Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

So any cold damage build that isn't phys conversion is completely worthless after the Hatred change, what's the point of this change?
Bot league, skip
I have indeed clicked OK after i typed in my username and password, I implore everyone else to do it as well
Can you add logbooks to bulk trade website?
no dd nerf? log out
These are quite some patch notes indeed, looking good. DOCK IN BABY
RIP Facebreaker Counterattack Cyclone Build
Unarmed for life! (although I do like maces too recently)
Why did hatred have to get gutted for cold builds!?
oo sorry second post forgot we can't say anything is bad about poe we just have to deal with it

like i said needless nerfs to champion grace/determ just no reason for most of the nerfs in the game but oo well deal with it

nerfs made by devs who don't play the game oo wait can i say that or is a mod gonna remove my post again cuz we don't have a right to say our opinions

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