Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

Pashid#4643 wrote:
nah, typical case of skill issue

Incredibly so. So many of these people are just expecting to not to have to use their brains like in POE 1. This is a different game.
I've been playing PoE for years, and I have thousands of hours in the game.

Today I played PoE2 for ~5 hours and rage quit.

I failed to kill the act1 boss 10 times, i have 22 deaths, and honestly........ it's NOT FUN.

The reason why I love PoE is that i DO NOT HAVE TO BE ZIZARAN to enjoy it.
Let's be honest, i've played for thousands of hours and I'm NOT good at it.

Do you know how many times I've killed Maven without being hit by the memory game? 0. I've never been able to dodge it with all the beams. It's a matter of skill. But you know? it never mattered because i had my freaking 6 portals. And by getting a lot more gear than what the GOOD players need, I can finally do it. In softcore of course.

And in the campaign, I can try to kill brutus multiple times. On a brand new character I was never able to pass the second map without being killed by Roas at least once since the rework of act 1. I just can't. I try. I'm NOT GOOD. It didn't matter, because i could progress anyways!

The "dodge or die" mechanic is boring to me. I do NOT play souls games because they are boring. There are other people that DO like that. It's totally fine, but it's not the gaming i like. PoE2 feels a LOT more like "souls" than PoE1 IMHO.

That's why I rage-quit. Because i'm tired of one-shots and having to re-do the whole thing again. Because of losing progression. I'm barely in act 2 and i'm already tired of this.

I understand your decisions, but they are not fun for me. I don't even want to make another character right now to see if it changes anything. Because I won't be able to dodge the mechanics; and therefore I won't be able to play it.

It's a shame :( I was beyond excited.
I have suggestions, but I don't think they matter, because you went in a completely different direction than I'd like.


When I created this post I never imagined it'd have more than 100 pages.
I want to make something clear: I LOVE GGG. They gave me PoE1. Best game ever.

I Believe i realized why it's SO DIVISIVE
* There are people who like the progression on GEAR/CURRENCY (like me)
* There are people who like the progression on "getting good"

PoE2 shifts A LOT from PoE1 in this regard. PoE1 you can get to the endgame and get a little bit of currency with almost any build as long as it makes sense.

My first PoE1 character was a minion build without understanding the tree. Sure, I made a lot of mistakes, but i finished the campaign and got a couple of chaos orbs... and then i could buy some things... etc

With PoE2 the choices i made didn't let me finish the campaign on 25+ hours. That got boring to me. I'm bad at mechanics.

PoE1 lets you ignore the mechanics for a lot longer WITHOUT GEAR NOR PLAYING WELL. PoE2 you need either one or the other :) and from act1. <== this is what is making a lot of people not like the game.

I believe that a SUB-PROBLEM of this is the WASD. I don't like it. But it makes the game substantially easier. But it's boring to me...

I think it's TOTALLY FINE to have this difficulty, but LATER IN THE GAME, when I can FARM $.

GGG: I believe that if you shift the difficulty to LATER (not making it easier per-se, but making it easier AT THE BEGINNING), you can please both type of players. OR, making it so you can grind gear on the campaign, but I doubt it, because item level restrictions, etc. ==> I'm totally fine with having to grind $ to buy my next upgrade to beat X boss. But for that I need to be on maps. Grinding gear on the campaign would "never" work IMHO

PLEASE LISTEN!!!! over 100 pages of people WANTING to love the game.

I cannot disagree more with you and I really think you should stick with POE 1 and leave POE 2 to exist as a different game. This nonsense has ruined POE 2 imo and if GGG keeps listening to this crying the game won't survive past being a D4 or POE 1 clone. Seriously, I cannot stress this enough - this kind of thinking is incredibly damaging to the game and outright selfish imo.

"I failed to kill the act1 boss 10 times, i have 22 deaths, and honestly........ it's NOT FUN."

This statement is so perfect. This shows what I've been trying to say over these forums posts the past few days. You expect to be met with challenge and overcome that challenge relatively easily. Died 22 times? Really? That's all? And you call that too hard? Have you ever played a souls like? You're going to die. Over and over and over. Don't like it? Play POE 1.

I find what you hate to be incredibly fun and the whole point of the game vs POE 1 and you deem it not fun. You just assume you should be not met with any challenge and instead of the braindead gameplay of POE 1 where you don't think, just clear maps and turn your brain off - in POE 2 you actually had to sweat for it. At launch, the difficulty with POE 2 was near perfect. imo it needed to be harder. And then the crying started, and GGG caved. The game is now akin to D4 imo. The act 1 boss goes down like nothing and honestly it's caused me to just lose interest in the game and hope to God that GGG will back track.

