Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.
As an almost 5k hour POE fan, I don't relish saying this. But. I agree with the original poster. My extra 2 cents: Minions are not good, loot drops are very underwhelming, boss fights are a tedious grind (though they look cool), game play is painfully slow, and combat is far less enjoyable than OG POE. All the well known streamers really hyped it up for me, but it didn't deliver. At all. The "D4 bad POE2 good" chatter has been thoroughly debunked for me. I'm mad at myself for believing the hype and spending so much $$ on the supporter packs. And I don't think trying a different build will make much of an overall difference. Even if it might, I don't have the enthusiasm to try at this point. Lesson learned. No more GGG for me any time soon. Back to playing Stalker 2.
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" This. I see people online claimin it's too hard. It's not hard, at all. It's just tedious. I don't feel the PoE flow or massacre at all. Bosses aren't too hard, just have ten times the HP they should have. Making it all a slow and not fun kite fest. I can kite all day. Doesn't make the game hard or fun though. And, if you build your entire game around dodge, you better make sure the dodge actually works, giving you iframes, and dont fuckin stop to take a look around and stretch your back after every single one. And don't get me started on the body blocking. This might be a pearl in the making, but for now, it's mostly that corn of sand... |
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" bro they are getting money to play what gets the most views. PoE 2 is VERY trendy rn. don't judge yourself by how they appear on stream. |
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One possible explanation :)
Cognitive Dissonance When players experience a mismatch between their negative experiences and their belief that they are making a good choice, they may resolve this discomfort through cognitive dissonance reduction. This means they convince themselves the game is worthwhile or even superior. Example: If a game is frustrating but they've chosen to keep playing, they may rationalize it by thinking, "It's hard because it's designed for real gamers like me." Regardless of the above, I genuinely believe that POE 2 will eventually become enjoyable for most players. Right now, many of us are finding it challenging to enjoy the game, while others seem to be having a better experience. Let's wait and see what GGG comes up with. :) |
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Unfortunately the game is a hard miss for me too, why do I have to reload my crossbow in an ARPG? This ain't call of duty. Everything feels slow and it's like I'm skating on ice.
Go in the code, divide all the mob health by 2 and then make skills instant cast then maybe I'd consider playing this. |
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" I was watching Zizaran play POE 2 earlier and when he got to the Ascendancy stuff was having a rough time and basically making a lot of the same frustration sounds I was making at the game that was burning me out with the time slog. I was sitting there wondering if thats really the sound people make when having fun and then realized I'd accept that as fun if I was earning 5$ for every 45 seconds of the game I played too, lol. |
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Tedious does not equal challenging. It also isn't fun in any way.
We already went through this archnemesis mods. The community had it's voice heard on that one. Why was a souls-like rip off slapped with the PoE name? There is no PoE in this new game. Just call it Path of Souls and own that you wanted to make a different game, rather than disappointing the majority of the PoE community who wanted a true sequel. My 10 years of support earned me a free beta key. Boy am I glad I didn't spend any money on this dumpster fire. |
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I cannot understand why people are complaining about the difficulty, I really do not. So far I've had 13,5 hours in the game, as a warrior and everything dies in literal 2 hits from skills. I can just do basic hits and the mobs die in 3-4 hits, my equipment is really bad but I've upgraded those where I can, mace and shield and the basic mobs can't kill me even if I stand still and just bonk them to death. Sure I've died to some bosses once or twice because I didn't know the mechanics. The thing with them is that they do alot of damage yes, so my tactic for that has been just to hit them few times, then run around and hit them again. Barely using the dodge button, trying to practise the shield block, failing the timing and still surviving several hits from bosses. Only the big telegraphed area attacks can actually kill me. I did pick the health regeneration passives so maybe that is what has been keeping me alive so well? I do feel like the potion heals less than advertised but I might be seeing it wrong.
So far the only area I have encountered serious problems has been Freythorn area and that's not with the boss, I cleared that on first try. But the mages and archers with them shooting massive areas of purple stuff, which I assume is chaos damage that just drains my health. The mobs there took 3 hits (gasp) to kill but the health drain still took me down. The thing is... on every death there seemed to be less and less mobs so I'm not certain if that is a compensation a thing or what. I haven't fought the final act 1 boss yet but I doubt it's going to be "that" difficult. The game is slower which I prefer greatly, more time for my ageing reaction to deal with stuff. And with less visual clutter than PoE 1, so much easier on the eyes and can enjoy the design of the game. Reading all these comments I feel like there are so many people who want to play Vampire Survivor style games where you just... are afk while your skills play the game for you. Then this game is not for you if you don't want to adjust. I do not find any difficulty or grinding in this game, I clear the area fully before moving on, visit the town to see if any of the stuff I've picked is better than my current. Constantly being 1-2 levels higher than the area I am in. I will try the other classes too, maybe the warrior is just too tanky but it is not lacking in damage. Game chat has been saying monk is having difficulties in bosses and I do not know if the monk has a mobility skill like Shield Crush which I use plenty to attack groups from distance and avoid some boss hits. So far the game feels really good, I think the WASD is too clunky to use, I had more trouble with skills being interrupted or movement stopping while using that, switched to mouse, everything is smooth. Item drops seem to be on the poor level but that might be just because it's act 1. Will have to see if act 2 is going to be more challenging as people claim. |
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Asmongold if you are in the forums, then tell me, why do you "enjoy" not being able to do HC because you literally die from everything?
Is Kripparian still playing? Krip and Gang would love this game, wiping and losing everything on every other boss. The fricking fire shooting crabs at the frickng beach do 50-60% damage in one hit, and the witches in the next area after, do a one shot with their ground effect sigil hex attack, that attack kills a witch at 54HP/25ES fresh out of town, in one single hit. Its easy to dodge, sure, if you can see it amongst the weird ground graphics, and the flock of enemies rushing at u from the witch. The ice boss witch is even better - you can't farm gear for Res, and she can permafreeze you with a direct hit, and ofc, she summons hellion type ice monster wolf cougar things, every 8ish seconds. Paired with the flasks getting 1 charge every 2000 enemies you kill, you use up all flasks and cant even teleport until you run far enough away - in other boss areas a red blood wall or a outright solid wall prevents you from leaving and "cant create a portal during boss fight", NIIIIIICE DESIGN GUYS! Path of Dodging and no flask charges and manually filling the flasks at the well and dealing no damage to enemies, GGG indeed. |
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Yup, more hard doesn't equal more fun for me.
It's pretty bad that in a fresh game I'm only trying to push through because I feel like I should find out what's in the game rather than playing just because it's fun. |
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