Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.
So many people here missing the entire point. Discuss all you will about difficulty. None of that matters if IT IS NOT FUN OR ENJOYABLE. If you are grunting and frustrated the entire time, it is not goods design. I would be fine with the difficulty ramping up in Act 2 or 3 once you have some good gems and good gear, but the difficulty right out the gate is too much for a lot of people. Maybe not the sweats, but for a lot of people who enjoy for the first game who don't 10k hours.
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True. I also keep dying trying a bunch of change skills etc but the Act 1 boss is still there. Sad times.
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" The purpose of a game is entertainment. There's a reason ruthless isn't popular. |
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The entire game just feels like a slog for most playstyles. Some are way stronger and they're blasting through the game, while others are just hilariously underpowered.
I don't wanna dodge 10 times to get 1 attack off. I don't wanna feel like i'm playing Dark Souls. I don't wanna get constantly swarmed, pushed around and bodyblocked by white mobs. I don't wanna clear a whole zone and get 1 blue item out of it that i can't even use. It's good that people are enjoying it, but the game simply isn't for me. After 13 years of PoE1 i was expecting something better. Really hope they're diverting some of the staff back to PoE1 now. |
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" I already said it in D4 and now I have to say it here too: If the boss needs a one-shot mechanic, it's badly designed. Sorry GGG |
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I don't know if it's the difficulty or a simple balance tweak, but I played for about 12 hours, explored every map, ended Act One, killed most bosses there in one try, and the first bosses in Act Two all had me die at least once to some bullshit combo of skills.
The most aggravating boss was the Flamethrower Engineer, which had this ONE-HIT phase where you had to first run and then dodge until she exploded. This drove me mad as hell. I then realized somehow I got minus three Fire Resistance in Act Two, which just feels cheap and unnecessary. That's not even about difficulty; it’s just artificial. I can bear the idea of "learning" the boss phase, but getting nerfed for progression and relying on gear drops to fix that so early in the game feels cheap.
Shooting and moving as a merc is a great idea, but when every mob has tailwind, it starts to feel clunky and soupy. And due to not being able to upgrade supports, I'm fully reliant on dropping a better crossbow or rolling it via crafting, where I'm also blocked because I did not drop any regals. I dropped one in 12 hours of play.
The final straw for today was the Djinn, which did not take any damage, threw skills all over the place, had a very small arena, spawned adds that took me far too long to kill, and it did not take any damage as it teleported all the time. The game has no sticky target like PoE, which means I had to search for it after it teleported, mostly offscreen, aim my mouse over it, and then the adds "steal" the target. With three adds, it became impossible to target the boss. Then the area was flooded with poison, and I died.
I'm not even mad, I just have a very bad headache due to exhaustion and not any felt progression anymore. I’ll just take a break now. Last edited by Imp0815#7644 on Dec 7, 2024, 2:18:41 PM
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I'm unsure if the issue is a design change with dodge rolling being integral rather than scaling in the early game, or if most of us suck (I really hate the "git gud" idea. This game is early access, and without most people knowing how to ramp up early, it feels more like a grind. This feels much more like a souls-like ARPG instead of Poe.
I'm of the opinion if you're going to make us dodge mechanics more - the boss should have less health. A fight dragging on for 10 minutes is not going to be fun, which is what I think the OP means by hard, but not in a fun way. |
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ok after reading all of this? im sitting here laughing i been playing path of exile 1 since beta we had 3 acts just like we do in poe 2 right now some of them were harder than poe 2 bosses when we had act 4 added? malichia was so hard that they legit had to nerf him cause he would 1 shot you from orbit i know some of yaal are "its too hard"(thats what she said)but truth is? the games IN EARLY ACSESS!!! meaning its not even finished yet the game just started its gonnaa take a while for them to adjust the mechanics etc geez give these dudes a break its hard enough for them to keep up with the servers were technically beta testers ya know? so hang in there and im cewrtain ggg will adress this soon enough
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This is the type of comment that screams "I have no idea what early access means".
we are absolutely ok to have this conversation. that's entirely the point of early access - to give your thoughts. |
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Dear tryhards and neckbeards,
...just kidding. Love to you. But I want to invite you to have a realistic perspective and this topic. On one hand there is a small amount of people who enjoys the game in it's current state. On the other hand is the majority (stop kidding yourselves, you know how people/NPCs (no offense) these days are hard wired) who doesn't enjoy the game in it's current state. No offense to any group of players - but money comes first, even for GGG. Of course GGG is not Blizz/Blackrock/Vanguard/You Name it. But HELLO and welcome we're still in capitalism even here...so get ready for changes in POE2. Last edited by MSC_83#0054 on Dec 7, 2024, 2:24:27 PM
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