Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.
" Yep, garbage change, agreed. I mean this aspect worked fine in POE 1. Why change it? Rebalance it if necessary, but other than that it was perfectly fine. " On this one I don't agree. I think there is value in forcing you to beat (adequately balanced!) bosses in one go. Some tweaking is certainly to expect (one-shots, timing tolerances, flasks economy...), but it makes sense to me that you have to beat the boss in one go. Mobs in zone respawning after each death on the other hand is one of the worst design choices they seem to gave made. Last edited by Maldosam#3663 on Dec 15, 2024, 7:27:11 AM
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" Oh, another great take! What smarts! |
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I'll throw my $0.02 in. I just quit the early access after failing the trial in Act 2. I'm playing a minion witch, and not following any sort of guide, just taking all the minion damage nodes off the passive tree. I full clear maps, and I only died twice (one of the cemetary bosses in act 1, and the first boss in act 2, before the caravan).
I do not to a lot of damage. I see videos and streams of people clearing the same bosses in 30 seconds to a minute, while they take me somewhere between 2 and 5 minutes. Probably because my minions die a lot, and I'm not doing much in the form of direct damage myself (mostly running around trying to avoid taking damage). I was level 24 when I attempted the trial, and lost all my honor about 3 rooms in (was never in any danger of dying). I was frustrated and quit. I took a day to cool off, and logged back in, was given a second coin, and tried again. I took things slower, and was only down about 80 honor when I made it to the boss. It was a typical 5-minute slugfest of a boss fight. And I lost the last little bit of honor when the boss was at a sliver of health. His health was so low that when my final wave of raging spirits popped (because I "died"), it was enough damage to kill the boss. Loot on the ground and everything. That happened about 30 minutes ago, and I can't see myself logging back in. I know that I'm not a very good player. I know that there are different choices that I could have made that would significantly improved my damage (I didn't make them because they were not intuitive, and I'm not following a guide, but I know that better choices must exist because I see players doing far better with similar setups to mine). I know that I take damage to things that I probably shouldn't. I really don't like the trap rooms. I don't like the timed floor spikes. I don't like the fact that I cannot try again without finding another coin somewhere. I don't like the fact that any sort of alternative ascension is (at my pace) several hours in the future. Right now, I'm not motivated to continue on with this character. I'm not motivated to start over with something different. I had hoped that the intent with this game would have been to cast a wider net, and get in some new blood into the franchise. But I have a feeling that the number of people that are going to absolutely love this game is even smaller than the group of players that love PoE1 (of which I am one, even though I acknowledge that I am not super good at it). Maybe I'll check back in if there's some big updates, or when the official game launches, but for now, I'm done. |
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Some kinda message from GGG would be nice. gonna be xmass soon and people have free time to play.
not to make people time waste playing ruthless mode poe 2, its would nice they sayed normal poe 2 start after 1-2 month. there is others games in xmass. |
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" Just grind some more levels and go back to it???? SOLVE THE PROBLEM. Disenchant some blue/rare items that drop and throw the currency on some bases. If you're really struggling, spend a single regal on a weapon on trade and triple your DPS most likely. 24 is the MINIMUM level isn't it? That's not a recommended level. Don't compare yourself to youtube videos. There are always unbalanced things out there that people find. Just work on finding things in your build that work better or items you need to work on replacing. Take some defensive nodes on the tree.. honestly, some movement speed off the tree and some on boots makes a big diff to 'avoidance' when you can move out of the way of things better etc. I ended up doing Sekhema at like 40 cause my dps was enough in the campaign and i forgot. I didn't lose a single honour. Didn't like timed floor spikes etc? What did you do in lab? Outgear and outlevel it? etc |
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" The message is that prepare for nerfs as the loot buff is making the game a tad too easy, I agree about the ascendency complains though. |
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In Poe 1, I made 12-15 character per league. In this game I don't want to get through the slog of creating another character.
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" Maybe I was unclear on why I found the trial so frustrating. At no point was I ever in danger of dying. Like I said, I had only died twice up until that point in the campaign. Just like I was never really in danger of dying in PoE 1 labs. Sure I'd get hit by a trap from time to time, but between life regen and flasks, it was never an issue. Did I ever die while running PoE 1 lab? Probably the first few times I ever tried it, but even then, the only penalty for dying was the loss of 5-10 minutes. Here the penalty of failure is much higher (locked out from retrying), along with what is essentially a "don't get hit" mechanic (honor system), it's just not for me. Bottom line is that I've had several frustrating experiences in playing the EA, and that's just not why I like to play games. |
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I don't mind getting destroyed if it's a learning experience. 90% of my deaths in this game, I have no idea what killed me. Was it an archer from way off-screen that lit me up? Was it a piece of death-trash that blended in with the unbelievably cluttered floor? Was I blocked from dodging by an invisible pebble? No idea, just respawn and reclear the unrewarding trash mobs.
Not a learning experience, or at not a lesson other than "We can't be bothered to make this fun AND challenging." |
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My overall impression is that this early access if so half baked and the experience so punishing that it just takes the whole fun out of it. Personally I will refrain from playing it until its the official release.
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