Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

Adorned is now less adorned, i'm kinda sad...
Removing quantity was the most harsh solution you ever took, you said in your words that magic find is a core part of any RPG game yet you just removed quant and left rarity to feel like what you said is still a thing but we know its not.

I sacrificed a lot by going MF and you have no idea how long or how much it takes to make it work with a decent damage and i loved just investing hundreds of divines to scale it up but now there is no motivation for me to keep playing and invest more because what took like 2-5 mirrors worth of investment into MF gear.. i could literally do the same exact thing and more on like 100 divines budget.

I'm honestly very disappointed but it is what is.. nothing i say will change anyhing anyway
So happy minions builds were not targeted this time yay!
Here i am wanting to skip this leauge and focus on life but holy hell GGG, great work drag me in.

Q for the Q&A

SSF & The Currency Trade Market, is there an NPC equivilent economy so that currency can be traded in bulk or otherwise converted outside of campaign town shops?

I know this tech requires other players to trade with in the trade implementation, but Like in guild wars 1 is there a behind the scene suppy and demand that will allow trades to go through regarless?

With the use of delegation mechanics brought into the lore, there is currency generated otherwise. can that be simulated and traded via the currency trading market.

Melee league time.
thanks for killing flicker on STD

GG from GGG
Last edited by Kormak_x on Jul 18, 2024, 8:08:34 PM
Lovin the across the board changes, not knowing what to play never felt so good.
Overall an insane patch that feels like the 4.0 patch we waited for years ago.
Kinda gonna miss the MF-ing, did my first proper MF character in Affliction league and got everything to drop except a Mirror.
Well, atleast I got to experience a true MF character and league :D I cherish the memories and look forward to the new ones!
Mathils actual cat
The changes to taken as, are a very terrible change. Rest of it, is pretty nuts.
it doesn't end man

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