Diablo 4 is the best DIABLO game but i've now lost interest in the franchise

Tempering really is the ultimate short-track to mid-game. Rolled a Frenzy/Double Swing barb for the fun of it, was kinda doing okay, then I slapped a bunch of 'close damages' on all the weapons and LOL bye felicia to all the Blood Maidens.

Can't say it pulled me back into the game hardcore -- I'm too busy in other areas -- but it was a nice day off.

I do have to wonder why Blizzard are not taking the expansion slam dunk they set up for themselves by NOT putting a paladin-type in DIV base. Do we really need another pet keeper/mystical type? I would have been happy with either a Templar/Paladin or an Iron Wolf, but I guess once they unlock swords for Sorc that's a de facto Iron Wolf set up...I wonder if they'll let finger-wigglers use a shield too. That could open up some interesting tank mage options...

Oh the Paladin / Crusader / Modified Blood Knight is coming, no doubt there. On the Spiritborn, I think they were inspired to do something "new" character wise after the relatively positive reception a new class got in DI. Plus I do think this team wanted to put their own spin on this game as well. Its' also worth noting that the 1st expansion was already well into development, at D4 launch, which paired with this themed character. There was no changing course as far as VoH goes, at least imo.

That said I'm surprised that the Dev Team seemed caught off guard that there was such demand for the pally / sader amongst the players. Here I totally agree with you, this is a no-brainer, hands down, 100% win in terms of a character release.

While there are no guarantees in game development, or life for that matter, you can pretty much bet the house on the next expansion featuring a sword/board, flail/greatshield, spear/buckler class coming next year. Whether or not that's a Pally, a Crusader, A BK, or something in-between (like you mention with Iron Wolf or Templar) remains to be seen.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Agreed Diabroski.

I haven't kept up with DI, for all sorts of sane and logical reasons. Are we still somewhat beholden to its grim financial harvest for DIV? Ugh.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
LOL GGG trolling with Paladin Supporter Pack.

Wow well done.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
such a shocking big "troll" hoho

Bliz should take some notes of content creation to turn D4 bad into D4 acceptable lol
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Jul 18, 2024, 5:16:16 PM
I didn't hate Blizzdevs' explanation why they went a new class over the paladin. I also think that 'monk' left as big a hole as 'paladin' in the wake of D3 -- one of my RL friends who games far less than he would like due to being a Responsible Self-Sufficient Adult played and loved Monk in D3 and found the absence of that playstyle in DIV quite disappointing.

So while I don't think Spiritborn is for me, I do see the wisdom in combining the D2 Assassin with the D3 Monk to bring back a quick, close-quarters spirit-driven fighter.

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
I really enjoy Diablo 4 and still do. It's just easy for me to hop into and play in my free time.
my issue with the release of the expansion comes from progression. i m a standard andy. the current item power was 925. if every expansion they release, they increase the power level, theres really no reason to grind so hard.

next expansion, all your gear are invalidated.
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exsea wrote:
my issue with the release of the expansion comes from progression. i m a standard andy. the current item power was 925. if every expansion they release, they increase the power level, theres really no reason to grind so hard.

next expansion, all your gear are invalidated.

I will double check, but I dont think an additional tier was added. You should be fine.

They also talked about how they took great care to ensure that you could access the DLC easily. You can skip campaign and play it, or stop in the middle of the campaign, do it at lvl 100, or really at any time.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
kinoshi wrote:
I really enjoy Diablo 4 and still do. It's just easy for me to hop into and play in my free time.

Yes. Very smooth game with lots of QOL features and few irratating things like one shot deaths from nowhere.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Turtledove wrote:
kinoshi wrote:
I really enjoy Diablo 4 and still do. It's just easy for me to hop into and play in my free time.

Yes. Very smooth game with lots of QOL features and few irratating things like one shot deaths from nowhere.

they listened a lot.

the anti one shot mechanic theyre using are stuff that streamers have suggested about maven's memory game too.
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