Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

boat league!
If you read this, you are a noob like me =(
Melee prayers have been answered #impale
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Ohhh... It's so big (This notes Kappa)...
For those unaware, hatred has been completely gutted
Who in their right mind did allow the Dancing Dervish in this state? LIKE LITERALLY FREE MOVEMENT SPEED AND DAMAGE FOR EVERY PLAYER IN THE GAME. This can not be right, either its a HUGE MISTAKE or people at GGG are completely BAKED!
Last edited by Iceman0601 on Jul 18, 2024, 6:58:01 PM
Still no Stormbind Buffs?
No transfigured Winter Orb gem?

Sadge - Polish info hub
why does it feel like totems have just been replaced with banners... I sure hope not cause i wouldnt mind playing cyclone again as cyclone and not just as a coc support gem

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