Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

I’ve finished Acts 1, 2, and 3, with 98% of it solo. The only time I asked for help was because I got bored of repeating the same things over and over. My thought was, 'I really don’t want to go through this again for trash loot.' There’s no worthwhile reward for repeating content, even though I’ve spent time killing end-act bosses repeatedly—what a waste of time.

This is unlike games like Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, etc., which I’ve played and beaten 100% solo. In those games, when you die, you simply try again—there’s no heavy penalty, and the rewards for succeeding feel meaningful.

In Path of Exile 2, however, I’m genuinely afraid of reaching the endgame after hearing so many concerns about it from across the community. Trials, in particular, are horrible and feel like a chore. I hope they address these issues because this potential is being wasted.
Seystuff#5465 wrote:
I'm in the endgame and I can't help but agree.

Rationally, I get it, the vision makes sense to me and I can tell when some of my issues come from balance tweaking that is expected in beta but...

At the end of the day, it's not fun. I'm in like t11 maps already, but I'm constantly stressed, annoyed, praying that I won't lose my hard earned few waystones, still feel like a lot of deaths aren't my fault and well... I'm just not having fun. Mapping isn't fun, searching for league mechanics isn't fun, doing the trials isn't fun.

I can argue all day what parts of it are ok, what parts are wrong and what parts just need some tweaking or me learning them better but...

>> Path of Exile 2 isn't fun. <<

That's all that matters at the end of the day...

Why is death in PoE2 more punishing than all the dark souls games, Elden Ring and bloodborne combined?

All of the souls series games are challenging, and it's like GGG just said we want to screw over the players in as many ways as possible when they die they need to KNOW IT!
This is a different game than PoE1. If you prefer that style of game, try going back to it.
I completely agree. It's not fun.

Yes, it's a "challenge", but it's a "getting dropped off in the middle of a forest naked and with nothing, and see how long you can survive" kind of challenge.

I assume that's fun for some people.
I'm not one of those people.
Last edited by GregoryAdams#7051 on Dec 15, 2024, 2:19:43 AM
I just logged into POE1, its so much better.

I'm not sure what the 'vision' was for POE2 but they have managed to make a slow, tedious, frustrating, unrewarding, and mostly boring game.

it looks nicer, but that wears off almost instantly once playing it.

If the only change they made was 6 portals per map the game would be 1000 times better instantly.

The end game is some weird hardcore / ruthless lovechild currently, doesnt value my time, it's not in any way shape or form a test of player skill.. you die to on death effects that you can't see in your own spells or a pack of ranged white mobs shot gun you off screen. It's beyond ridiculous in it's current form.
This is a different game than PoE1. If you prefer that style of game, try going back to it.

Not sure if you have played poe 1 buddy but it's a dead game without a fresh league (which have been culled in favour of poe 2 development) so no, we can't "just go and play poe 1".
Seystuff#5465 wrote:
I'm in the endgame and I can't help but agree.

Rationally, I get it, the vision makes sense to me and I can tell when some of my issues come from balance tweaking that is expected in beta but...

At the end of the day, it's not fun. I'm in like t11 maps already, but I'm constantly stressed, annoyed, praying that I won't lose my hard earned few waystones, still feel like a lot of deaths aren't my fault and well... I'm just not having fun. Mapping isn't fun, searching for league mechanics isn't fun, doing the trials isn't fun.

I can argue all day what parts of it are ok, what parts are wrong and what parts just need some tweaking or me learning them better but...

>> Path of Exile 2 isn't fun. <<

That's all that matters at the end of the day...

Why is death in PoE2 more punishing than all the dark souls games, Elden Ring and bloodborne combined?

All of the souls series games are challenging, and it's like GGG just said we want to screw over the players in as many ways as possible when they die they need to KNOW IT!

Devs fanboys wanna be more edgy than FromSoft
Albertus sempervirens
One of the main issues is that they state that POE 2 is different from POE 1.
However, they behave exactly the same as in POE 1. How are the playerbase
supposed to trust their statements, when they dont stick to them?

Right now, there is alot of issues that hasn't been adressed.
Ascendency Trials favour non-melee combatans heavly.
Boss Hitboxes for Meele are often inaccessible or wonky.
- e.g. Zalmarath | Hitbox to deal damage often not accssible for meele.
- I tried to kill him with a warrior and noticed it through the fitghts.

In POE 2 GGG carried their philosophy over from POE 1.
We all know how things turned out in POE 1.
Last edited by jakobkaminski#0365 on Dec 15, 2024, 3:26:34 AM
vallor2#1175 wrote:

What reason is there for me to punish myself by reengaging with the game? I've seen the future and the future is more tedious boss fights that take 10 minutes with one mistake causing a reset.

The future is crap gear drops and praying "PLEASE give me something usable!" when crafting.

What is the fun in grinding until I out-level King in the Mist by ten levels to beat him? What is the fun in unlocking even more worthless skills to try and juggle or secondary gems which, often, have little to no synergy with the skills or other secondary gems (or even cancel skills and other gems out)?

It is a boss fight that is only difficult if you miss a narrow tell window, fail to get the exact frame when animation canceling, or the sweet spot where you avoid damage while dodge rolling. Then attack once for minimal damage (since you haven't been able to get good, appropriate gear drops) before restarting the cycle again over and over for 10 minutes.

The only exciting part of the game, the boss fights, are equivalent to playing a waiting game against an opponent who can't lose because they are perfect in execution and, along a long enough time frame, WILL beat the player.

There's no strategy beyond "Get better gear or more levels so you can kill fast enough you avoid making the inevitable mistake that will cause the fight to be redone."

The mob AI is just dumb bombs that get in range as fast as possible so they can do as much damage to you as possible. They have no other motivation or decision trees. They don't flank, they don't have complementary attacks, there's no strategy to combat, short of exploiting pathing issues (if you want to call that a strategy).

Wow, both designs went out of date in the 1990s. Totally cutting-edge design!

Well, arguably the early 2000s if you want to include D2, which GGG has taken and stolen both good and bad ideas from without evaluating if the idea survives scrutiny after 20 - 30 years.

It seems a lot of people love retro games, based on the Steam charts. Personally, I asked for a refund (I haven't heard back) and this will be the last time I buy from GGG instead of Steam. See, I wanted GGG to get all $100USD instead of the $70 because Steam takes 30%. Unfortunately, it means I lost out on Steam's refund policy and ability to review the game.

So wait to hear from support and likely suck up a $100USD loss. Live and learn.


Thank you.

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