Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

So I don't see any mention of new Transfigured skill gems EXCEPT for one little note.

The Puncture Skill Gem now requires a Bow, while the new Puncture of Shanking Transfigured Gem requires a Dagger, Claw, or Sword.

So these are the patch notes, where are the rest of the shiny new transfigured gems? My Bingo Card needs filling.
State of Beyond Mechanic:

State of Blight Mechanic:

State of Harbinger Mechanic:
built for
Ambush now costs 4 Chaos Orbs (previously 7) and causes the area to contain 3 additional Strongboxes (previously 5).
Harbinger now costs 4 Chaos Orbs (previously 6) and causes the area to contain 2 additional Harbingers (previously 3).

bad bad changes
I dont have the words to describe how disappointed I am for this patch notes, I mean, you have a character, you like it, patch notes, the main skill DO NOT EXIST anyomore. FUN FUN FUN. sure. I wish all the best
Last edited by Impavidor on Jul 18, 2024, 7:24:44 PM
Did Boom Maces not get a buff to Base critical strike chance or GGG just forgot to mention it (I mean, it's a 30k word document, that happens)?

Because if they didn't it would be very hard do justify using them with 5% base crit otherwise. Some of the other experimental heist bases got buffed too, so I suppose the boom mace family should also get a buff.

Cheers for this patch notes otherwise! =D
melee league here we go :D
Easily the greatest Live Reveal I've ever spectated!
Sheeeeeiiit someone send the new tree to the POB lads so I can get my pre-build on asap. Thanks! ;D

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