Upcoming Changes to Sap of the Seasons

That's great and all, but can you please buff some of the bow and other various skills that got gutted with the removal of their flat damage on the gems?

Cobra Lash and Toxic Rain of Sporeburst feels so terrible right now and it feels like we need mirror-tier weapons just to get back to the #'s of where they were before. And it's not like those 2 skills were anything insane to begin with.

Scourge Arrow is another fav of mine but I'm way too hesitant to try that one now.
Nice, please more communication like this in the future!
poor Woolfio, plugging along with 400 mana burn stacks, solo, getting nerfed hard soon. that guy is such a trooper, he doesn't deserve this.

hopefully ggg looks at what ppl have achieved, solo, and put the cap there.
Last edited by ActuallyAMan on Aug 4, 2024, 11:32:37 PM
i think you forgot that its a GAME, its meant to be fun and no not everyone was like omg i have to use that aaa im so weak like brother its 1 chaos for a reason.

stop nerfing everything, something out of hand? well good, because you nerf everything literally every league anyway who cares if its THAT good.. its just a game.. let everyone have fun
what if i had 6x level 10 mappers i had 0% chance to get them killed each map?
Last edited by sincx12395 on Aug 4, 2024, 11:33:14 PM
Fair, though another option is to cap the max burn stacks themselves, which imo would be far more interesting and allow for players to be more likely to solo keep those max stacks.
Could even have the max number of stacks a player can get be tied to the tincture itself.
So in this example of Sap of seasons if the max bonus is at 200 mana burn stacks, the max mana burn stacks a player would be able to gain would be something like 400, and after that if a player can sustain 400% mana burn per second they just perma have it.

The solo vs party disparity portion should be improved and not just blanket nerf to the item.
But god forbid fixing loot
600% so solo players can build around it please...
Had no idea this was a thing, I'm just blasting with SST.
Fair enough and I am good with that. Other changes incomming as well? Useful recombination, wildwood or some loot? :)

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