Path of Exile 2 wants to be the Dark Souls of ARPG

leto2626 wrote:
I had this fear since first ExileCon, and now with a minutes long bossfight in every ... single .. zone, this 100% confirmed it.
I'm not a typical zoomer player, I play relatively slow, but I don't play hack&slash games to hit bullet spunges most of the time. I want to feel powerful and slay tens or hundreds of monsters almost all the time. The '100+ NEW BOSSES' really killed literally every hype I had. I don't want to play Hades 1k hours per year, that is for sure.
The only highlight for me was the stuff that we will be able to do with skills and the passive tree, that's breaths PoE, but all the rest felt so off, it feels way off the game I love right now.

Also consider that the game will be updated later and just like in Poe 1 there will be added new stuff, mechanics and maybe some weird unique items that will help increase dmg, speed all you have to do is give them a chance so that they can live up to your expectations
Is this a joke or something? Dark Souls are totally skill based, PoE is totally gear based and don't think that PoE2 will be any different.
Last edited by MildorDArkehn on Jul 30, 2023, 9:02:14 AM
MildorDArkehn wrote:
Is this a joke or something? Dark Souls are totally skill based, PoE is totally gear based and don't think that PoE2 will be any different.

No it is not a joke and I think you have not closely watched the footage.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
MildorDArkehn wrote:
Is this a joke or something? Dark Souls are totally skill based, PoE is totally gear based and don't think that PoE2 will be any different.

In an IGN Interview Jonathan specifically mentioned this kind of direction: "we're going more in the kind of like Elden Ring sort of direction."

Even if the demos at Exilecon were slowed down, I think it is quite reasonable to say that they are designing POE 2 to be some kind of "the Dark Souls of ARPG"
Pashid wrote:

Everything looks really great design wise, but just like D4 did PoE really needed this mmo like boss fight like "complexity"?

Their boss design for map bosses is generally really good, I would love a PoE 2 where that design matters although I also agree that there is a point where we say 'ok that's too much'. I would say a good upper end of a boss fight duration is once I've seen all their attacks 2 or 3 times, anything past that is bullet sponge.

Of course a problem with this benchmark is that you make a map boss and its sitting there in Tier 2 maps and you're going to have such a huge swath of different character power levels it's basically impossible to either challenge everyone and make sure no one has a boring bullet sponge experience so part of this will always be on the player to pick content that makes sense for them, their character, and their play style.

Reinhart wrote:
oldschool ARPG players want to mass-slay monsters instead of running and dodging around a boss for minutes. I dont remember having this feeling when I first encountered Merveil back in 2012.

Curious you bring up old school and Merveil...campaign boss fights take way longer than map boss fights once you have a good character and are a good measuring stick of how strong your character is (relative to all the characters in the past you've tackled Merveil/Vaal Oversoul with). The old school way IS the slower more methodical boss fight - isn't it?

MildorDArkehn wrote:
Is this a joke or something? Dark Souls are totally skill based, PoE is totally gear based and don't think that PoE2 will be any different.

This is the correct take - at the end of the day so long as either PoE remains a gear based game you will be able to pound bosses into the sand. Unless they internally put a thing in behind the scenes that says bosses can't take more than .1% of their HP per second LOL
innervation wrote:

Reinhart wrote:
oldschool ARPG players want to mass-slay monsters instead of running and dodging around a boss for minutes. I dont remember having this feeling when I first encountered Merveil back in 2012.

Curious you bring up old school and Merveil...campaign boss fights take way longer than map boss fights once you have a good character and are a good measuring stick of how strong your character is (relative to all the characters in the past you've tackled Merveil/Vaal Oversoul with). The old school way IS the slower more methodical boss fight - isn't it?

No it is not. I still remember doing Merveil with an unlinked skill gem back in 2012 and not dieing once. Also it was not a slog to fight her. It didn't take 2-5 mins to beat the boss. And it has not changed until now. I also dont get people finding act 1 or 2 difficult, it is the easiest part of the game. The reason they have trouble is that they think themselves as excellent players when they just copy the most braindead, uber-duber, super-tuned builds who will face no trouble in endgame. Then they say to other people to 'git-gud'.

Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
leto2626 wrote:
I had this fear since first ExileCon, and now with a minutes long bossfight in every ... single .. zone, this 100% confirmed it.
I'm not a typical zoomer player, I play relatively slow, but I don't play hack&slash games to hit bullet spunges most of the time. I want to feel powerful and slay tens or hundreds of monsters almost all the time. The '100+ NEW BOSSES' really killed literally every hype I had. I don't want to play Hades 1k hours per year, that is for sure.
The only highlight for me was the stuff that we will be able to do with skills and the passive tree, that's breaths PoE, but all the rest felt so off, it feels way off the game I love right now.

No it is NOT confirmed. For god's sake. Stop and THINK as a MARKETING director for a second. You want to SHOW something at an event, you want people to see the mechanics. To do that you Make it happen as SLOWLY and spaced as possible!

Not doing it would be stupid, because would be to throw out their most valuable marketing moment
no it hasn't.

if someone wants to play a Souls Like game he can go play one with FAR FAR better visuals.

PoE is aRPG . end of story. Evolve in your genre do not try to be something that you CAN'T be ...
When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself
Raycheetah wrote:
So, we're seeing PoE II make the same mistake D4 did (in D4's case, adding MMO elements), trying to be something it's not? =9[.]9=

Well said, I am absolutely going to play poe2, but I am not a fan of dark souls at all so we will see how it plays. Looks like overhead camera dark souls.
Last edited by Jradlot21 on Jul 30, 2023, 1:19:11 PM
leto2626 wrote:
I had this fear since first ExileCon, and now with a minutes long bossfight in every ... single .. zone, this 100% confirmed it.
I'm not a typical zoomer player, I play relatively slow, but I don't play hack&slash games to hit bullet spunges most of the time. I want to feel powerful and slay tens or hundreds of monsters almost all the time. The '100+ NEW BOSSES' really killed literally every hype I had. I don't want to play Hades 1k hours per year, that is for sure.
The only highlight for me was the stuff that we will be able to do with skills and the passive tree, that's breaths PoE, but all the rest felt so off, it feels way off the game I love right now.

No it is NOT confirmed. For god's sake. Stop and THINK as a MARKETING director for a second. You want to SHOW something at an event, you want people to see the mechanics. To do that you Make it happen as SLOWLY and spaced as possible!

Not doing it would be stupid, because would be to throw out their most valuable marketing moment

Honestly I see it the opposite way around, making boss fights a central point at ExileCon (heck even with inviting guests trying to kill a boss within 5 minutes) is bad marketing IF that's not what they intend the game to be. If the game won't be as slow eventually, (at least the boss fights, I don't mind the rest), they shouldn't make it look it like that in every footage sown over two days. To me that means these bosses will be 50% of our time playing the game, effectively. It's bad marketing to upset many of us, so that's why I think it's not marketing but the effective image of the game they want to make. I think it's naive to believe the game will effectively be way faster and blame it on the lack of gear etc in the demo. I'd be really surprised they made that mistake after 4 years of preparation to show us their progress.
I'm not a zoomer at all, slower is better for me, but not with what's looking like a semi pinnacle boss in every single zone, that's a definition of another genre of games.
Last edited by leto2626 on Jul 30, 2023, 1:23:03 PM

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