Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

All i hear is crying that you cant one shot bosses xD.

I'm haveing fun and i am one of the "unskilled" people.

I got myself some help for the act 1 boss. Cause my build was bad for that.
Rathbreaker was the first boss that i truly struggled with, till i chatted in global a bit and found out.... i just need to dodgeroll aroun him. Stick close to him and not go to the ledge.

Died 2 times more then i bombed that centaur xD.
Felt really good to beat that. Even gotten my first unique that's actually usefull.

Just go play pOE 1.
POE2 is great, thanks GGG!
yy90732#5386 wrote:
YohSL#2995 wrote:
Jadrann#2079 wrote:
+1 to OP
Overtuned game with an annoying campaign, no telegraphed one-shots, terrible loot, and no fun at all. I thought Diablo 4 was bad, but this is far worse. Uninstalled in Act 2 and not coming back.

It's early access mate.
I don't bloody like it either, hell I dropped it after 11 hours.
But writing the game off at this point is premature. I would be happy to come back and give it another go once GGG course correct.

There are the bones of a good ARPG here, but the numbers are all way off.

Because It's early access, that's why we are here to tell the developer what we want as a player, if it's official release people would just quit.

Ah, yeah I'm aware of that mate.
That's why I have been giving feedback.
Really, the game is toooo slow. Mobs have tooo much hp, your character is slow, bosses are to fat, not fun to kill them just running around the arena for hours. We love poe for fast gameplay, not for this. Hope that balance will be fixed
I think many people do not like to hear about PoE 2 being early access after they've paid $30 (or way more) for the key.

Isn't it weird how the polished game in a year or two will be free, but this raw version had to be purchased. I think that's a big part of why people are so vocal about it.
+1 agreed ah, not funny at all
The most concerning thing for GGG so far would be the number of people in this forum chain agreeing with the OP, that have a lot of supporter pack icons next to their name.

That's a lot of players who spent a lot of money who aren't real happy with the game right now.
If a game isn't fun from the beginning, and you are telling me game will be fun after 40+ hours, I don't find it fun because I just started, you think people should play this game for 40+hrs that isn't fun? Elden ring was fun from beginning, bloodborn was fun from beginning, diablo 4 even thought end game was bad, but campaign wasn't that bad. at least I think it's better than current POE2.

I tried to separate poe2 as a completely different game, not a successor of POE1, but I can only compare to dark soul because that's what it feels like. I played all souls game and elden ring, Sekiro, I dont find POE2 fun to play at the current stage. and I have played over 16hrs.

I have decide to quit POE2 since its just EA. Might come back when it gets better, maybe.
5 hours... I really think they should just delete posts by people who are strenuously complaining about how hard the game is when they have 5h. There's just no way thats fair. No offense but for all we know you might be a guide gamer who'll be a lot happier after others tease out the strong stuff.

I might share your opinion honestly but I'm going to give it a lot more than 5h, hell I even choked down 20h of D4 before I gave up trying to enjoy myself and acknowledge my initial impressions of it being garbage. I'm not sold on Johnathan's idea that Souls-like is the correct direction for ARPG's at all... In fact I suspect I wont like it. I play ARPG's because they're about characters and gearing, and NOT my reflexes.

But in 5h there's no chance you adapted enough, unlearned POE1 enough, experimented enough, found enough gear or progressed a characters skills and passives enough to have a functional opinion, let alone a strongly worded one.

Chances are you're stuck on POE'1 1 button power creeped to the moon and back, solved meta; and you want a brand new game to feel the same.

And there's no way anyone could know tbh so don't act like I'm being mean or unreasonable even.

f a game isn't fun from the beginning, and you are telling me game will be fun after 40+ hours, I don't find it fun because I just started, you think people should play this game for 40+hrs that isn't fun? Elden ring was fun from beginning, bloodborn was fun from beginning, diablo 4 even thought end game was bad, but campaign wasn't that bad. at least I think it's better than current POE2.

I tried to separate poe2 as a completely different game, not a successor of POE1, but I can only compare to dark soul because that's what it feels like. I played all souls game and elden ring, Sekiro, I dont find POE2 fun to play at the current stage. and I have played over 16hrs.

I have decide to quit POE2 since its just EA. Might come back when it gets better, maybe.
Khabeleh#4688 wrote:
Really, the game is toooo slow. Mobs have tooo much hp, your character is slow, bosses are to fat, not fun to kill them just running around the arena for hours. We love poe for fast gameplay, not for this. Hope that balance will be fixed

But to be fair, it was basically communicated that the game won't be as fast as PoE1. I agree that the trashmobs are too heavy, but this can be fixed while general game pace can be kept slow. For me, i am super honest, PoE1 is too zoomy. So i welcome the direction of PoE2. Keep that but adjust the difficulty within(!). I have fun killing the bosses, even if they wipe me already couple times in Act 1 lol. But i have no fun clearing a map because the trashmobs that are supposed to be my level can kill me super easy if i am not 100% focused. And that is where my criticism is, not the slowness of the game. Also: Please GGG, don't respawn trashmobs when i happen to die.
Last edited by th3orist#5387 on Dec 8, 2024, 3:39:32 AM

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