"I do NOT play souls games because they are boring."

I play Souls like games because they are fun and challenging. And this is the issue. POE 2 was supposed to be challenging. A top down Elden Ring esque type of game. This is what you're missing and I find it incredibly selfish that because you don't find it fun - that means the game should bend to your will and cater to your needs - even past what the game was supposed to be. You have POE 1 - let us have POE 2. Enough.

There is literally nothing selfish about someone giving their opinion in a feedback forum, especially when the Devs specifically wanted it.

You may disagree but nothing about the OP' opinion is 'selfish', again especially when many players agree.
Xerxal85#2968 wrote:
The nerve of people who want to troll the message boards of a game they don’t like to ruin it for people who do like it. Last Epoch is completely ruined because it’s so easy. Everything else about that game would be forgivable if it weren’t mind numbingly easy and boring to play.

I really hope GGG doesn't make those same mistakes. It'd be such a shame to see POE 2 die like that. Man we had such a chance at one of the best games of all times and people go and cry and ruin it. I really hope Jonathan wakes up.

I play Souls like games because they are fun and challenging. And this is the issue. POE 2 was supposed to be challenging. A top down Elden Ring esque type of game. This is what you're missing and I find it incredibly selfish that because you don't find it fun - that means the game should bend to your will and cater to your needs - even past what the game was supposed to be. You have POE 1 - let us have POE 2. Enough.

I like souls games. I've been Fromsoft games since King's Field.

An ARPG with a reliance on rng loot that is a huge portion of your character power while touting so called hand crafted bosses is not esque of anything souls-like. Souls games don't have rng so that the difficulty can actually be a fine tuned handcrafted experience where you know it is you rather than your gear or build that is the reason the boss is killing you. Gear was so unimportant that the games became known as Fashion souls at one point

They want to go the souls like route then they need to stop bastardizing the souls like formula with so much reliance on rng for gear that the player has no control over if they even get the gear they need. Sure, have some rng, but there needs to either be lots more drops so you can pretty much guarantee the player gets to a gear level meant for the boss, or you need to give the player some control in determining what gear they get.
I've been playing PoE for years, and I have thousands of hours in the game.

Today I played PoE2 for ~5 hours and rage quit.

I failed to kill the act1 boss 10 times, i have 22 deaths, and honestly........ it's NOT FUN.

The reason why I love PoE is that i DO NOT HAVE TO BE ZIZARAN to enjoy it.
Let's be honest, i've played for thousands of hours and I'm NOT good at it.

Do you know how many times I've killed Maven without being hit by the memory game? 0. I've never been able to dodge it with all the beams. It's a matter of skill. But you know? it never mattered because i had my freaking 6 portals. And by getting a lot more gear than what the GOOD players need, I can finally do it. In softcore of course.

And in the campaign, I can try to kill brutus multiple times. On a brand new character I was never able to pass the second map without being killed by Roas at least once since the rework of act 1. I just can't. I try. I'm NOT GOOD. It didn't matter, because i could progress anyways!

The "dodge or die" mechanic is boring to me. I do NOT play souls games because they are boring. There are other people that DO like that. It's totally fine, but it's not the gaming i like. PoE2 feels a LOT more like "souls" than PoE1 IMHO.

That's why I rage-quit. Because i'm tired of one-shots and having to re-do the whole thing again. Because of losing progression. I'm barely in act 2 and i'm already tired of this.

I understand your decisions, but they are not fun for me. I don't even want to make another character right now to see if it changes anything. Because I won't be able to dodge the mechanics; and therefore I won't be able to play it.

It's a shame :( I was beyond excited.
I have suggestions, but I don't think they matter, because you went in a completely different direction than I'd like.


When I created this post I never imagined it'd have more than 100 pages.
I want to make something clear: I LOVE GGG. They gave me PoE1. Best game ever.

I Believe i realized why it's SO DIVISIVE
* There are people who like the progression on GEAR/CURRENCY (like me)
* There are people who like the progression on "getting good"

PoE2 shifts A LOT from PoE1 in this regard. PoE1 you can get to the endgame and get a little bit of currency with almost any build as long as it makes sense.

My first PoE1 character was a minion build without understanding the tree. Sure, I made a lot of mistakes, but i finished the campaign and got a couple of chaos orbs... and then i could buy some things... etc

With PoE2 the choices i made didn't let me finish the campaign on 25+ hours. That got boring to me. I'm bad at mechanics.

