Why POE2 is dying

No one charged you???? You were not forced to play EA??? But you did so well posting a negative Thread without any substance. Just sheer whining and stupid methapor...dying. Jesus dude.
Nyon#6673 wrote:
eldheim#2436 wrote:
Yes. It is dying. Can it come back? Sure!

Does that mean GGG shouldn't deeply care why hundreds of thousands of players that paid for access are quitting?
Of course not.


I already know a few elite GGG bootlickers will spam this comment section telling me I don't understand charts or numbers, that its "normal", or "everything is fine", or "play something else -stop whining".
Let them. It's all they do, all the time, and we can't stop it.

Firstly I'd like to say there are lots of positives about POE2, and it could have a decent foundation for a great game in the future. I'm not here to talk about those, however.

1. Ascendancies are bottlenecked behind bad mechanics and RNG
2. Crafting is meaningless and random
3. Magic find ruined the economy completely, you are now either rich or poor
4. Maps and areas are way too big
5. Melee is dead, it feels clonky, bad, slow, and punishing
6. T1-T10 maps feels pointless and has little or no rewards
7. Endgame is a one-shot fest unless you run a meta 15k energy shield build
8. Armor is effectively pointless when it comes to mitigate dying
9. Building life builds are punished heavily, ES builds rewarded heavily
10. Build diversity bricked due to all the problems above
11. Campaign too long to incentivize multiple runs/leagues for most people
12. Death penalties makes no sense in normal game mode
13. Bosses too scarce in endgame

My conclusion? The game was dropped at least 6 months prematurely. A closed beta until mid 2025 should have been done. But that ship sailed.

Fast fixes:
Release ascendancy points throughout the campaign for now. Incentivize most players possible to engage with and try the content for EA purposes, and work towards a FAIR and non-RNG based trial with the full release.

Make exalted orbs the most common currency. It will still make crafting pure chance, but until the whole system is reworked, at least people will have a chance of trying to craft items. It is dead as of now.

Armor scaling have to flatly mitigate damage -but cap the total max mitigation. At least until you can fine-tune the balance. As of now armor builds are dead.

Increase animation time and attack speed of most warrior skills by a lot. At least until armor and life builds are fixed to become ACTUALLY tanky.

The passive tree have about 50 energy shield nodes and 3 life nodes. Considering life builds are the common melee characters, this is literally opposite of what would seem normal. I'm not even sure there is an easy fix here.

Remove XP penalty on death. This is a no brainer. Getting to 100 is hard enough as is. At least until all content is balanced. Stop the 1 death map bricking too. It makes no sense for a normal game mode.

Make teleportation map markers in maps too, until you can scale them better.
All maps should have a boss -bosses are among the best features of POE2, don't remove them from players.

Remove all magic find on gear, and boost MF with 50% as base.

Reward players for doing T1-T10 maps much better. Increase drop rates, increase waystones. Make it much easier to get 4 and 5 linked skills, at least in EA where you would think GGG want to playtest as much as possible.

You could do all this fairly easily and the overall experience for 90% of the player base would be better.
YES, I know there are some elite get good gamers that don't wont anyone but them to enjoy the game, but give them ruthless mode, and we can stop having to argue with them all the time.

What I would do?
Announce a rollback and restart servers 1. February. Until then, remove death penalties, give out ascendancy points in campaign, and increase drops by at least 100%.Let players go bananas for a month, really trying out builds and the full extent of the game.
GGG buys themselves a full month to dig deeper into fixing more problems, while making the game accessible until then.

First off the game isnt dying.
Please provide evidence to the contrary.

Other then that I actually agree with most of your points, these are areas they need to work on.

I dont play melee so cant comment on that, but I disagree with endgame being a oneshot fest, thats not my experience. I also disagree with the loss of map and exp on death, i think that should stay.

The rest I agree with, endgame bosses are too scarce, armor/life is so much worde then es, crafting is almost non existant.

But most people understand that the game is in early access and these points im sure will be fixed.

200.0000 players left after 2,5 weeks after paying 30 bucks for it.
For a game that promised a total of 250 hours plus game time in it. This was GGG's own estimate.

When someone has cancer, having to chop off one leg and getting notification it's spreading isn't enough for you? You need to lower the casket to get confirmation?
The drop off is gargantuan, not counting xmas even.
Basic statistical knowledge and anyone with half a brain will see this game will have less than 100k by mid january.
400k costumers gone in a month.

