3.25.1 Patch Notes Preview

so no changes to gold... i will get 40 challenges and leave

when is POE 2?
this is great and all but...
A bondade e maldade não são verdades. São oriundas do homem e cada uma vê tonalidades de maneira diferente.
No changes patch note. Changes regarding T17 could be done by one day but what we see? Only now average players comes to farm T17 and because they couldn't farm them - they make it easier. No comments regarding 0 drop, no comments regarding gold/rune/ore drop, no comments regarding QOL changes in town. League is 2.5 weeks with no patches still, I'll wait 3 more weeks playing not POE to see is there any chances for big patches.
Mark Roberts said that current league will be experimental. Is the first experiment for top and above average players to see how fast they could quit the league or how long they could keep their patience? Worst league ever for me, even Expedition wasn't such bad.

UPD: AHAHAHAH, I'm just now get that now it's harder to roll scarab because some mods were removed ahahahaha. Good job in fixing all the farm options. Thanks for the worst league GGG. You get auction house but to exchange you need to farm gold and farm zero drop

UPD2. Completely regret that in current year I started supporting GGG by buying support packs. It's sad that in the start of the year we saw best league Affliction for the all time and now we see this "EXPERIMENTAL" league. Chris, we miss you and your vision of the game :(
Last edited by ForsesGIT on Aug 13, 2024, 4:32:50 AM
Buff gold please
1) Mobs drop 0 loot because GGG deleted modifiers granting loot + almost deleted lootgoblins (GL to you encountering anything except corrupting/alteration lootgoblin) + large % of our loot converts to useless gold for useless league mechanics. Even kalandra was more rewarding than current league content.

2) 90% of scarabs are useless, another scarab overhaul didnt help at all.

3) League of sanctum/heist/ultimatum/party t17 mapping anything else is just poverty.

4) The best league ever created for mapping (affliction) STILL does not give loot even in 5-6 man party dudes... why you ggg cant just nerf it a bit and bring back with atlas passives. now it only buffs mobs much more than in original affliction and gives 0 loot. good job GGG.

To fix this league they just need to remove loot conversion into gold and bring back lootgoblins and loot modifiers. PoE was initially a game about killing mobs in atlas, now atlas strategies probably aside from beastfarming are useless, only mechanics with guaranteed loot like sanctum which have nothing to do with atlas are profitable and AT LEAST give some loot.

NGL this league is not as bad as abomination called necropolis which was just unbearable and unplayable since day 2, but stil...
Last edited by SoColdO_O on Aug 13, 2024, 3:28:34 AM
No Nerfs ????
Nerf T17 is useless REMOVE them i hate the layout and the overdrop compared to other map force anyone to play them or stay behind.
you are forcing player to spam 5 layout out of the 120 avalaible.
it create more discrepency betwin average and top tier player.
Strat price ( scarab et more ) is fixed by T17 profit so u cant profit elsewhere

the reward From boat is not a problem when u have nothing drop on the game from monster.

Im glad u make a patch but if u can please focus on the re
By leniak
All the "no-loot"-andys need to learn how to play the game or quit crying like a little baby.

If you dont invest you dont get anything. its like in RL.

For the Changes: Will see how they play out. Maybe Recombs get realy insane again. Ships getting buffed is risky since they already award around 5-10 div every day for doing nothing.
Last edited by Cbblr on Aug 13, 2024, 3:40:06 AM

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