a week.

Have you had experiences in games like this? And what's your opinion on exp loss and portals?

Definitely not a zoomer here and I’ve got the receding hairline to prove it, lol. I can’t speak for anyone else but I have been an avid gamer for well over 20 years and I have never experienced a game that was this punishing or frustrating to play at the endgame (and I played D4). For what it’s worth I think the only people who are “okay” with the current state of things are diehard PoE fans in whose eyes GGG can do no wrong and who are frankly used to the abuse this game hurls at you so it doesn’t faze them anymore.
i find it ok to lose portals on death. It was too easy to corpserun in poe1.

The issue is not the death penalty, but the way deaths are occurs. Visual clarity and damage tweaking is what causes this issue. And then lack of skill maybe?

Yet running map 2nd time w/o modificators (even tablets don't affect those maps) - is too boring. I would suggest to mark incomplete map as traversable anyway.
Yes they fold & get toxic every time GGG up the difficulty of their title but they want you to believe everyone loving PoE 2 is a low skill normie .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Mid 30s here, and I have disliked exp loss on death in every game I have played with it. Thing is, I don't end up playing those games for long, because I dislike the mechanic that much. When I got to maps and noticed losing exp, I stopped playing the endgame. And I probably won't go back to the endgame as long as exp loss on death is still there. Instead, I rolled a few new characters and started playing through the campaign again.

To those saying that exp loss is needed because it "sends a message that you shouldn't be playing content that hard" I will say this; do you think we don't have a brain? Are we an idiot that need to be hit in order to understand that dying = bad? Please have a little more respect for people, don't just assume that people are stupid and won't understand that from dying alone. I have also seen people say that the extra levels won't do anything for you and don't matter. If that's the case, why care about taking away exp loss? To specifically punish others to make yourself feel better? It's a video game for gods sake, don't make it matter to you so much.

Regardless, I usually dislike exp loss on death due to exp curves being similar to exponential. I don't mind exponential leveling curves, but when there's exp loss on death I just lock the game away into the "why bother" pile, play what I find fun, and drop the game. And a large amount of people are like this. Ignore them if you want, but if those people are the new players then do so with fair warning, as the PoE1 players will go back to their old game, leaving PoE2 a husk.
kamiknx#1162 wrote:
If you're a boomer that played games, there's a high chance your played some MMO or some other game where you had to grind for real to get to the end game.

I remember playing Priston Tale and being extremely happy when my exp went up 0.5% in an entire day.

Maybe the difference was that the game was better to play with friends? So I didn't mind the grind because I was chatting with people and stuff?

But I've also played another game that was solo, and it was the same, maybe you'll get 1% a day.

There's a very niche game that one of my friends play, he says it's worse than Priston Tale, you'll hit a point that you'll not get 0.5% not even in a week.

Have you had experiences in games like this? And what's your opinion on exp loss and portals?

Definitely not a zoomer here and I’ve got the receding hairline to prove it, lol. I can’t speak for anyone else but I have been an avid gamer for well over 20 years and I have never experienced a game that was this punishing or frustrating to play at the endgame (and I played D4). For what it’s worth I think the only people who are “okay” with the current state of things are diehard PoE fans in whose eyes GGG can do no wrong and who are frankly used to the abuse this game hurls at you so it doesn’t faze them anymore.

Didn't play many games then. Back in the day almost every game was what people now call hardcore (actual hardcore, as in start the game over, not xp loss that people are now trying to say is hardcore). Personally I'd find having to completely start over to be much more punishing than losing 10% of your xp and a cheap entry token.
Avaricta#4758 wrote:

Personally, the only thing I do not like in POE 2 is the 1 portal rule. POE 1 had the good idea, and as some random guy on youtube once said: I "paid" for 6 portals, I'm gonna use 6 portals.
My proposed fix would be: let us use 6 portals, and if a boss is involved and you die, just reset its life each time.

The issue with that, and one of the reasons why they introduced the 1 portal mechanic in the first place is, that it highly promotes glass cannon builds. Glass cannon builds seem like the only logical way to play the game if we have 6 portals.

Because there is zero chance of losing when you have 6 portals. In PoE 1 with a glass cannon build you kill everything within two screens and kill bosses within two seconds. There is nothing that can kill you, because there is nothing alive on your screen. If for some odd reason the boss manages to one shot you within the two seconds it is alive, you simply use a portal and continue looting.

In PoE 1 glass cannon builds are faster and have no chance of failure. So they are always the better option.

In PoE 2 they tried to promote more balanced/tankier builds. That's where the idea for 1 portal came from.

Unfortunately, I think PoE2 promotes glass cannon far more than PoE1. I tend to like very tanky builds, but those are much riskier (in my experience) in PoE2 due to the greater challenge of scaling defenses and the increased damage output of mobs.

My solution has been to just kill everything before it can meaningfully attack, so I have just been building more and more damage at the expense of defense.

I feel like GGG needs to greatly increase defense effectiveness if they want to make glass cannon less meta.
Its not a zoomer or boomer thing at all its an unfair thing as I see it.

The fact there are so many god damn bugs and visually you cant tell where you can go on map levels without keeping your eyes on the map is a HUGE problem. Oh trying to run from a mob guess what the big opening between 2 trees you think you can get through NOPE! Oh everything is on 1 layer and you can see it, time to die. Oh you died LOSE EVERYTHING. I have plenty of maps sustain and understand the game its just frustrating. Oh you have never encountered this pinnacle boss well good luck you only get 1 try after you sink 30 hours into mapping. Im sorry unless you are playing the game as a job or doing RMT its an unfair system.