Sure "thats normal".
PoE2 has almost the double of PoE1 rejection
10,5% rejection in PoE1 to 18,3% rejection in PoE2
eldheim#2436 wrote:
Yes. It is dying. Can it come back? Sure!

Does that mean GGG shouldn't deeply care why hundreds of thousands of players that paid for access are quitting?
Of course not.


I already know a few elite GGG bootlickers will spam this comment section telling me I don't understand charts or numbers, that its "normal", or "everything is fine", or "play something else -stop whining".
Let them. It's all they do, all the time, and we can't stop it.

Firstly I'd like to say there are lots of positives about POE2, and it could have a decent foundation for a great game in the future. I'm not here to talk about those, however.

1. Ascendancies are bottlenecked behind bad mechanics and RNG
2. Crafting is meaningless and random
3. Magic find ruined the economy completely, you are now either rich or poor
4. Maps and areas are way too big
5. Melee is dead, it feels clonky, bad, slow, and punishing
6. T1-T10 maps feels pointless and has little or no rewards
7. Endgame is a one-shot fest unless you run a meta 15k energy shield build
8. Armor is effectively pointless when it comes to mitigate dying
9. Building life builds are punished heavily, ES builds rewarded heavily
10. Build diversity bricked due to all the problems above
11. Campaign too long to incentivize multiple runs/leagues for most people
12. Death penalties makes no sense in normal game mode
13. Bosses too scarce in endgame

My conclusion? The game was dropped at least 6 months prematurely. A closed beta until mid 2025 should have been done. But that ship sailed.

Fast fixes:
Release ascendancy points throughout the campaign for now. Incentivize most players possible to engage with and try the content for EA purposes, and work towards a FAIR and non-RNG based trial with the full release.

Make exalted orbs the most common currency. It will still make crafting pure chance, but until the whole system is reworked, at least people will have a chance of trying to craft items. It is dead as of now.

Armor scaling have to flatly mitigate damage -but cap the total max mitigation. At least until you can fine-tune the balance. As of now armor builds are dead.

Increase animation time and attack speed of most warrior skills by a lot. At least until armor and life builds are fixed to become ACTUALLY tanky.

The passive tree have about 50 energy shield nodes and 3 life nodes. Considering life builds are the common melee characters, this is literally opposite of what would seem normal. I'm not even sure there is an easy fix here.

Remove XP penalty on death. This is a no brainer. Getting to 100 is hard enough as is. At least until all content is balanced. Stop the 1 death map bricking too. It makes no sense for a normal game mode.

Make teleportation map markers in maps too, until you can scale them better.
All maps should have a boss -bosses are among the best features of POE2, don't remove them from players.

Remove all magic find on gear, and boost MF with 50% as base.

Reward players for doing T1-T10 maps much better. Increase drop rates, increase waystones. Make it much easier to get 4 and 5 linked skills, at least in EA where you would think GGG want to playtest as much as possible.

You could do all this fairly easily and the overall experience for 90% of the player base would be better.
YES, I know there are some elite get good gamers that don't wont anyone but them to enjoy the game, but give them ruthless mode, and we can stop having to argue with them all the time.

What I would do?
Announce a rollback and restart servers 1. February. Until then, remove death penalties, give out ascendancy points in campaign, and increase drops by at least 100%.Let players go bananas for a month, really trying out builds and the full extent of the game.
GGG buys themselves a full month to dig deeper into fixing more problems, while making the game accessible until then.

You're a baby. All you want is to remove ANY penalty for mistakes and give YOU everything without any effort. I agree with many of the problems you stated but at this point everyone knows this and has proposed actual solutions not just GIVE ME ALL THE POINTS AND ALL CURRENCY AND MAKE GAME EASY. This is childish.

Also only in the warrior part of the passive skill tree there are around 40 health based nodes. Do you even play the game?

Just admit to yourself you want to play a midless auto clicker and move on dude.
eldheim#2436 wrote:
CroDanZ#1818 wrote:
Me and many other people already told you that the game is currently in Beta.....Google what "BETA" in games means.

If you want a perfect polished game wait 5-6 months till 1.0 release but stop flooding the forums with your "mimimi, game is dying becasue it's not 100% how I want it to be" threads. ;)

You do NOTHING but argue and give bad information on this forum.

BETA is not early access.
They charged 30 dollars for this game.

