Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

Am I missing this part of the updates since I see Eternal Damnation changed but nothing in the notes of the post:
The Eternal Damnation
Unique Amulet now has Maximum Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges is 0

So in the end, you can't get charges + Divine Flesh/Eternal Damnation - figured it's going to be bonkers otherwise
MLGonthorian wrote:
skimbre wrote:
MLGonthorian wrote:
Of course they had to ruin increased duration

"Increased Duration: Has been renamed to More Duration Support. You guessed it, it now grants Supported Skills 30% more Skill Effect Duration at gem level 1, scaling up to 39% at gem level 20 (previously 45-64% increased Skill Effect Duration). Quality now grants Supported Skills have 0-10% more Skill Effect Duration (previously increased)."

Old Version (Increased Duration Support):

Effect: Increased Skill Effect Duration by 45-64% (depending on the gem level).
Quality Bonus: Increased Skill Effect Duration by 0-10%.
New Version (More Duration Support):

Effect: More Skill Effect Duration by 30% at gem level 1, scaling up to 39% at gem level 20.
Quality Bonus: More Skill Effect Duration by 0-10%.
Key Differences:

Scaling Mechanism:

The old version provided an increased duration, which means it added a flat percentage to the base duration of the skill.
The new version provides a more duration, which means it multiplies the base duration by the specified percentage.
Effectiveness at Gem Levels:

At gem level 1, the new version grants 30% more duration compared to the old version’s 45% increased duration.
At gem level 20, the new version grants 39% more duration compared to the old version’s 64% increased duration.
Mathematical Comparison:
Old Version Calculation:

At level 1: Base Duration x (1 + 0.45)
At level 20: Base Duration x (1 + 0.64)
New Version Calculation:

At level 1: Base Duration x 1.30
At level 20: Base Duration x 1.39
At Level 1:

Old: 145% of base duration.
New: 130% of base duration.
Result: The old version provides more duration at this level.
At Level 20:

Old: 164% of base duration.
New: 139% of base duration.
Result: The old version provides more duration at this level.
Quality Bonus:
Both versions provide up to 10% more/increased skill effect duration as a quality bonus. The new version's "more" modifier is generally more potent in multiplicative contexts, but since the base duration increase is higher in the old version, it also results in a higher final duration.

The old version of Increased Duration Support provides more duration overall compared to the new More Duration Support. The change from an "increased" to a "more" multiplier does not compensate for the lower base percentage, resulting in the new version granting less total duration at all gem levels compared to the old version.

I am not sure how you calculate but let me refresh it for you quick:

Old version level 20, 64% increased duration, and quality had 10% increased duration= thats 74% increased duration.

New version level 20, 39% more duration, and quality have 10% more duration= thats 49% more duration.

Let’s say you have a total of 200% increased duration on tree, skill, items and other sources for your build.

Exemple old: you have 200% increased duration on the tree and other sources, with old version gem you will get 200%+74%+ = 274% increased duration for you skills.

Exemple new: you have 200% increased duration on the tree and other sources, with new version gem you will get 200%*1.49% = 298% increased duration.

Increased = (+) Additive. Old
More = (*) Multiplicative. New

The more you get increased on the tree and items the more duration you will get compare to the old gem that is only additive to the source, the new gem will shine at the endgame.

That's the entire point, NO ONE is going to waste skill tree points for duration just to scale it more. The base duration of the gem with zero investment in the tree or items is less than before with the new increased duration gem, period.

I udnerstand what you trying to say and yes if you only gonna use the gem for a normal increase without investing the old one is better than the new, but there are some gems that benefits heavily from the new one such as Storm Burst if you now invest into duration the skillgem will be godly powerfull...

some other skillgems that benefits from sticking around longer and get more damage automatically such ass Toxic rain and blade vortex, probebly others but not on my mind...

Its a big buff for investment, and a small nerf for non-invenstment..
In general it is a buff in my opinion.
Will Scry Map option from the Nameless Seer affect Divination Cards dropped in Blighted Maps and Blight-Ravaged Maps?
Got curious when seeing the proc effect "trigger a fire skill on hit..." that is available for 1HD axe, and continued to checked with Mjölner whose proc is similar -and this new one appears to be based on.
If you wanted to use these for easy application of curses like conductivity with Mjölner, and assuming flammability with the new fire skill one that works -should work, but how come "Elemental Weakness" cant be proc by these effects (I know, it don't have the tags) - why don't it have a "elemental/cold, lightning, fire" tag?

"Elemental Weakness" and "Purity of Elements" are the only two skills I can find that fit the theme, but don't have corresponding tags. Meaning they cant even get bonus lvls from +X to skills.
Note sure whether this has been asked, but do tinctures apply to skills like Splitting Steal?

By wording, I assume they apply to attacks with melee weapons, rather than melee weapon attacks, meaning they should still apply to skills like spectral throw, splitting steel, venom gyre etc.
typo or ?

Vortex: Now has 130% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 170% at gem level 20 (previously 270% at all gem levels).
Vortex of Projection: Now has 130% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 170% at gem level 20 (previously 270% at all gem levels).

-100% effectivness?
skimbre wrote:
MLGonthorian wrote:
skimbre wrote:

I am not sure how you calculate but let me refresh it for you quick:

Old version level 20, 64% increased duration, and quality had 10% increased duration= thats 74% increased duration.

New version level 20, 39% more duration, and quality have 10% more duration= thats 49% more duration.

Let’s say you have a total of 200% increased duration on tree, skill, items and other sources for your build.

Exemple old: you have 200% increased duration on the tree and other sources, with old version gem you will get 200%+74%+ = 274% increased duration for you skills.

Exemple new: you have 200% increased duration on the tree and other sources, with new version gem you will get 200%*1.49% = 298% increased duration.

Increased = (+) Additive. Old
More = (*) Multiplicative. New

The more you get increased on the tree and items the more duration you will get compare to the old gem that is only additive to the source, the new gem will shine at the endgame.

That's the entire point, NO ONE is going to waste skill tree points for duration just to scale it more. The base duration of the gem with zero investment in the tree or items is less than before with the new increased duration gem, period.

I udnerstand what you trying to say and yes if you only gonna use the gem for a normal increase without investing the old one is better than the new, but there are some gems that benefits heavily from the new one such as Storm Burst if you now invest into duration the skillgem will be godly powerfull...

some other skillgems that benefits from sticking around longer and get more damage automatically such ass Toxic rain and blade vortex, probebly others but not on my mind...

Its a big buff for investment, and a small nerf for non-invenstment..
In general it is a buff in my opinion.

Your math is even off. The new one is not 298% increase in your scenario.
The correct calculation is:

(100% base + 200% increased) * 1.49 = 447% duration.
447% - 100% base = 347% increased.

The break even point is at around 50% increased duration from other sources. Anything above that it is better.

As to the other person saying nobody is going to invest skill tree points in increasing duration: LOL!
Last edited by felrasha on Jul 22, 2024, 8:50:21 AM
Will Venom Gyre stay nerfed? we will not be able to use any totems which will suck a lot
Will Venom Gyre stay nerfed? we will not be able to use any totems which will suck a lot

The vaal version had a slight buff but considering totems are gone this is a nerf for the skill both on vaal and normal.

@GGG should look at this
>>> Added the "Totems Taunt Enemies around them for 1 second when Stunned" Totem Passive Mastery back as an option.

Is this a typo? We used to have "when summoned" never "when stunned".

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