This absolutely will divide the playerbase and not in a good way...

From what it looks like ill stick to PoE1. However if it becomes obvious that their main dev focus lies on POE2 i might just simply stop playing PoE after all.
That'd be a shame if it turns out this way for the many players that prefer the faster style.

Another thing that was brought already is keeping up with 2 complex games at the same time. Lets be real here, except for some nolifers thats not really possible for anyone.
People will vote with their feet.

IF (!) PoE2 will really be slower and people REALLY (!) dislike that, then GGG will see it in player numbers and PoE2 will be adjusted.
Problem with that is that the animations are so detailed it's going to look ridiculous at zoom zoom speed and impossible to do. Poe2 will ALWAYS be much slower.
Bolander wrote:
To be honest, I feel like people are overreacting with this. Chances are that the the overwhelming majority of the player base will move to PoE 2 because it is new.

I don’t think it is a zoom vs slowly game, PoE 1 was slow in the beginning, even now if a fresh player attempts the game without following many guides it will be far slower than some think. So giving it some time and it will play in a way that most people enjoy it.

Once again, new stuff alone is the biggest carrot of players.

yeah i agree with this. i dont think the differences are really as big as people are making out.

i think diablo 4 is wayyyyyy slower than diablo 3, i think theres a bigger speed decrease going from d3 to d4 than we will see with poe1 to poe2, and while people are complaining about a lot of things in d4 thats not rly one that im seeing brought up much.

poe2 will still probably zoom in endgame, a little less than poe1, the game will be overtuned at first when it goes into open beta and we will all bitch at them til they chill out. same with poe1 content right? every league seems to be way overtuned at first, everyone says hey man wtf with this bullshit? and then they eventually nerf it.

i just dont think it will be that big a deal, endgame builds wont look like the demos were seeing of lvl20 characters with 1 link skills killing campaign monsters on janky dev made display builds. people will be 1 shotting blue mobs with their aoe skills and running along with raider style movespeed.

most people are going to go to poe2, most people complaining now will move over and eventually stop looking back. they will probably have significantly more players in poe2 than they have currently in poe1.
Nevzat wrote:

They kept referring to POE1 and saying what was not good about it... well um, you work for GGG why not just fix that stuff?

i think thats the point tho right? they are fixing it, thats why theyre making poe2.
Nevzat wrote:
Problem with that is that the animations are so detailed it's going to look ridiculous at zoom zoom speed and impossible to do. Poe2 will ALWAYS be much slower.
The game looking ridiculous at zoom zoom speeds hasn't stopped it before.
Nevzat wrote:
Problem with that is that the animations are so detailed it's going to look ridiculous at zoom zoom speed and impossible to do. Poe2 will ALWAYS be much slower.

Good. The ultrasuperhypermegaspeed in Path 1 is a gigantic deterrent for a large number of folks. They said outright in the Skills panel that Path 1's overfocus on too-fast character speeds was a slap fix for Path 1's "borderline unusable" character rigs and the severe animation limitations that forced.

Lots of people CHEERED when Jonathan confirmed that the intent was to strip away the top micropercentile of the game,where the player is moving so quickly and throwing out so much bullshit so fast that they're not even seeing or reacting to enemies anymore. They're just semi-randomly clicking in the vague direction of "I haven't cleared this map fog yet" and listening for the sound of their loot filter telling them something worth stopping for dropped. That is not fun, engaging gameplay.

Note that Jonathan confirmed in almost the same moment that the intent is still to allow players to move very quickly and throw out a lot of bullshit. Jonathan wants people to feel like they broke the game by endgame. He's just hoping they can get to a point where the game isn't ACTUALLY broken for those people, with game systems struggling to keep up and the animation/rendering system just giving up in disgust.
From what i saw so far POE2 is Ruthless 2.5 to some extent.

- Less item drops
- No crafting bench
- Boss Hp reset after death
- Slow movement in general
- Gold (From Ruthless with gold league). Side currency.But only used for vendors.

Also some extras:
- No shared endgame since separate game. And probably no old bosses like Shaper from POE1 (@4:35 hr last exilecon stream).
- No scouring and alteration orbs and Chaos reworked (adds and removes one random mod).
- Some item vendors got buffed and sell way better items than before (compensation for lack of crafting bench)
- No Quicksilver flasks
- Bear form can dodge roll

Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0 on Jul 29, 2023, 6:50:04 PM
Ultimately I think it's a good decision to make two separate versions, akin to RuneScape/OSRS, except in the case of Path of Exile, PoE 2 should be well received. Imagine if they announced that PoE 1 would be defunct with the release of PoE 2, now that we have more information about PoE 2. I can already picture the forums and other social media. It wouldn't be pretty. :P
Streaming Path of Exile on Twitch:

“There are only two great tragedies in life: one is not getting what you want and the other is getting it.” ―Oscar Wilde
It's still early. But PoE2 sounds and looks like some play station hit of the week for Karens.

I am afraid they will stop focusing on PoE1 and will continue with this terrible Ruthless vision of theirs.

It's still far away, but atm this looks and sounds terrible and not worth the time and money, same as Diablo 4. I hope they will add a lot, cause atm it's really bad almost like an empty game with just gold mainly and very slow with space spam all the time. It's good for like some random game, but for GGG standard - not even close.
3.15 was a joke. 3.19 was a disaster. Archnemesis/Ruthless/Crucible(Archnemesis 4.0?) - worst ideas. Ruthless is a joke, a waste of resources. PoE2(exilecon version) was super disappointing.

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