Are complains about portals, exp loss, and similar coming from zoomers (as in "kids")?

If you're a boomer that played games, there's a high chance your played some MMO or some other game where you had to grind for real to get to the end game.

I remember playing Priston Tale and being extremely happy when my exp went up 0.5% in an entire day.

Maybe the difference was that the game was better to play with friends? So I didn't mind the grind because I was chatting with people and stuff?

But I've also played another game that was solo, and it was the same, maybe you'll get 1% a day.

There's a very niche game that one of my friends play, he says it's worse than Priston Tale, you'll hit a point that you'll not get 0.5% not even in a week.

Have you had experiences in games like this? And what's your opinion on exp loss and portals?
Last bumped on Jan 14, 2025, 2:47:40 AM
Can you answer the questions at the bottom?
nitefox1337#3569 wrote:
It's obsolete and stupid.

The problem is that it doesn't bring anything to the game nor the gameplay.

It doesn't even bring any extra challenge.

It just changes the way you play the game:

- You play less since you don't want to risk your Char XP because you're tired, so you just do something else.

- Every new map is no more a challenge but a gamble. Will your char be one shot or not?

- You don't play to relax and escape anymore, but like is some kind of job.

And the worse part is that even if you manage to not lose XP and finish the Maps, there are no rewards. Just a few augmentation orbs, and that's it.

This game is obviously for Hardcore PoE1 players.

The End Game is worse than Bad. It is Rude. No respect at all for the Players.

Casuals will immediately leave the game once they are bored of the gameplay.

That's merely your opinion. This isn't the game for handing everything to you easily.
kamiknx#1162 wrote:
If you're a boomer that played games, there's a high chance your played some MMO or some other game where you had to grind for real to get to the end game.

I remember playing Priston Tale and being extremely happy when my exp went up 0.5% in an entire day.

Maybe the difference was that the game was better to play with friends? So I didn't mind the grind because I was chatting with people and stuff?

But I've also played another game that was solo, and it was the same, maybe you'll get 1% a day.

There's a very niche game that one of my friends play, he says it's worse than Priston Tale, you'll hit a point that you'll not get 0.5% not even in a week.

Have you had experiences in games like this? And what's your opinion on exp loss and portals?

Not a zoomer. I hated xp penalty when I was 13, I hate it now. Plenty of reasons already listed here why. I remember every time a new MMO would come out the question amongst my friend group was always "Is there xp loss? And if so, how bad is it?" It's just something we've always hated. A lot of times there's too many things outside your control that can cause you to lose hours of progress, and so I don't like it. (Losing xp in DAoC because a mob decided to respawn on top of you felt awful, as an example)

I love games with challenge, but I have not, and will not, ever consider something like XP loss on death to be a challenge unless its recoverable or the enemies aren't one shotting me.
unless its recoverable or the enemies aren't one shotting me.

I think this is a fair point and I think GGG should really change PoE 2 endgame to feel like PoE 2, not PoE 1.

Cast on Death shouldn't be in PoE 2.
i love the xp loss in poe 2 , it trained my reaction speed .

to alt+f4 after i die and play something else .

i was addicted badly for the first 3 weeks , not doing things that need doing around the house , not sleeping enough . now my life is on track.

Thank you devs , keep it up.
nitefox1337#3569 wrote:
It's obsolete and stupid.

The problem is that it doesn't bring anything to the game nor the gameplay.

It doesn't even bring any extra challenge.

It just changes the way you play the game:

- You play less since you don't want to risk your Char XP because you're tired, so you just do something else.

- Every new map is no more a challenge but a gamble. Will your char be one shot or not?

- You don't play to relax and escape anymore, but like is some kind of job.

And the worse part is that even if you manage to not lose XP and finish the Maps, there are no rewards. Just a few augmentation orbs, and that's it.

This game is obviously for Hardcore PoE1 players.

The End Game is worse than Bad. It is Rude. No respect at all for the Players.

Casuals will immediately leave the game once they are bored of the gameplay.

its not like that for me lol. you could say "some people" maybe. now i agree that the way you die is sometimes stupid (e.g. 2s delayed bombs). but you can just buy 70ex omen and you have to care a bit more about character limits, so i think its actually helping the game. i have other complaints about the endgame, for example it takes way to long to get to fight a boss and you cant find anything on the atlas but its mainly just numbers tweaking and qol.
Last edited by Roquefort720xTreme#7938 on Jan 11, 2025, 9:06:22 AM
No. I'm not a zoomer and I can't say I enjoy the XP loss at all. I'm familiar with the mechanic from Diablo 2, and I didn't like it back then either. However, I dislike the "1 try per hours of grind" boss approach even more. If it was a choice between keeping one or the other in the game, I would prefer more tries at bosses/maps with the XP loss penalty rather than what we have now but without the penalty.
I don´t per se hate XP los.
But the way it is here is jsut very frustrating.

For example.
In D2 i had all chars at lev 100 as a casual player.

Here im am not making it past 89 caus of the random one shots, od stupid ass after death explosions of some sort, that some times come with a delay of a few seconds like WTF?

In d2 there was a exp loss penalty for dying.
The differance was there WAS NO ONE SHOT MECANIC in D2.
If you messed up you could back off an heal, then try again, if you was to weak you died.

Here you can have 2500 life, 1700 ES, 87% evasion and be at rescap, but still get randomly one shot by some shit. No chance to learn, no chance to back off and try again.

On top of that you lose the map/boss/breach/ritual ect. lose the loot and on top of that 15% exp.

Who ever thought that would be a fun way to make a game is a fkn dickhead.

Give ppl a chance to learn, let them at least TRY, repeating stuff OVER and OVER again is not FUN!
btw. i do agree that losing time, xp, the map and the node is a bit much. but it doesnt really make me want to play less. what makes me want to play less is finding 0 citadels and needing so much prep to get to a boss (besides breach and expedition). like i dont think i have seen an audience in 50 rituals.

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