Upcoming Changes to Sap of the Seasons

Alright, but suppose I have 100% increased Tincture effect. Does that mean I'm capped at 200% pen with 100 burn stacks, or 400% pen with 200 burn stacks?
But god forbid fixing loot

Well i just saw person above you have headhunter which is like 100 div so there is enough loot bro lol
More stronger and less white pollution screen mobs = heathier game experience.
Thank you.
Please buff gold drops and please for the live of god make auto mapping in league actually worth doing.
Well reasoned, Mark! I really like the new direction the game takes with your leadership.
- Overnight nerf to some interaction one a 1c item noone gives a shit about

- Absolutely zero reaction or communication on what the vast majority of the playerbase have been complaining about since day 2 of the league : useless recombinators, wildwood and sentinels, ultra gutted ground loot, league mechanic not rewarding except for a few lucky outliers

- A ton of broken shit from a league or even more ago not fixed, Sanctum still utterly broken in terms of income, bugged totems, EK, and a lot of other skills, not to mention early crafting without Veiled Chaos still feeling like shit...

How can this be even possible ? This post is just a spit in the face of your players GGG. Please wake up. The league announcement stream was the best I'd ever watched, so many promises that ended up dead in the water.
Next league announcement will be even more impressive! They learned not to tell the truth back in 3.15 expedition, it loses them too much money.
Kazh wrote:
- Overnight nerf to some interaction one a 1c item noone gives a shit about

- Absolutely zero reaction or communication on what the vast majority of the playerbase have been complaining about since day 2 of the league : useless recombinators, wildwood and sentinels, ultra gutted ground loot, league mechanic not rewarding except for a few lucky outliers

- A ton of broken shit from a league or even more ago not fixed, Sanctum still utterly broken in terms of income, bugged totems, EK, and a lot of other skills, not to mention early crafting without Veiled Chaos still feeling like shit...

How can this be even possible ? This post is just a spit in the face of your players GGG. Please wake up. The league announcement stream was the best I'd ever watched, so many promises that ended up dead in the water.

True, true, and true. What the heck is going on!?
Any chance we can get a statement regarding whether or not y'all are working on a balance patch for the league (gold costs, rewards, quotas, coins replacing ground loot, etc)?

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