Path of Exile 2 wants to be the Dark Souls of ARPG

Boss fights take to long? The builds showcased at excilecon were not real builds. If you watched some of the streams in 30min many players were able to find way better rares and also support gems during those 30min sessions. Meanwhile the characters they were playing were not using hardly any good gear and almost no gems. They were made awful on purpose most likely to showcase more skill animations for people to test for each class rather than being a functional build.
It's amazing how even the director of Poe 2 mentioned that the gameplay was slow on purpose and some streamers said that the builds were nowhere near optimized people still hit the slow play / hit kills, dodge all the time ... either you are dumb or malicious at this point in the argument.
DaCurse wrote:
Marinxar wrote:
This idea is not going to work.... Just watched the Boss presentation.... 10 minutes to kill a normal zone boss.... That's ridiculous. There is 100 Bosses... 100 x 10-15 minutes of dodging and running in tiny arenas for boss fights........ Even a pack of white mobs takes 3-6 hits to clear. Going to take days Just to get through the campaign......

So true, preach, we will forever have 1 link skills and blue items and 10 allocated skill points

You never played POE endgame? Cuz that DOES happen.
Furyofwar wrote:
Boss fights take to long? The builds showcased at excilecon were not real builds. If you watched some of the streams in 30min many players were able to find way better rares and also support gems during those 30min sessions. Meanwhile the characters they were playing were not using hardly any good gear and almost no gems. They were made awful on purpose most likely to showcase more skill animations for people to test for each class rather than being a functional build.

Exactly, and here are the theories that poe 2 will be like dark souls
Personally not a fan of "waiting" to attack on arpgs. Roll, roll, damage, roll, roll damage is all 4.0 has to offer for gameplay I will stick to the basics then.
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
Xystre wrote:
Personally not a fan of "waiting" to attack on arpgs. Roll, roll, damage, roll, roll damage is all 4.0 has to offer for gameplay I will stick to the basics then.

I see. Only this does not mean that later on you won't be able to fully zoom

And you will always have Poe 1 unchanged

You could break down if it was one game with gamplay that you dont like

I was one of those people because before exilecon I thought it would be just one game with a big extension

Zoom zoom click

and here i got a surprise and you will still have poe 1
People see what they want to see, they don't care that game was slowed down to show the animations, that characters had no/bad gear. They want to whine. They want a reason to shit on the game, most of them was doing it for months already (despite playing all the time - why would you play if you don't enjoy the game?).

reinero wrote:
It's amazing how even the director of Poe 2 mentioned that the gameplay was slow on purpose and some streamers said that the builds were nowhere near optimized people still hit the slow play / hit kills, dodge all the time ... either you are dumb or malicious at this point in the argument.

They need a reason to be upset. Yet, they can't stop playing the game.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
This rolling mechanic looks pretty strange and if you add rolling you should add active blocking/parrying. It probably would be better to have some class specific simple, basic movement/dash skill (that would complement movement/repositioning build into main skills).
Last edited by feydh#4825 on Jul 31, 2023, 5:57:53 AM
mentos1308 wrote:
Furyofwar wrote:
Boss fights take to long? The builds showcased at excilecon were not real builds. If you watched some of the streams in 30min many players were able to find way better rares and also support gems during those 30min sessions. Meanwhile the characters they were playing were not using hardly any good gear and almost no gems. They were made awful on purpose most likely to showcase more skill animations for people to test for each class rather than being a functional build.

Exactly, and here are the theories that poe 2 will be like dark souls

I am not against dark souls inspires arpg (having a lot of difficult bosses) - let's see how it plays out :)
gageris wrote:
mentos1308 wrote:
Furyofwar wrote:
Boss fights take to long? The builds showcased at excilecon were not real builds. If you watched some of the streams in 30min many players were able to find way better rares and also support gems during those 30min sessions. Meanwhile the characters they were playing were not using hardly any good gear and almost no gems. They were made awful on purpose most likely to showcase more skill animations for people to test for each class rather than being a functional build.

Exactly, and here are the theories that poe 2 will be like dark souls

I am not against dark souls inspires arpg (having a lot of difficult bosses) - let's see how it plays out :)

I'm not particularly worried... if they decide to follow the dark souls model for masochists I'll just walk. I mean, you can see how impressed I haven't been with PoE in a long, long time just over there on the right side of this comment. If they strip what little enjoyment I do get out of the game away well... it's no loss to them, I haven't paid in years as it is.

And the game will either implode dramatically and swiftly as people migrate to more entertaining titles leaving behind only the masochistic or they will take the data and adjust the game to keep the players.

Just have to wait and see.

I've already taken a look at the next league and ... yeah, that's a hard pass.
I never liked the Grandmasters map and I certainly don't want to play that map as an entire league.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
Last edited by BlaqWolf#1151 on Jul 31, 2023, 11:39:15 AM

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