Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

Still dont understand people always complaining about "nerf", bruh if you dont play standard mode POE you cant complain.

Each league is like a new game, not sure why you even compare to previous builds. A new league is a fresh start and take on the game.

I guess us ruthless players just dont give af about nerf and what not, everything is just a puzzle to figure out but I suppose most of you people just blindly copy paste builds from other, thats why you all look the same on POE Ninja LOL!!!!
ㆍZombieㆍ wrote:

I guess us ruthless players just dont give af about nerf and what not, everything is just a puzzle to figure out but I suppose most of you people just blindly copy paste builds from other, thats why you all look the same on POE Ninja LOL!!!!

Last edited by fostaa on Jul 21, 2024, 2:51:33 PM
pls tiny bit more buff for EQ it's the most aesthetically nice slam but so far behind the others in power -.- pleaaaase
So how will destructive play and Domination Scarab of Terrors interact with Divination Scarab of Pilfering?

Of course they had to ruin increased duration

"Increased Duration: Has been renamed to More Duration Support. You guessed it, it now grants Supported Skills 30% more Skill Effect Duration at gem level 1, scaling up to 39% at gem level 20 (previously 45-64% increased Skill Effect Duration). Quality now grants Supported Skills have 0-10% more Skill Effect Duration (previously increased)."

Old Version (Increased Duration Support):

Effect: Increased Skill Effect Duration by 45-64% (depending on the gem level).
Quality Bonus: Increased Skill Effect Duration by 0-10%.
New Version (More Duration Support):

Effect: More Skill Effect Duration by 30% at gem level 1, scaling up to 39% at gem level 20.
Quality Bonus: More Skill Effect Duration by 0-10%.
Key Differences:

Scaling Mechanism:

The old version provided an increased duration, which means it added a flat percentage to the base duration of the skill.
The new version provides a more duration, which means it multiplies the base duration by the specified percentage.
Effectiveness at Gem Levels:

At gem level 1, the new version grants 30% more duration compared to the old version’s 45% increased duration.
At gem level 20, the new version grants 39% more duration compared to the old version’s 64% increased duration.
Mathematical Comparison:
Old Version Calculation:

At level 1: Base Duration x (1 + 0.45)
At level 20: Base Duration x (1 + 0.64)
New Version Calculation:

At level 1: Base Duration x 1.30
At level 20: Base Duration x 1.39
At Level 1:

Old: 145% of base duration.
New: 130% of base duration.
Result: The old version provides more duration at this level.
At Level 20:

Old: 164% of base duration.
New: 139% of base duration.
Result: The old version provides more duration at this level.
Quality Bonus:
Both versions provide up to 10% more/increased skill effect duration as a quality bonus. The new version's "more" modifier is generally more potent in multiplicative contexts, but since the base duration increase is higher in the old version, it also results in a higher final duration.

The old version of Increased Duration Support provides more duration overall compared to the new More Duration Support. The change from an "increased" to a "more" multiplier does not compensate for the lower base percentage, resulting in the new version granting less total duration at all gem levels compared to the old version.
🔷🔶🔰🌀✨Make trade like the Grand Exchange from RuneScape✨🌀🔰🔶🔷

Let us zoom out more. Bring back 32:9, Heist Alt Quality Gems, Gear Enchanting, Prophecy, Metamorph & Crucible. Stop removing content from the game. Stop nerfing everything. Stop making the game slow
Removed move speed from rage, Hateforge now still unobtainable but way worse.

Determination ruined
Grace ruined
(Don't worry guys, the new armour bases you get in the core game are supposed to make up for this even though Standard players will still have to deal with the same gem changes)
Hatred ruined
Inspiration ruined
Increased duration ruined

Removed totems but then also ruined banners in the way that you have to place them so banners are the new totems but actually provide less dps and are overall less useful. (No one will place down banners, we play this game to zoom)

Removed item quantity thus giving even more of a reason to play Standard instead of leagues. The change makes sense in terms of having an auction house but the auction house is not definitively in the game yet.

Removed perfectly fine Raider class. Yay, more movement speed and attack speed nerfs.

We still for some reason have transfigured gems in the game even though the Heist alt gems were better in every aspect.

We still can't enchant our gear like we used to before and still can't enchant jewels like we used to with Harvest.

Tainted Armorer Scraps for some reason got lowered from providing 29% to now 20% armor. (Yes I called it armor, there is no u in that word and even auto-correct changes the word for you if you spell it "armour")

We for some reason still can't play the new content in Standard and have to play leagues to experience it. (Won't play leagues, not starting over, and don't have time to)

We still can't zoom out more and the game still doesn't support 32:9

Currency exchange is a great addition if it actually stays in the game otherwise the rest of the patch notes are nerf central as usual with minor compensations disguised as "buffs".
🔷🔶🔰🌀✨Make trade like the Grand Exchange from RuneScape✨🌀🔰🔶🔷

Let us zoom out more. Bring back 32:9, Heist Alt Quality Gems, Gear Enchanting, Prophecy, Metamorph & Crucible. Stop removing content from the game. Stop nerfing everything. Stop making the game slow
Last edited by MLGonthorian on Jul 21, 2024, 8:04:05 PM
Man... Melee is gonna be so giga op you are just really missing out if you don't play melee. I hate melee playstyle and never liked it but I guess im forced this time around? :(

20% damage reduction flesh and stone and 10 endu charges so u have 60% dmg reduction with just this. U are literally immortal if u play melee this league meanwhile casters got nothing.
I believe there is a typo

shouldn't the change for totem be "Totem Taunt Enemies around them for 1 Second when summond"

summon instead of stunned.
Last edited by OmaSeed on Jul 21, 2024, 11:24:59 PM
Will there be a way to re roll gear in standard to get the new higher levels of mods there?

I am assuming that new drops in standard will have the new values.
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