Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

Flicker Strike: Now has a Mana cost of 5 at gem level 1, scaling up to 8 at gem level 20 (previously 10 at all gem levels). Now has 177% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 142%), scaling up to 408% at gem level 20 (previously 210%).

Hmm I think I know what I will play this league xD

Especially when there is no reason to play paper bow mf builds anymore.
Thatsnasty wrote:
twostroketom wrote:
Thatsnasty wrote:

no reason to play jugg when they ruined their ele reduction and placed it on endurance charges, for some godawful reason.

With 8 endurance charges jugg now gets 40% ele reduction. Previously it was 8% reduction plus 15% of armour works for ele. On top of that there are the new max res nodes on the tree AND max res on jewels.Not sure how that shakes out exactly in the end but i fail to see how this is a nerf, except maybe for armour stackers.

8? Where is the other 1 coming from?
Nothing you have said has anything to do with juggernaut, at all. I am not sure how this concept is hard to understand, so I'll explain it for you.

Straight up nerfing overall determination power and removing on their 8% armor as ele is a nerf. The only redeeming part is it now applies to chaos, which overall, is way less useful since the instances of chaos mattering are few and far between, and you should be aiming for 75% chaos res anyways.

Having 6 charges, while isn't 7, or having max res in the tree, ANY other class can get, it is not exclusive to juggernaut, nor does it take away from the nerf.
There is no reason to play the class anymore unless it's for undeniable, or maybe untiring, as the armor scaling ele reduction is no longer present to their class, but rather to endurance.

I swear people cannot understand that removing things and then adding them into the talent tree to waste skills points to make up for them, is a nerf. Why would you want to waste talent points on something you were getting free before, like more armor, ele reduction, or ES?
No wonder we keep getting godawful changes, have the community cannot even interpret the difference between a buff and a nerf.

I mean, that's partially GGG's fault for masking things behind other things and wording other things poorly, to be fair.

Dude, you need just one charge from gear to get to 8. Others have explained how to get as high as 11 so I won't repeat that.

Last I checked Unstoppable, Untiring and Undeniable were still there, Unbreakable double armour from body armour is buffed due to new bases and quality, Unrelenting buffed if you have at least 8 charges, +1 end. charge and charge generation still there. The ONLY "special" thing they removed is the armour works for ele dmg line from Unbreakable, which is probably more than compensated by new the end. charge tech. So what the hell are you on about?

High elemental mitigation will be super easy to get this league, especially for builds that have access to endurance charges. It's phys damage that is gonna be the problem, but only for top/right side of the tree builds that can't easily scale armour. Jugg is probably the best class to deal with phys.

10%+ Jugg characters on poe ninja, 15%+ on HC, just you wait

Gnarled Branch, Long Staff, Primitive Staff, and Royal Staff now have +20% Chance to Block Spell Damage while wielding a Staff (previously +18%).

*prieviously +18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff

Highborn Staff, Quarterstaff, and Woodful Staff now have +22% Chance to Block Spell Damage while wielding a Staff (previously +18%).

*prieviously +18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff

Imperial Staff, Lathi, and Primordial Staff now have +25% Chance to Block Spell Damage while wielding a Staff (previously +18%).

*prieviously +18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff

Ezomyte Staff and Judgement Staff now have +25% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff (previously +20%).

*Judgement Staff has had +20% Chance to Block Spell Damage while wielding a Staff

Sorry doubled my post
Last edited by Andwett on Jul 20, 2024, 11:34:19 AM
twostroketom wrote:
Thatsnasty wrote:
twostroketom wrote:

8? Where is the other 1 coming from?
Nothing you have said has anything to do with juggernaut, at all. I am not sure how this concept is hard to understand, so I'll explain it for you.

Straight up nerfing overall determination power and removing on their 8% armor as ele is a nerf. The only redeeming part is it now applies to chaos, which overall, is way less useful since the instances of chaos mattering are few and far between, and you should be aiming for 75% chaos res anyways.

Having 6 charges, while isn't 7, or having max res in the tree, ANY other class can get, it is not exclusive to juggernaut, nor does it take away from the nerf.
There is no reason to play the class anymore unless it's for undeniable, or maybe untiring, as the armor scaling ele reduction is no longer present to their class, but rather to endurance.

I swear people cannot understand that removing things and then adding them into the talent tree to waste skills points to make up for them, is a nerf. Why would you want to waste talent points on something you were getting free before, like more armor, ele reduction, or ES?
No wonder we keep getting godawful changes, have the community cannot even interpret the difference between a buff and a nerf.

I mean, that's partially GGG's fault for masking things behind other things and wording other things poorly, to be fair.

Dude, you need just one charge from gear to get to 8. Others have explained how to get as high as 11 so I won't repeat that.

Last I checked Unstoppable, Untiring and Undeniable were still there, Unbreakable double armour from body armour is buffed due to new bases and quality, Unrelenting buffed if you have at least 8 charges, +1 end. charge and charge generation still there. The ONLY "special" thing they removed is the armour works for ele dmg line from Unbreakable, which is probably more than compensated by new the end. charge tech. So what the hell are you on about?

High elemental mitigation will be super easy to get this league, especially for builds that have access to endurance charges. It's phys damage that is gonna be the problem, but only for top/right side of the tree builds that can't easily scale armour. Jugg is probably the best class to deal with phys.

10%+ Jugg characters on poe ninja, 15%+ on HC, just you wait

I think there is misunderstanding how much jugg stacking armour got nerfed. This specific and only this jugg could reach 90% reduced damage on top of 90% max all ress getting effective 99% elemental damage reduction.

8% of armour applied to elemental damage means that if jugg had 4 million armour Ele res would be protected by 320 k effective armour giving it 90% reduction. So equivalent of current 22.5 endurance charges.
I believe it's clear to everyone that armour stackers were massively nerfed. But I highly doubt all juggs on PoE ninja did manage to scale armour to the millions. For most builds, getting 10 endurance charges is easier than reaching enough armour to get 50% elem reduction against hits from uber bosses or T17 buffed rares.
Andwett wrote:

I think there is misunderstanding how much jugg stacking armour got nerfed. This specific and only this jugg could reach 90% reduced damage on top of 90% max all ress getting effective 99% elemental damage reduction.

8% of armour applied to elemental damage means that if jugg had 4 million armour Ele res would be protected by 320 k effective armour giving it 90% reduction. So equivalent of current 22.5 endurance charges.

Fair enough, they clipped the absolute tippy top of armour stackers. Now they just have ∞ dmg and not also ∞ ele max hit. How very rude xD. For 99% of players it's still a net buff. Saying there is no reason to play jugg bcs of this is crazy IMO.
Earthbreaker, granted by the Dawnstrider Unique Boots: Supported Skills now deal 0% less Damage at gem level 1 (previously 19%), scaling up to 19% more Damage at gem level 20 (previously 0% less Damage). No longer provides 10-19% increased Area of Effect with Melee Skills while the Totem is active.

I mean not really dead the melee totems, the new scaling and it being lv25 is like 6L or even 7L, just put there to shock or chill enemies rofl
Now we don't have ancestral totems you kinda have a few socks not being used anyways =)
Last edited by banished on Jul 20, 2024, 12:15:56 PM
Will there be a way of getting Tattoos this league?

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