Can't name character in new league [ps5]

cagamo.. entonces me voy a dormir y pongo el despertador a las 00 espero que este resuelto para esa hora...
Alexander_GGG wrote:
We have a fix for this building. Unfortunately it will take several hours to go out.
One of the last minute changes to the game yesterday broke the virtual keyboards. Very sorry about that. 😭

"One of the last minute changes to the game yesterday broke the virtual keyboards."

So you knew this was going to be a problem before the league even started, and didn't post it as a warning?
Welp, guess I should’ve known better than to get a shift covered for league start. Especially after the crashes and issues building up to this.
several H O U R S ?!?!?!
Can we have South African Servers on console please? Thanks
So you change the game and you do not test it before release...Omg lol
Alexander_GGG wrote:
We have a fix for this building. Unfortunately it will take several hours to go out.
One of the last minute changes to the game yesterday broke the virtual keyboards. Very sorry about that. 😭

Time to back to sleep i guess so
yeah... after all the mate tea and the energy drinks i just had... well done ggg. what a great league start!
They just cant manage console launch no matter how hard they try
"Fix it soon becaise beong locked out of my wealth and my character puts a hold on me trading and bartering to increase my wealth" - Nameless Forum Poster.
It'll take around 2 hours for the patch. Stuff like this happened a lot 3-4 years ago.

At least last league when it launched broken we could try to farm Oni in the strand, brutal.

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