Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

I just want to give feedback here. It shouldn't be whining or a demand to change the game.

At first glance the game turned out really great. The graphics are beautiful, discovering and trying out the skills is exciting. Discovering the campaign is (would be) interesting.

Fighting against rare enemies is really fun because they have some cool skills that noticeably affect you or cause damage. However, the fight remains fair. There are no attacks that come out of nowhere unexpectedly and give you a one-shoot. It's a shame there aren't more rare enemies.

The boss fights, on the other hand, are far too difficult. The first boss is absolutely fine as there is a small tutorial during the fight and his attacks are not one-shoots. However, if you come to The King in the Mists, for example, then you have to know certain things that I couldn't understand anywhere. E.g. When the red skill for your cage works on you, you have to stay standing to avoid being caught. Furthermore, the boss, like other bosses, has one-shoot mechanics that seem unfair. We're currently in Act 1 of the campaign here and it feels like the late endgame of POE 1.

Some players think this is cool. To each his own. I wanted to explore a new world, find new items and make an initially weak character grow stronger. If my character's strongest point is rolling, then unfortunately it feels weak and tactically primitive in my eyes.

My POE 1 buddy and I put the game aside for the time being last night. Unfortunately, we didn't even get into Act 2 with the skills we wanted.

Everyone else have fun!
Having rerolled from a minion Witch to a more caster build, I managed to completely stomp all over Act1 boss who I just couldn't do with the previous build since there were no corpses for minions. While it sucks I had to start over in order to do it, it was infinitely easier - and I did it at a lower level than the minion build.

This is telling me honestly, that certain builds are in a TERRIBLE spot. And that makes it artificially difficult. I haven't tried a melee yet, but I'm going to at some point, but everybody has said that it's terrible for the first several levels and will likely be something too difficult to do for me with restrictions.

So far, I think the difficulty I'm finding, is that some builds just don't work right now, and you can't reset that with skill gems and a respec. You might be able to afford the respec but you sure can't get the gems to go with it unless you plan on making another character just to be a burner for skill gems.

There's things I'm hoping get improved, particularly minion builds, because the difficulty for some builds and classes is incredibly stupid compared to others.
Summoner witch, the Count feels impossibly hard for an ARPG.

Your minions are constantly dead, and even throwing all dots at it does 2% of it's life. The fog phase for me it's a constant death roll - it's just "spam flasks and hope to be able to add something in the middle".

Probably with a different build it's a different experience, maybe I'm too early there? Is lvl 17 too low for the first boss? I imagine I could have leveled to 5 my main skills, but I wanted to try a bit of everything - does that make it impossible?

I was completely unable to do him as a minion witch, absolutely completely not possible for me. I had to start over, picked up frost orb, flame wall, ed, contagion, bone cage, skeleton sniper and bonestorm. Using a chaos wand and lv 5 skeleton warrior mace for extra minions to have basically as passive damage. Also used ... I think it was the grim feast aura so each time a minion died I was able to refresh my energy shield. I did him ridiculously easily as a caster witch. It feels like some builds aren't in a good spot and I think if they get fixed it'll be so much better
I'd be for carefully applying a slight turn-down on the difficulty at the start, given that melee is a bit of a problem and summoner pets are just wet paper right now.
+1 I'm at act 1 final, and the boss fight is worst part, especially when fog stage is comes, I am getting stuck between mob, can't move can't dodge and I just die, because I'm only lvl 16 don't have enough damage to kill mobs fast enough I am literally stuck at this fight.
I feel like Act 1 itself is too much for starting a new character. It took a lot of effort just to get into Act 2 and now I'm starting to get a groove and flesh out a build. Like things are working out. But getting there was not fun.

Act 1 feels like you're supposed to already have a build going.

Its not "hard" but its extremely tedious and unnecessarily time consuming. Especially not having any crafting materials to make gear and no gold to buy any.
Completely and utterly disagree, combat is so much more fun than PoE 1 and if you prefer that experience than you dont need PoE 2, first one will still get regular content.
Or you could just reroll a minion and chaos damage dot Witch and absolutely melt bosses. Did beat the Act 1 end boss first try with this 2nd character which I didn't even focus on gearing that much, the abilities, especially chaos damage dots were just that strong.

Compared to the 1st character (lightning sorcerer) which was SO BAD and barely tickled the boss. With chaos damage dots I was simply able to keep dots up and focus on dodge rolling everything.

Not sure if it's a cheese or if the game design is just bad or balance is out of whack with some abilities but at least I got through the filter that is act 1 end boss.
I'm playing Mercenary and I'm struggling to find motivation to go on. Because:
- way to few loot and the few drops I have a trash. I basically had to buy my equip from vendors by looting the trash and selling it
- getting shoved around. Enemies rush at me push me in the direction they are running then surround me and my only option is to either running in circles or getting surrounded and throw the bombs and hope they explode and kill enough enemies before I get killed because once surrounded I can not get out of that circle.
- Bosses. God I hate the bosses. While its cool that they have more mechanics everything boils down to an endurance race. Slowdodge everything for the occasional hit inbetween just to make sure to not get hit by one of the several oneshot moves.

I was expecting PoE and not Dark Souls in PoE skin. I guess I go back to PoE1 and wait if something changes

Last edited by fredinator#0665 on Dec 8, 2024, 8:48:19 AM
Of course some people with better working skills are feeling the game is easy and others with worser damage skills struggle.

Thats balancing and not my worries.

But I cannot understand the resetting after death. Why killing build diversity? Why I cannot level with my favorite skill and pay the weakness of skill or my player skill with some deaths?

Poe had so much options. I don't want a game like stupid d3 (in this season you can play ww barb, or chain lightning sorc with item x, y, and z)

Even the people who like this today .... after some new characters and x times the campagne everybody will do the campagne with the best skills for leveling to shorten the campagne time to stay away from deaths/reset system.
Thats so a bad decision ....

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