Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

I've seen peoples rushing to the boss without even crafting or farming a little and are like "It's so hard I don't understand"...

Others when playing pokemon "I'm lvl 8 now let's go kill the first boss!!"
Meleveling my first pokemon to lvl 16 for his first evolution before the first boss "now we are talking"
I absolutely agree. The concept of taking the best of the best players who enjoy hardcore (i.e taking out movement skills) and asking them to test for the majority of players was silly. I've put about 12 hours in already giving it a fighting chance, but all this early access has done for me is make me exciting for the POE 1 seasons which unfortunately will be set aside for this game. This was a huge step backwards in gameplay.
Wongo360#1347 wrote:
This was a huge dodge roll backwards in gameplay.
The easiest way to fix the most of the Problems would be Way Less of a Sponge Fest, Way More Pack Sizes and a bit more loot, also dial back on the Damage Output in Act 1, early Act II. With the Added loot and non Sponge Enemys its way more reasonable to enjoy a farming session to get Resistance Gear for some Roadblocking Bosses afterwards. At Least thats my general Idea how i would go about this. Im at least lowly grinding down Roadblock after Roadblock.. Currently at the Last boss from ACT II and ffs im 75% on Cold but i need Elec for this one... and the magic to rare Currency like never drops.. i have the blues over 60 times and got a few chaos and exalted .. but this damn upgrade currency just for some reason shows up once in 7hours. So im more likely to ep Grind myself through the boss then to craft that gear.. Could get lucky but so far my luck is in the I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT zone. 25hours campain... im 21hours in no brake and couldnt made it past act 2 cause of Roadblock after Roadblock. And there are always people just saying your doing it wrong ... yeah.... sure thats true im not Theory crafting myself the Perfect Build, i play a game and make choices and suffer as long as there are no guides yet, thats suposed to be the fun part.
xssarinx#0364 wrote:
Is it too early for


Asking for a friend.

Agree with author ;[
this game is WAY easier than poe 1
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
I could put up with boss one shot mechanics I need to learn to avoid if playing a Necromancer was actually any fun.
POE 2 is fun.

Hasn't been hard at all act 1 cleared ez pz
It's totally fine, but it's not the gaming i like. PoE2 feels a LOT more like "souls" than PoE1 IMHO.

Then go play PoE1. You don't like this game, but that's no reason to cater to you lol

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