Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

weird afk strategy sim league
Perma ban all non-melee players

Infernal blow (best skill) got buffs (2.27x stronger, except it lost flat)
Going infernal blow hit berserker with 2h sword

I mean it's also a 1700% damage explosion (3.77*0.76*6) at 20 qual, so infernal blow ignite could be super good
Last edited by JediJiggler on Jul 18, 2024, 6:44:39 PM
Lets Go!
I know I am one of the few that played Flamewood Totem, but removing the
Arohongui, Moon's Presence notable kills my build.

Looks great at first glance :D
holy molly
Thet Champion nerf is fucking dumb..

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