Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

I wouldn't call it hard, more tedious.
zazey#3314 wrote:

It is incredibly selfish to want the game to bend to their will and be another POE 1 when the game was never supposed to be that and it was marketed as a harder, slower paced challenging experience akin to Souls esque games. It's not selfish to state an opinion in a vacuum - but the content of that opinion absolutely is. All of the crying that flooded reddit was incredibly selfish as well. All of the crying that flooded this forum was too. And now players who were actually enjoying the game get screwed because a bunch of people who played for 5 hours thought the game was too hard.

It's even worse than that.

The reason they complain about "difficulty" and "loot scarcity" isn't that it's difficult or loot is scarce per se (it genuinely isn't, not even they think that), but that they have to engage with it more than just skipping it in the first place.

They don't even want or like the game. They're complaining about not being able to skip half of it, and no-backbone-GGG decided to give in and change the game drastically in just 3 days, showing that they had very little confidence in their product that is and was beloved by many.

The blatant disregard for the campaign GGG put god knows how many hours into by "veterans" and "supporters" is saddening.

GGG listened to people who want to skip their game lol


I'm honestly confused why you are even here. Your POE 1 account has virtually no play time, with zero involvement. You're over here arguing with people about the game you wanted with people who made POE2 even possible.

POE 2 is not challenging, its tedious for the sake of being tedious. It isn't sustainable as a FTP game. The community who built POE1 by coming back season after season will certainly not do that here past maybe 1-2 seasons unless there's a decent amount of change to pacing and build diversity.

Yes, I'm 100% judging you based on your account history, and you'll play this game during the campaign, come back when act 4-6 comes out, play 1 season and never be heard from again. You're opinion on the matter should weigh very little considering from a business perspective, you don't really move the margin with that level of engagement.


And I'm confused as to why you're here and not just playing POE 1. You consider 500 plus hours to be virtually no play time? Like I've said before - the reason I don't have 4000 hours in POE 1 is because POE 1 - while a great game at what it does, it is not the game that POE 2 was supposed to be. If POE 2 just stuck with what it set out to be - I'd be at 4000 in no time no problem. The issue is people with 4000 hours in POE 1 obviously like the braindead gameplay, dopamine rushes and fast paced clearing of maps like you do. This was NOT what POE 2 was supposed to be.

And I'd take a step off of that high horse with that selfish logic you're using. You built POE 2 eh? So they should give you what you want right? POE 2 is not an update to POE 1 because it is a DIFFERENT game. Get over it. It's supposed to be for a different market with some overlap if necessary. But it's a different game. Everything POE 2 was supposed to be was everything that POE 1 wasn't. I get that you're in the POE 1 sweat group - but you have to let POE 2 exist and if you prefer POE 1 - play it and shout your superiority from the rooftops until you're blue in the face.

"you'll play this game during the campaign, come back when act 4-6 comes out, play 1 season and never be heard from again."

Laughable lol and incredibly pretentious. Don't start to pretend that you have the capacity to throw me or others into that pot. If the game turns into POE 1 or D4 which is what is happening - then why does POE 2 even exist? I still intend to get deep into end game - but so far the game has become to easy it's not funny. It feels like D4. So why wouldn't I just play POE 1 or D4 if that's all I'm getting with POE 2?

"The community who built POE1 by coming back season after season will certainly not do that here past maybe 1-2 seasons unless there's a decent amount of change to pacing and build diversity."

Good lol. Stick to POE 1 and keep supporting the game. I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand. POE 2 is a DIFFERENT game.
Last edited by TheAlmightyZugs#5016 on Dec 12, 2024, 7:01:42 PM
Nagisawa#4090 wrote:
Yeap, the tryhards are still here. Thinking that massive damage, cheap tricks is somehow 'difficulty'. It's not, but hey, they actually think copying builds in a game genre built on RNG is somehow 'skill'.

Comedy gold.

Worse, they just want to force this game back to PoE1, which GGG spun out of, because they realized that PoE is just too complex, too convoluted for new players, which they need because the old crew just aren't enough anymore to survive on, to get into.

But the 'fans' don't care, this is THEIR private club and you're not welcome!

+1. This ^^^ is exactly what's happening.
+1 to op.

They said this was a poe1 predecessor and it’s a dodge roll or die game. How can that be a poe1 predecessor? The game is slow, too punishing and doesn’t feel rewarding.

I would have been ok, but then I saw that if I make a single mistake and die I lose all my portals. This is bullshit
We're on track for PoE2 to become PoE1 part 2: Shinier Graphics, League Mechanic Reset, Bosses 1000000% More Bullshit, Build Variety Nonexistent

And I'm confused as to why you're here and not just playing POE 1. You consider 500 plus hours to be virtually no play time? Like I've said before - the reason I don't have 4000 hours in POE 1 is because POE 1 - while a great game at what it does, it is not the game that POE 2 was supposed to be. If POE 2 just stuck with what it set out to be - I'd be at 4000 in no time no problem. The issue is people with 4000 hours in POE 1 obviously like the braindead gameplay, dopamine rushes and fast paced clearing of maps like you do. This was NOT what POE 2 was supposed to be.

