This absolutely will divide the playerbase and not in a good way...

Nevzat wrote:
Problem with that is that the animations are so detailed it's going to look ridiculous at zoom zoom speed and impossible to do. Poe2 will ALWAYS be much slower.

If you would have watched the animation panel, they explained that every weapon animation has 3 different stages depending on the speed this skill animation is executed.
To me even just the first hour of ExileCon stream confirmed what I was afraid of since first ExileCon, we're getting a Souls-like game instead of a hack&slash where you feel really powerful. I already knew in the back of my head years ago PoE 2 will be less my thing, a game with a minutes-long bossfight in every... single... zone. And now with all the dodgerolling and stuff did 100% confirm that feeling really powerful is not what they have in mind for PoE 2.

I'm actually not a typical zoomer in PoE 1, despite having 10k hours in it I always played kind of slow compared to most, playing a lot of totem builds etc. But playing slower is not the same as playing a Souls-like game where every move really matters, that last type of game is really not what I want to play all the time.

I was hyped for the announcement but besides the stuff that we will be able to do with skills and the tree, and of course the good looking animations etc, nothing pulled me in and instead made me feel very weirdly conflicted almost sad. I don't try to judge too much about stuff that's obviously not finished like the extremely horrible 2005-like looking UI and icons (of orbs and skills etc), I assume those are placeholders (they better be).

I guess many people will like the long bossfights, the same people that liked Sanctum I guess, but for me it breaths tedium, so much that it almost felt cringy to see the streamers play their demo, heck even in the demostration in the first announcement hour I was sitting their almost cringing because it took like 10 minutes to get our of one single zone.

I guess the news of having 2 separate clients is wonderful, they don't need to fit everything in anymore and start kind of fresh and leave both the Hack&slash and the Souls/Hades-like game on their own.

I know one thing already, I won't clock 10k hours in the next 10 years, just imagining doing that PoE 2 campaign every single league at least once ... I don't know, it's just hard not to feel disappointed in my favorite game ever.
Last edited by leto2626 on Jul 30, 2023, 7:03:11 AM

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