Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

When's the next PoE 1 league (which I assume will be the last or one of the last ones ever, as they abandon what worked)?

In tech we call it technological erection -- you see something you like and you never let go of it, regardless of how ill-fitted it is for the project in front of you.
Last edited by dnut_00#1237 on Dec 8, 2024, 8:15:44 PM
Weaver#3527 wrote:
fkNb0ss#6868 wrote:
I'm totally fine with going in a different direction for POE2, but this level of difficulty is going to appeal to a much smaller audience, which is a weird business decision.

I have to imagine that GGG is looking at their metrics showing how well the whole population of players is progressing through the acts. I'm guessing you'll see player retention fall off too quickly, and too soon. The DAU numbers are still good right now, because the game is new and still bringing in new downloads.

POE1 = long term cash cow
POE2 in current state = short term cash cow

I think the numbers will be good for a bit - but I don't think many people are going to stick around long term. I want to beat the campaign at least just to see it all, but there's no way I'm taking several alts through this slogfest.

Well you can always stick to poe 1. So far there are hundreds of thousands of players who are enjoying the game and very excited to see how it expands. The devs made it clear and they are keeping poe 1 for people who enjoy the zoom zoom and poe
dnut_00#1237 wrote:
When's the next PoE 1 league (which I assume will be the last or one of the last ones ever, as they abandon what worked)?

In tech we call it technological erection -- you see something you like and you never let go of it, regardless of how ill-fitted it is for the project in front of you.

The next league is in Feb and 3 months every 3 months after that. GGG made poe 2 for a different target audience and in that target audience (im one of them) the game is a massive success. Its really only a small vocal minority who are crying that its not the poe they love even though the devs made it clear that it wouldn't be poe 1
as long as they keep updating PoE1 idrc yall can keep enjoying 2 xD
Add Scion To PoE2
And at the end there's an arena with a boss where you run in circles for 5 minutes.

Ha ha ha, you just gave away the secret to every boss fight so far.
dnut_00#1237 wrote:
When's the next PoE 1 league (which I assume will be the last or one of the last ones ever, as they abandon what worked)?

In tech we call it technological erection -- you see something you like and you never let go of it, regardless of how ill-fitted it is for the project in front of you.

The next league is in Feb and 3 months every 3 months after that. GGG made poe 2 for a different target audience and in that target audience (im one of them) the game is a massive success. Its really only a small vocal minority who are crying that its not the poe they love even though the devs made it clear that it wouldn't be poe 1

Here's the thing, Buttercup, I'm not happy with PoE2 and I paid for the early access BECAUSE it's NOT PoE1. I'm not Blasty enough to be a PoE1 player, I was hoping PoE2 would start in a good state.

It might get into one, but it's not right now.
Tbh i'm bored and back and forth annoyed at this game.
is it just me ?
is it the pacing ? i cant really put my finger on it but something feels off when i play.

i have np dying on bosses or grinding when my def/dps laggs behind but i dont get that rush when i go back with new shiny gear that i grinded up to be able to kill a boss that usually comes in other arpgs/rpg etc

Also both ascension trials are pure cancer i hated both mech´s in PoE1 :(

What it boils down to is that i'm simply not having fun in PoE2 and thats sad.

For sure not just you. Describes my feelings pretty well right now. Was so excited for launch and now just kinda meh, play here and there until it gets me too annoyed to bother. Not great... haha

Goes back and forth from new and fun to way too off balanced and just a chore to play. Like this other person said, Path of Hallways. That combined with no phasing and being manhandled by everything lmao. Yeah... the bosses..... Not fun, not for me at least and looks like a few others.

nyderic#3817 wrote:
They should rename the game to Path of Hallway.
Every single zone is basically a hallway anyway.

Woods hallway.
Desert hallway.
Tomb hallway.
Cave hallway.

Every few meters there's 10 mobs bodyblocking the way through.

And at the end there's an arena with a boss where you run in circles for 5 minutes.

So incredibly dull.

It's like you guys were just watching me play :/
I've played two evenings so far, I'm in the middle of Act 2 and so far I absolutely adore the boss designs. They are all so wonderfully telegraphed, predictable and fair, best parts of a souls-like. I've died a couple of times to bosses and those times have always felt that it was my own fault. Every time I beat a boss I feel that it is possible to beat each one of them without being hit once (disregard some bosses with bs phases that make you go through some damage gauntlet). Bosses are a bit spongy and have too much hp at times, but otherwise I think the balance in that aspect is quite on point.

What I dislike is the slow movement speed (still no drop of boots with movement speed), lack of clear visuals for dangerous attacks of trash mobs and no strong sense of power increase when upgrading skills/gear. It is a bit annoying to backpedal from each mob pack and sometimes getting oneshot from some stuff that spawns under my feet and blends with the background. These parts could still use some tweaking.

I hope they increase drop rates of crafting mats and rare/legendaries a bit so you could be more self reliable. Having to rely on trading to push stuff is fine, but it shouldn't be necessary to get a working build. Although I haven't played POE1 in years and then I mostly played hardcore leagues. The worst part for me was the necessity to use 3rd party trade sites and loot filters to get a decent build together, which meant you were dependant on getting a lucky orb to actually buy useful stuff.

So far it is looking like it'll turn into a great game. I got a T-Shirt for POE1 and I'm waiting on my T-Shirt for POE2. :)
+1 op.

Bosses are over-tuned. Gearing is terrible right now.

Old farts like myself are not quick enough for dodge or die mechanics.
+1 op
I'm currently stuck on the wolf boss, and honestly, if PoE 2 launches in its current state, I won't be playing it. The gameplay just isn't enjoyable. Even if I manage to defeat a boss, it feels hollow—I've wiped on almost every boss at least once, and none of the victories have felt rewarding. It honestly feels like the internal team has been using hero editors for testing, which makes the entire game feel unbalanced and frustrating.

I killed the wolf boss in one try and it was cool as fuck. Would you prefer that it was more like fighting Dominus where you just afk in front of him with a bit of lightning res while holding right mouse button until he disappears?

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