PoE1 lets you ignore the mechanics for a lot longer WITHOUT GEAR NOR PLAYING WELL. PoE2 you need either one or the other :) and from act1. <== this is what is making a lot of people not like the game.

I believe that a SUB-PROBLEM of this is the WASD. I don't like it. But it makes the game substantially easier. But it's boring to me...

I think it's TOTALLY FINE to have this difficulty, but LATER IN THE GAME, when I can FARM $.

GGG: I believe that if you shift the difficulty to LATER (not making it easier per-se, but making it easier AT THE BEGINNING), you can please both type of players. OR, making it so you can grind gear on the campaign, but I doubt it, because item level restrictions, etc. ==> I'm totally fine with having to grind $ to buy my next upgrade to beat X boss. But for that I need to be on maps. Grinding gear on the campaign would "never" work IMHO

PLEASE LISTEN!!!! over 100 pages of people WANTING to love the game.

I cannot disagree more with you and I really think you should stick with POE 1 and leave POE 2 to exist as a different game. This nonsense has ruined POE 2 imo and if GGG keeps listening to this crying the game won't survive past being a D4 or POE 1 clone. Seriously, I cannot stress this enough - this kind of thinking is incredibly damaging to the game and outright selfish imo.

"I failed to kill the act1 boss 10 times, i have 22 deaths, and honestly........ it's NOT FUN."

This statement is so perfect. This shows what I've been trying to say over these forums posts the past few days. You expect to be met with challenge and overcome that challenge relatively easily. Died 22 times? Really? That's all? And you call that too hard? Have you ever played a souls like? You're going to die. Over and over and over. Don't like it? Play POE 1.

I find what you hate to be incredibly fun and the whole point of the game vs POE 1 and you deem it not fun. You just assume you should be not met with any challenge and instead of the braindead gameplay of POE 1 where you don't think, just clear maps and turn your brain off - in POE 2 you actually had to sweat for it. At launch, the difficulty with POE 2 was near perfect. imo it needed to be harder. And then the crying started, and GGG caved. The game is now akin to D4 imo. The act 1 boss goes down like nothing and honestly it's caused me to just lose interest in the game and hope to God that GGG will back track.

"I do NOT play souls games because they are boring."

I play Souls like games because they are fun and challenging. And this is the issue. POE 2 was supposed to be challenging. A top down Elden Ring esque type of game. This is what you're missing and I find it incredibly selfish that because you don't find it fun - that means the game should bend to your will and cater to your needs - even past what the game was supposed to be. You have POE 1 - let us have POE 2. Enough.

There is literally nothing selfish about someone giving their opinion in a feedback forum, especially when the Devs specifically wanted it.

You may disagree but nothing about the OP' opinion is 'selfish', again especially when many players agree.

It is incredibly selfish to want the game to bend to their will and be another POE 1 when the game was never supposed to be that and it was marketed as a harder, slower paced challenging experience akin to Souls esque games. It's not selfish to state an opinion in a vacuum - but the content of that opinion absolutely is. All of the crying that flooded reddit was incredibly selfish as well. All of the crying that flooded this forum was too. And now players who were actually enjoying the game get screwed because a bunch of people who played for 5 hours thought the game was too hard.

It is incredibly selfish to want the game to bend to their will and be another POE 1 when the game was never supposed to be that and it was marketed as a harder, slower paced challenging experience akin to Souls esque games. It's not selfish to state an opinion in a vacuum - but the content of that opinion absolutely is. All of the crying that flooded reddit was incredibly selfish as well. All of the crying that flooded this forum was too. And now players who were actually enjoying the game get screwed because a bunch of people who played for 5 hours thought the game was too hard.

It's even worse than that.

The reason they complain about "difficulty" and "loot scarcity" isn't that it's difficult or loot is scarce per se (it genuinely isn't, not even they think that), but that they have to engage with it more than just skipping it in the first place.

They don't even want or like the game. They're complaining about not being able to skip half of it, and no-backbone-GGG decided to give in and change the game drastically in just 3 days, showing that they had very little confidence in their product that is and was beloved by many.

The blatant disregard for the campaign GGG put god knows how many hours into by "veterans" and "supporters" is saddening.

