Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

zsirfoka#3193 wrote:
Why is melee even an option, ascendancies and mapping are both hard/impossible with melee and walk in the park with ranged. Melee is just not an option in PoE2.

Doing fine as titan in mapping. No idea what you on about
I'm in the endgame and I can't help but agree.

Rationally, I get it, the vision makes sense to me and I can tell when some of my issues come from balance tweaking that is expected in beta but...

At the end of the day, it's not fun. I'm in like t11 maps already, but I'm constantly stressed, annoyed, praying that I won't lose my hard earned few waystones, still feel like a lot of deaths aren't my fault and well... I'm just not having fun. Mapping isn't fun, searching for league mechanics isn't fun, doing the trials isn't fun.

I can argue all day what parts of it are ok, what parts are wrong and what parts just need some tweaking or me learning them better but...

>> Path of Exile 2 isn't fun. <<

That's all that matters at the end of the day...
Seystuff#5465 wrote:
I'm in the endgame and I can't help but agree.

Rationally, I get it, the vision makes sense to me and I can tell when some of my issues come from balance tweaking that is expected in beta but...

At the end of the day, it's not fun. I'm in like t11 maps already, but I'm constantly stressed, annoyed, praying that I won't lose my hard earned few waystones, still feel like a lot of deaths aren't my fault and well... I'm just not having fun. Mapping isn't fun, searching for league mechanics isn't fun, doing the trials isn't fun.

I can argue all day what parts of it are ok, what parts are wrong and what parts just need some tweaking or me learning them better but...

>> Path of Exile 2 isn't fun. <<

That's all that matters at the end of the day...

Not fun, i have 2k life, 60% all res(30%chaos), 65% evasion, tier 3-4 maps, and still die in random oneshots and lose the map(hehe haha so fun) I cant play logbooks lvl70, cuz random oneshot, delirium cancer too, breach is boring, maybe one mechanic i like is the ritual, BUT i have to clear the enire map, before ritual, cuz of i dont, maybe die in ritual with high chance, and the map is lost(hehe haha so much fun)
disagree. the difficulty of campaign makes it infinitely more engaging than poe 1's campaign. friends who bounced off poe 1 and never made it thru campaign are thoroughly enjoying poe 2. theres certainly a large portion of players who are complaining and dont even try to read boss patterns, have superior positioning to avoid getting surrounded, and just generally assuming that poe 2 is the same as poe 1.

i see people complain its too hard when their items are total trash. gear is such an important part of gaining power.

that being said, i feel like access to gear upgrade is too scare during campaign. often times it feels like i dont really get upgrades until far too long. the quality of items from the vendor also has way too much variance. ggg, you tried to raise the lowest band of variance of item drops but its still not enough. even with the currency drop buffs, exalting rare gear rarely leads to good outcomes past during and past act 3 and beyond even to maps.
I don't find football fun.
Too much running.
Remove the running, please.
Last edited by Fae_Lyth#6750 on Dec 14, 2024, 2:51:25 AM
Forget the game reviews for now, but the D4 Team 3 often expresses goodwill around the campfire, right? Yet, the results...

Adopting a soul-like difficulty is perfectly fine, but when it comes to nerfing builds, forcing economy resets with every seasonal journey, and the excessively punitive measures for character death in the later stages (e.g., -10% penalty, map deletion, removal of uncollected rewards, etc.), these are often used to brainwash players, disguised as “good intentions.” In reality, there are much better ways to handle these issues, but they always seem to intentionally avoid mentioning those solutions. Some of these approaches have already been implemented in other games (LE & GD), yet they are either ignored or treated as if they don't exist, or when positive feedback from players is given, they just chuckle it off and move on.

What we can feel right now is that GGG (Grinding Gear Games) has created a ton of fun in their forums, and I think that’s true goodwill. After all, if the game does end up failing, like D4, at least there's still an official forum and a message board to hang out on! XD

In addition, having large maps should, in theory, be a positive feature, but the way you've designed it actually makes players feel like it's a penalty. The problem lies in how you made the maps large without truly making the game more enjoyable. In reality, it only serves to delay the efficiency of obtaining final rewards, increases the chances of small mobs blocking the map and wasting players' time, and the soul-like mobs have a higher chance of killing players, leading to more death penalties. Also, the repetitive nature of the same dungeon blocks is so excessive that it quickly becomes tedious...

Basically, the benefits and enjoyment of having large maps were never realized; instead, all the negative impacts were forced onto the players.

In my impression, Diablo 2 was a classic, and from the Expansion in June 2001 until the 1.09D patch in July 2003, the game never saw major nerfs to builds, nor did it undergo level and economy resets. For a full two years, the game remained in its peak state, with the fun completely intact. The build diversity (BD) was already flourishing, and there was no need for drastic nerfs or manipulative resets to encourage players to try different characters or builds. Back then, a huge number of players played almost all characters up to near-max level. Although the Paladin and Assassin had fewer popular builds, there were still strong builds available for every class in PvE content!

It was because item duplication became rampant that the developers introduced the reset mechanic in 1.10 in August 2003, as a passive attempt to deal with the widespread duplication issue. In reality, this was the most cost-effective solution at the time, as the concept of seasonal journeys didn't even exist. However, that marked the end of Diablo 2's golden era. Every subsequent reset just discouraged more players from staying and encouraged them to move on to other games, like World of Warcraft when it launched. Of course, another big event was the rise of Ragnarok Online, which had its own charm, especially with its popularity among certain demographics.

All in all, Diablo 2's legacy could have lasted even longer if they had continued with something like the rumored Blood Knight DLC. But, instead, they just abused resets and ended the game on a sour note.
Last edited by OrzOrzOrz#5563 on Dec 14, 2024, 9:51:46 AM
Flasks don't recharge when fighting Trash???

Boss health bars reset on Death????

These changes completely blow.

Everything i loved about POE is no longer in POE2, i feel like the hired the wrong people to play test during development, focused too much on new gimmicks and lost what they had in the original game. So disappointed in the game and from what i read nothing is going to change until it nears it's inevitable death throws. And by then it will be far too late.
"Hey guys, people told us all the time how great it would be if you bring back Ultimatum because it was sooo awesome....Well here you go, enjoy guys :) "

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