And I'd take a step off of that high horse with that selfish logic you're using. You built POE 2 eh? So they should give you what you want right? POE 2 is not an update to POE 1 because it is a DIFFERENT game. Get over it. It's supposed to be for a different market with some overlap if necessary. But it's a different game. Everything POE 2 was supposed to be was everything that POE 1 wasn't. I get that you're in the POE 1 sweat group - but you have to let POE 2 exist and if you prefer POE 1 - play it and shout your superiority from the rooftops until you're blue in the face.

"you'll play this game during the campaign, come back when act 4-6 comes out, play 1 season and never be heard from again."

Laughable lol and incredibly pretentious. Don't start to pretend that you have the capacity to throw me or others into that pot. If the game turns into POE 1 or D4 which is what is happening - then why does POE 2 even exist? I still intend to get deep into end game - but so far the game has become to easy it's not funny. It feels like D4. So why wouldn't I just play POE 1 or D4 if that's all I'm getting with POE 2?

"The community who built POE1 by coming back season after season will certainly not do that here past maybe 1-2 seasons unless there's a decent amount of change to pacing and build diversity."

Good lol. Stick to POE 1 and keep supporting the game. I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand. POE 2 is a DIFFERENT game.

500 plus hours? You have 5 characters with the max level being 84. What did you do? Spend 10 hours leveling and 490 standing afk in a hideout?

And yes, if you want to keep being entirely illogical go for it. But you are wrong.

Let's take a step back here buddy:

They made a game called path of exile. People played it for 12+ years. The game is an ARPG, and has all the things you'd expect from an ARPG.

Then they made a new game. They called it Path of Exile 2. It has almost identical systems from the classes to a similar skill tree with similar skills and marketed it -- quite heavily -- to POE 1 players.

You can't just say "we didn't make this game for POE 1 players" while quite literally just updating the graphics and changing some of the skill balance.

POE 1 will never turn into D4. What makes POE 1 fun is the replayability. POE2 has virtually no replayability. It's a total slog.

I'm also convinced you are a complete troll:

" but so far the game has become to easy it's not funny "

What are you even on about? They haven't changed anything about it besides nerf a few skills. You're entirely illogical and yes your opinion shouldn't drive what this game turns into, because again, you weren't a part of how this game even got made and quite honestly you're a child.

RE "braindead gameplay": Please explain how POE2 gameplay -- and I mean the core mechanics, is in any way shape or form different then POE1 or any other ARPG. It's got dodge roll. Cool.

RE supporting the game mentality you psycho's keep parroting: We'd love to keep supporting POE 1. But the fact of the matter is they delayed the entire game for this, which, according to them, is for a different audience. There's no way we could even "vote with our wallet" because I can't say "i want to buy this supporter pack but only use my money for poe1".

RE Your intent to dive deep into endgame: ARPGs are, quite literally, only built for endgame, and you clearly haven't reached it yet, so I'll ask again, why are you here?

The problem is they made this game before. This is not a "different game" whether you or Jonathan or even GGG themselves claim it is. It's POE 1 ruthless, and 100 people total played it -- which by the way doesn't appear to even be you lmao. It's a failed business model, and purely a passion project, and people are rightfully calling them out on it.

Imagine how many people already uninstalled after all the nerfs. Literally killing their own game instead of just letting people have fun.
z3mcneil#3966 wrote:
Update: Just finished Act 2. Killed Jamanra on my 3rd try using a minion build witch.

Witch total death count: 3. The other death was when my screen literally froze for 5 secs during a lag spike.

Jamanra is a horribly designed boss. The final phase is some pre-nerf Consort Radahn level bullshit. The friendly NPC is dressed in dark, the backdrop is dark, there's no name or healthbar on top of that NPC, everytime the boss does the sandstorm phase it's hard to even see where you're supposed to go, hence 1st death. How did they playtest this? I've NEVER seen a must-use boss mechanism LESS obvious and more obsured.

I died three times to that part. You've got 5 seconds to see a pitch black character on a gray/black background holding up a tiny golden emblem. She needs to yell out, "OVER HERE EXILE" so I know to take my focus off the big boss that can one-shot me and get into cover. Or maybe they did, but the audio is so low I couldn't hear her. Either way it's a bs way to die.
Last edited by Assababud#2808 on Dec 12, 2024, 7:49:35 PM
Toforto#2372 wrote:
Imagine how many people already uninstalled after all the nerfs. Literally killing their own game instead of just letting people have fun.

Not many given the majority are probably still in act 1 and 2. Maybe the hardcore players that were hit. Some will cope and make another character to get nerfed again. I saw that and immediately said, "nope, not me, GGG!" Now to wait a few months/years for the game to get good like I did with POE one.
Why do you want the same game twice? You already have PoE1, why would you want PoE2 to be the same? PoE1 fills a unique niche on the market and so will PoE2. Why would GGG cannibalize their first game by just remaking it shinier, when they can capitalize on two niches instead?

You people don't deserve GGG. You deserve Activision, Ubisoft and Bethesda.

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