Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

Elden ring bosses are fun, I am banging my head against geowhatever and IT IS NOT FUN! GGG why did you forget that the most important thing, beyond all else, is that its fun?

I quit!

What is fun?
it is very subjective.
I am instead, find it fun to go farm better gear or tune the build, if i can't do the boss rather than go fight on forums :D
PoE nowadays looks more and more like a fork server with tons of custom weird experimental stuff rather than original game with carefully thought out balance brough live to players.
th3orist#5387 wrote:
yesname#5945 wrote:
So i think PoE2 is the most modern thinking and advanced ARPG on the market right now.

I'm going to need some more on this my man. Can you show me anything in POE2 right now that is new, innovative or not being done some where else, better.

I think its one thing to say its got some issues, or its doing some ok stuff, but to try and believe its doing anything remotely new or best-in-genre right now is a big stretch.

I can not come up with a specific area where it does something that has never been done before but this is also not what i mean when i said what you quoted. I mean more like the overall flow and feeling of the game with its current systems. The way the mechanics are structured around your character combined with the slower pace. If you want to point out an area where it does something new, this one could be it: Its the slowest ARPG (No rest for the wicked is not a classic arpg in the strict sense of the word (meaning diablo/poe-like) so i exclude that). The vibe PoE2 gives combining the classic elements of arpgs with elements more akin to souls-like and with a complexity akin to PoE1 is as a sum what makes me say what you quoted from me.
th3orist#5387 wrote:
yesname#5945 wrote:
So i think PoE2 is the most modern thinking and advanced ARPG on the market right now.

I'm going to need some more on this my man. Can you show me anything in POE2 right now that is new, innovative or not being done some where else, better.

I think its one thing to say its got some issues, or its doing some ok stuff, but to try and believe its doing anything remotely new or best-in-genre right now is a big stretch.

Your quote is wrong, I think, because I did not write that. :)
Have to agree here, it's just not fun. I don't want to log in again to try another dodge dodge dodge fight with wolfie. Or dodge dodge dodge backwards for an hour to even get there from the waypoint.
The game is actually super fun. Best ARPG of all times!
I like the game. Not sure if I love it yet. It's definitely a bit too hard. Personally I can barely kill the bosses and have steady progression so it's ok for me, but for instance my wife had like 10+ tries to kill the first boss before she even got to the starter town. She was in endgame maps in PoE1.

I think this will be the case for most casual players and it will scare them away. It's easy to say "just learn and get better", but if it's so difficult even in the very start that it feels completely hopeless, people won't think "this is fun, but challenging", they will leave the game instead.
Path of Excel warrior
i was kinda "ok" with the difficulty until i faced the ascendancy trial...

gonna avoid spoilers , but let me tell u that it has it own "health" bar that u cant use flask to regain, so u cant just "over gear it"...

and if u fail? repeat the whole trial again....and how ppl learn bosses? practice....having to do 30 min trials to fight boss 1 min trying to learn the mechanics....

oh the boss has resistances to everything but 1 element....


Y1kes#3479 wrote:
but for instance my wife had like 10+ tries to kill the first boss before she even got to the starter town. She was in endgame maps in PoE1.

I never was endgame maps in PoE1 because i find the game too complex and brutal towards endgame but i first-try killed that PoE2 boss with two characters (warrior and sorc), it was super easy if you ask me. So it is very strange to read this from you.
poe 2 requires more skill than poe 1

but in every other aspect, it's the easier game
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)

+1 OP

i totally argee,
the game feels slow and tedious, the so much praised bosses are bullet sponges and the best tacic is dodge roll as much as possible.
It is just not fun to play.

I WORKED my way to act II and have to engage now with the "Trial of Sekhemas".
Taking the sanctum mechanic an a mandatory part for progressing the game is a complete turn off for me, I avoided that part of POE1 because i hate the rogue-like mechanic. Now i can choose to deal with this sh***t for with every new char. oder skip on the important power-spike until later for another trial meachnic, (I hate Ultimatum almost as much as Sanctum) and have an more unpleasant expierience until then.

both options are a major turn down for me, to play further.
Sad that POE1 developement has to suffer for this.

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