I would be fine if you lost all loot or even have 2 portals. I am level 91 and the handful of times I have died since 80 I feel like it's because it's completely out of my control. Mobs throwing meteors at you off screen while the tiniest mob stuns you GET F**KED TIME TO DIE. White mobs literally doing more damage than a boss is just insane. I don't mind dying when its my fault but 90% of the time its out of my control and it feels bad. I feel like only the developers who made the game like the system because they are aware of every monster type and know what mobs are on each map. It hurts casual and hardcore gamers. It makes trying a new build nearly impossible for a new player. Sure people can avoid all Bad maps but why should they have too. My final straw was when an elite mob teleported to me from off screen, couldn't see him because of the fog around him and killed me at 91 right before the boss on a map where I would have gotten my last 2 atlas points for the Boss atlas.

I know they are addressing some of these issues in the patch but too little too late. I'm not being a beta tester any more. I'm waiting until the full game is released or maybe and its a big MAYBE; play the new acts whenever they come out, and that will be it, honestly probably wont even do that Dying once maybe twice a level to things out of my control has left a sour taste in my mouth

THERE SHOULD NOT BE TWO PENALTIES FOR DYING, like others have said if people want 1 portal they can play play hardcore. At the very least every 1/4 of a level you get give a safety 1 get out of jail free where y
Last edited by BigDubyuh#1994 on Jan 14, 2025, 1:51:28 AM
kamiknx#1162 wrote:
If you're a boomer that played games, there's a high chance your played some MMO or some other game where you had to grind for real to get to the end game.

I remember playing Priston Tale and being extremely happy when my exp went up 0.5% in an entire day.

Maybe the difference was that the game was better to play with friends? So I didn't mind the grind because I was chatting with people and stuff?

But I've also played another game that was solo, and it was the same, maybe you'll get 1% a day.

There's a very niche game that one of my friends play, he says it's worse than Priston Tale, you'll hit a point that you'll not get 0.5% not even in a week.

Have you had experiences in games like this? And what's your opinion on exp loss and portals?

The nostalgia and memories. Thanks for that.

I often use Priston Tale as a reminder of what an old school grind is, the weeks after weeks in a desert or a dungeon with almost no texture. One death set you back a week of gameplay and if you got one good drop a week it was a good week. There was the constant threat of a rare mob spawning and one hit critted you cuz of low latency or loss of focus.

The big difference in that and what we play now is that the one shot in Priston Tale was suppose to be there, the one shotting in Poe2 is something that will be fixed after tuning.

I was molded the dark sea of xp loss on death as a gamer with early 2000 mmorpgs and think its a element that's suppose to be in games, mostly because it forces you to keep focus on the game and calculate the risks you take.

I don't really have a opinion on the whole one portal thing, the fact is that there is only one death allowed on a map and if that's the rules then I make my playstyle fit the rule. I don't mind adding more portals but I still think death should come with the price of xp loss.

The change to portals on pinnacle bosses I think is good, I love to learn the fight by playing and not have to watch a video and feel force to have to one shot clear the bosses.

I'm not much of a forum poster but when a post starts of with Priston Tale I have to show some support :)

I'm part of the lucky players that don't suffer from any problems with the game, no crash, no fps drop, no scams etc... I'm just a happy gamer that really enjoys this game and looking forward to the changes coming.

I play by the one ancient rule of RPG - "Don't stand in shit"
nitefox1337#3569 wrote:
It's obsolete and stupid.

The problem is that it doesn't bring anything to the game nor the gameplay.

It doesn't even bring any extra challenge.

It just changes the way you play the game:

- You play less since you don't want to risk your Char XP because you're tired, so you just do something else.

- Every new map is no more a challenge but a gamble. Will your char be one shot or not?

- You don't play to relax and escape anymore, but like is some kind of job.

I'm actually going to argue the opposite of the OP: that zoomers like this artificial strife, partly due to their youth. A lot of "boomers" are old enough to be done with it, that is, if they actually still work for a living.

I used to like Dark Souls, but I sort of aged out of it by the time Elden Ring came around because I had nothing left to prove. I know I am patient and skilled enough to dominate the game, so it's really just a test of patience and grinding. Unfortunately, I've had plenty of grinding in real life in the last 10 years, so the last thing I want to do is get off work to engage with tedium that doesn't respect my time (that is code for it doesn't reward/pay me enough for the time spent).

I realized this when my boss made the call to build irrigation under a gravel road in the winter, and I started playing Mudrunner. I had to stop because I was doing real life mudrunner and then going home to play more mudrunner. Adults don't do that, kids do. It's like if you worked at a pizza joint for ten years and still only eat pizza from there. Only a true sicko would do that.

I am what you'd ignorantly call a boomer, and I am the absolute target audience for a casual mode. I don't want to search the nonsensical passive tree, and I don't want to have to pay gold to respec it. I don't want to farm for support gems. I'd rather a skill point system as I level. Levels of skill gems? Hard pass. Menus within menus? I'm good. Inventory management? I've actually done real life inventory management in a warehouse full of idiots; NOTE: it sucks. I want a great campaign experience with engaging, SLOW combat, and cool bosses. I'd also like to be able to build a tele-sorc like the old days, but everyone insists on putting in teleport cooldowns. I don't want to have to chase uniques to get the gameplay I want. Not even interested in the endgame other than making oddball builds for fun, but at this point, I think it's pretty clear I won't get there any time soon.

After this patch, they have one more left to convince me they are interested in a relative casual like me. Since I refunded the game, I don't have any reason to buy again unless they do.
Last edited by Gigs#6884 on Jan 14, 2025, 2:53:18 AM

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