GGG listened to people who want to skip their game lol

You can already facetank every single boss mechanic and burn down bosses in less than a minute, because now you get showered with rares from the first map onwards.
Last edited by Fae_Lyth#6750 on Dec 12, 2024, 7:36:13 PM

It is incredibly selfish to want the game to bend to their will and be another POE 1 when the game was never supposed to be that and it was marketed as a harder, slower paced challenging experience akin to Souls esque games. It's not selfish to state an opinion in a vacuum - but the content of that opinion absolutely is. All of the crying that flooded reddit was incredibly selfish as well. All of the crying that flooded this forum was too. And now players who were actually enjoying the game get screwed because a bunch of people who played for 5 hours thought the game was too hard.

Except it is not really harder. It is more tedious since the drops are so rng. Bosses become easy, removing any difficulty when you get good drops. The truth is, as long as gear is not normalized in someway to not have such an influence in player power, or there is no way for the player to garantee having adequate gear for a boss (without hours of farming or getting lucky) having a true handcrafted difficulty is impossible for this game.
Nothv13#0740 wrote:

They want to go the souls like route then they need to stop bastardizing the souls like formula with so much reliance on rng for gear that the player has no control over if they even get the gear they need. Sure, have some rng, but there needs to either be lots more drops so you can pretty much guarantee the player gets to a gear level meant for the boss, or you need to give the player some control in determining what gear they get.

I do think there has to be a bit of "independence" in how POE 2 functions over POE 1 in that regard - I agree. And I do see your point here. I get that this is the crux of the issue when it comes down to it. I do think a balance can be struck - but that balance isn't going to be on the scale of turning POE 2 into POE 1. I think too much of the formula of POE 1 has found it's way back in POE 2 and old patterns are repeating themselves. Loot at launch was an issue I had as well, and I think that just as you say the loot system should function a bit differently. We should have more ways to build out our equipment, improve where we can and have some more control over that vs it being up in the air. A simple "more loot" fix doesn't really fix the issue I agree but it's either that or more ability to control or build out the equipment.
Fae_Lyth#6750 wrote:

It is incredibly selfish to want the game to bend to their will and be another POE 1 when the game was never supposed to be that and it was marketed as a harder, slower paced challenging experience akin to Souls esque games. It's not selfish to state an opinion in a vacuum - but the content of that opinion absolutely is. All of the crying that flooded reddit was incredibly selfish as well. All of the crying that flooded this forum was too. And now players who were actually enjoying the game get screwed because a bunch of people who played for 5 hours thought the game was too hard.

It's even worse than that.

The reason they complain about "difficulty" and "loot scarcity" isn't that it's difficult or loot is scarce per se (it genuinely isn't, not even they think that), but that they have to engage with it more than just skipping it in the first place.

They don't even want or like the game. They're complaining about not being able to skip half of it, and no-backbone-GGG decided to give in and change the game drastically in just 3 days, showing that they had very little confidence in their product that is and was beloved by many.

The blatant disregard for the campaign GGG put god knows how many hours into by "veterans" and "supporters" is saddening.

GGG listened to people who want to skip their game lol

Fae_Lyth#6750 wrote:

It is incredibly selfish to want the game to bend to their will and be another POE 1 when the game was never supposed to be that and it was marketed as a harder, slower paced challenging experience akin to Souls esque games. It's not selfish to state an opinion in a vacuum - but the content of that opinion absolutely is. All of the crying that flooded reddit was incredibly selfish as well. All of the crying that flooded this forum was too. And now players who were actually enjoying the game get screwed because a bunch of people who played for 5 hours thought the game was too hard.

It's even worse than that.

The reason they complain about "difficulty" and "loot scarcity" isn't that it's difficult or loot is scarce per se (it genuinely isn't, not even they think that), but that they have to engage with it more than just skipping it in the first place.

They don't even want or like the game. They're complaining about not being able to skip half of it, and no-backbone-GGG decided to give in and change the game drastically in just 3 days, showing that they had very little confidence in their product that is and was beloved by many.

The blatant disregard for the campaign GGG put god knows how many hours into by "veterans" and "supporters" is saddening.

GGG listened to people who want to skip their game lol


I'm honestly confused why you are even here. Your POE 1 account has virtually no play time, with zero involvement. You're over here arguing with people about the game you wanted with people who made POE2 even possible.

POE 2 is not challenging, its tedious for the sake of being tedious. It isn't sustainable as a FTP game. The community who built POE1 by coming back season after season will certainly not do that here past maybe 1-2 seasons unless there's a decent amount of change to pacing and build diversity.

Yes, I'm 100% judging you based on your account history, and you'll play this game during the campaign, come back when act 4-6 comes out, play 1 season and never be heard from again. You're opinion on the matter should weigh very little considering from a business perspective, you don't really move the margin with that level of engagement.

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