Do you have any arguments related to the issues of the game, or are you just ragebaiting as usual?

Its an unfinished pre-release. They charged for EA/Beta keys (regardless of what term they call it) the spirit/intent of the person you replied to is honest and accurate, and your reply is just bad faith word lawyering.

GGG did this exact same thing (charging for beta keys) for POE1 about 12 years ago. Charging for access then didn't make it a finished game or a buy to play game either.

Know your POE history if you want to make honest arguments I guess.

Lets say you're in a car hobbyist forum and you post the opinion that a prototype Ferrari race car that they're charging for tickets to check out; is really an American made Buick fresh off the assembly line and the ticket price is really an MSRP on the window. Don't be too surprised when no one gives you any car guy cred is all I'm sayin'.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Never realized there were so many statistical wizards here.

So, based on you guys' assessment of the numbers, which are clearly from infallible sources, we can assume that in roughly 10 days, PoE2 will have close enough to zero players that GGG will have to abandon it altogether.

That's fucking amazing but I guess numbers don't lie.
POE 2 isnt even released yet. Ridiculous speculation.
These challenges are a normal part of the development process, and expecting perfection at this stage reflects an unrealistic understanding of what early access represents.
Last edited by Puppami#7253 on Dec 26, 2024, 9:02:34 AM
You're making some decent points but people are gonna tear this apart because many of the points you made are flat out wrong.

The game isn't dying. Over 300k people playing on Christmas Day on Steam alone. #3 played game on Steam yesterday when I checked.

Defenses are indeed an issue. A ton of ground fuckery, on death and 1 shot mechanics. I started a monk and felt I needed to go range so I switched to Deadeye with around 2400 hp and 1k ES. Build feels good but I don't think melee is in a great state even though you have players like Carn who is lvl 98 and #2 on the HCSSF ladder playing melee.

The end game is a slog. Bosses should be in every map or they should add a precursor boss emblem that adds more bosses to your surrounding precursor tour when inserted. I have over 100 hours of mapping and have no citadel. I don't like the fact that I have to travel 4 nodes that I don't wanna do just to get to a new area that I do wanna farm. The end game is barebones and was thrown together quickly. I can almost say for certain the end game will be incredibly different by launch. We don't have the 2nd half of the campaign yet so none of the bosses or areas are being used in endgame yet.

Death penalty is fine. What's not fine and what I think will be the #1 reason people don't play this game past the campaign is the 1 portal system in soft core. I don't know how this is healthy for the game? My fear is that they stick to their guns forn1nportal so hard that they end up striping down they difficulty and trivializing the game. I want uber difficulty and I wanna feel punished for going in unprepared but I dont want to have to watch a video before I fight a boss because of the 1 and done. I want to learn the mechanics in my own and I don't want to spoil an epic boss fight by watching a guide first because this said boss took me 100+ hours to farm the fragments for and don't wanna delete the frags because of a 1 shotnmechanic I wasn't ready for.

Not having crafting sucks. Gives you something to do or gives you a goal to work towards other than mapping. I realize it's not for everyone but poe1 had some of the best crafting in any video game. It was getting bloated but I'm confident crafting will be a big part of poe2's future.

THIS IS EARLY ACCESS! THE GAME IS NOT FULLY RELEASED! You saying you can't believe they shipped this product and needed another 6 months? That's exactly what they are doing.

GGG is an amazing dev team. They'll find the solutions while keeping the integrity of the core gameplay they want for their game. Because that's what we want. We want passionate devs making games they wanna make and not bending over to the masses. This game is already so good and I am highly confident it will be masterful in 1 year from now.

eldheim#2436 wrote:

200.0000 players left after 2,5 weeks after paying 30 bucks for it.
For a game that promised a total of 250 hours plus game time in it. This was GGG's own estimate.

When someone has cancer, having to chop off one leg and getting notification it's spreading isn't enough for you? You need to lower the casket to get confirmation?
The drop off is gargantuan, not counting xmas even.
Basic statistical knowledge and anyone with half a brain will see this game will have less than 100k by mid january.
400k costumers gone in a month.

Sure "thats normal".

Its an early access game and its the 4th most played on steam, yes what a massive failure.

Unfortunetly your just oblivious to how early access releases work. I would explain it if i didnt know it was a waste of time.
Last edited by Nyon#6673 on Dec 26, 2024, 8:54:19 AM

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