3.25.1 Patch Notes Preview

shipment buff ? will need to see for ourselves!
Power Rune drop rate buff when?
Does the shipping change dramatically buff how often we'll see power runes? Right now its absurdly rare
Good stuff. Now please adjust (meaning buff) the amount of gold dropped by monsters in sub t16 areas.
well done as my steak.
i knew it was a good idea saving tons of resources Pog
Hermes The Corgi.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
I just then failed a recombi on two axes. I should have waited 30 seconds for this announcement to drop, and then I would have waited until later this week. F in the chat for my axes.
auspexa wrote:

t17s are easier than t16s now

Nice meme reddit

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