This absolutely will divide the playerbase and not in a good way...

innervation wrote:
la_blue_girl wrote:
I don't think they're supporting both games. It makes no absolutely sense when you start thinking about it. Double the end game expansions? Double the leagues? Double the voice acting? Double the music? Double the balancing? Double the story/lore? To me this is all just a PR-stunt to get people to still be excited about POE 1 during the next 2 years.

And the fact that POE 2 looks waaaaay slower next to POE 1 is reason alone IMO. "I just want the fast game with the more loot bro" and all of GGGs wishes about a slower game with better player retention goes up in smoke. Nah, not gonna happen. I could even see them killing POE 1 or reducing it to some standard league only-thing the day POE 2 hits.

It does make sense if and only if both are profitable. If they double their amount of players and 50% each play PoE 1 and 2 respectively, then there is no reason not to support both.

And if one game ends up taking 80% of the play time doesn't that game deserve a bigger staff and more support?

Yeah, but my point is that having two versions of a game where one is much faster, gives more loot, is easier etc, is just gonna make your new game with that slower style of gameplay you've been talking so much about look super unexciting. If it just looks and plays like a slog next to OG POE, people will just skip it or at least be very unhyped about it.

Which is why I think they're gonna end supporting POE 1 at launch or very soon after, as GGG wants the slower, less power crept version of POE that is POE 2, because they think that version has much more longevity.
Last edited by la_blue_girl on Jul 28, 2023, 10:12:54 PM
Imiona wrote:

I really like this decision because i have not much interest in PoE 2, it looks very slow and tedious and just not fun.

i wouldnt read too much into that. you are looking at the devs playing like lvl25 builds. have you seen footage of poe1 the devs put out when theyre showing off levelling level characters using new skills etc? it looks even slower than what ur seeing of poe2, it looks so clunky and ridiculous, but then you play the game yourself and by endgame its insanely fast.

theyre not gonna show off a ridiculous blur of endgame particle effects spam and nonsense where no one can even tell what is happening as an advert for their game where they want you to see the new skills and graphics. but thats still what the endgame is going to end up being for powerful characters.

la_blue_girl wrote:
innervation wrote:
la_blue_girl wrote:
I don't think they're supporting both games. It makes no absolutely sense when you start thinking about it. Double the end game expansions? Double the leagues? Double the voice acting? Double the music? Double the balancing? Double the story/lore? To me this is all just a PR-stunt to get people to still be excited about POE 1 during the next 2 years.

And the fact that POE 2 looks waaaaay slower next to POE 1 is reason alone IMO. "I just want the fast game with the more loot bro" and all of GGGs wishes about a slower game with better player retention goes up in smoke. Nah, not gonna happen. I could even see them killing POE 1 or reducing it to some standard league only-thing the day POE 2 hits.

It does make sense if and only if both are profitable. If they double their amount of players and 50% each play PoE 1 and 2 respectively, then there is no reason not to support both.

And if one game ends up taking 80% of the play time doesn't that game deserve a bigger staff and more support?

Yeah, but my point is that having two versions of a game where one is much faster, gives more loot, is easier etc, is just gonna make your new game with that slower style of gameplay you've been talking so much about look super unexciting. If it just looks and plays like a slog next to OG POE, people will just skip it or at least be very unhyped about it.

Which is why I think they're gonna end supporting POE 1 at launch or very soon after, as GGG wants the slower, less power crept version of POE that is POE 2, because they think that version has much more longevity.

It really depends on the person. I personally am more excited for POE2 than the expansions for POE1. I will play both tho.
After watching new stuff about POE2, I will not play it. I have no interest at all to play POE2.

I don't understand, when you have a perfect product POE, why you need to destroy it by creating something worst aka POE2. Bad management? There was plenty of room on POE to do a lot of stuff.
There was plenty of room on POE to do a lot of stuff.

I bet the devs would disagree strongly with that, and this would be another great question to ask at the q&a. Why not build on PoE1's foundation forever?
innervation wrote:
There was plenty of room on POE to do a lot of stuff.

I bet the devs would disagree strongly with that, and this would be another great question to ask at the q&a. Why not build on PoE1's foundation forever?

They pretty much confirmed this in the Skills panel. Skill design in PoE1 is SEVERELY constrained by the abysmal PC animation rigs and a myriad of problems resulting from early design decisions in PoE1 that didn't work out the way Grinding Gear wanted. Mana reservation is a huge issue, as is the problem of overspecialization forced by limited gem sockets, a fixed skill tree, and the existence of any number of detrimental systems in the first game.

In PoE2, they have immensely more freedom to design skills. Every active skill in PoE1 has to be a fast-animating universal do-everything skill with basically no resource requirement because of the way Path 1's core meta developed. But in 2 they can design slow but massive skills, AoE skills that DON'T need to double as bosskillers, mana-intensive skills, utility active skills, combo-style skills - whatever their fevered imaginations and technology limits allow.

The big tough heavily armored hammer warrior specializing in massive slams and crushing, heavy blows and the nimble, agile dagger-wielding shadow specializing in precise, surgical strikes can actually have DIFFERENT PLAYSTYLES now, instead of the warrior being just as fast and evasive as the shadow and the shadow having just as much armor and AoE coverage as the warrior. That's going to be incredible, and it's only possible because they split Path 2 off from Grsmpy 1.
I just took a year off and did enjoy crucible.

It's getting easier and easier to not think about this game anymore.
TheAshmaker wrote:
PoE 2 looks more like Lost Ark than PoE...


I think the gold is for new players. But it is a very bad choice imo. THe trade with currency is brilliant in POE.
yep. poe is a great game but i can sit here and point out so many flaws baked into its design.

by the time poe2 comes out poe1 will be 12 years old. the fact the game has lasted that long and not just escaped shrInking into oblivion, but is actually growing its player base is insane. its had a crazy long run and will continue to exist, its no shame to move on.

12 years is a long time, no arpg has existed this long in this fashion, growing and being added to with this much content. its never been done before, so much has been learned.

it would be ridiculous to think that after 12 years they have learned nothing, that they couldnt make a better foundation to build on now than they did back then. they have totally revolutionised the genre with poe1.

why not make the best game they can make?

people said d2 was perfect, and now d2 is virtually unplayable garbage compared to poe. it was great at the time, lessons were learned, something better was made by the people who learned those lessons. unlike blizzard north ggg get to make their own successor. blizzard north could never have made a game as good as poe, no one else around right now is good enough to make a game to beat poe1 except ggg. thats the reality.
Thesuffering wrote:
TheAshmaker wrote:
PoE 2 looks more like Lost Ark than PoE...


I think the gold is for new players. But it is a very bad choice imo. THe trade with currency is brilliant in POE.

Do none of you read or watch the fucking stream? The gold is there for vendors / gambling through vendors that's it; You're STILL going to be using orbs via trade. Nothing is changing via the base point of trade in POE.

You're not going to use gold to trade via another player it's orbs still.
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