Improvements to Item Drops

Everyone must accept that Chris will pull through with his "vision" no matter what.

Most leagues had something HORRIBLE for the players in them and only after massive complaints they rolled back a little and not all of it. This time will be the same, they will give like 90% back and players will praise GGG... until next league.
SageArts wrote:
Too many ppl here are crybabies about the whole fiasco.
Here's some food for thought:

First of all it is ok for GGG to nerf progression speed by nerfing drops.
Maybe it was too much but there are obvious balancing issues with how it was before. Just adding quant to every league mechanic mob makes juicing way too one dimensional: Pick all mechanics possible to clear in the shortest amount of time with the most amount of monster density and ease of completion. Everything else would be shit and any attemt on balancing around difficulty or time investment would be undermined from the start. Rewards should scale from those things instead of stacking the screen full of as many white or blue things as you can oneshot as possible, which is the exact opposite of what was happening.
This also had two significant side effects: The game became a lot easier but the discrepancy between a newer player and a veteran became bigger and bigger. This may sound counter intuitive but lets consider both perspectives:
The Vet: IF you knew what you doing farming became easier with every mechanic you could stack. I would accumulate currency faster in the most recent leagues than ever before. The game would accelerate every league, for vets it would become relatively braindead to farm their fully decked characters in a couple weeks, leading to earlier quits.
The newer player: To stack all those mechanics you need to know how to clear them effectively, meaning higher burden of knowledge which is a big problem with the game already. Even if you follow a guide for a build, if you don't know how to farm you'll get nowhere as the game had to release content for the "good" players. If you do hard content unoptimally you get punished hard so you have to follow not one guide for the build but multiple for every strategy you'd try to employ - possibly at the same time.

Second: There were dropping way too many items. Way too many blues & rares. As someone who plays on default filter on league start (I change it later, dont worry) I really realized this especially in the last leagues I played.
What GGG wants here is a good thing: Less but more significant drops. Balancing time investment of different leagues and playstyles against each other. Create difficult encounters that are actually rewarding. Did they go too far in one direction? Yea sure. Reverting the changes? Hell no.

What I suspect is that archnem mods now use a tree structure for their quant bonuses to accommodate for their exponential difficulty increase. So that 6 mod red beast you took 5 minutes to kill will hopfully have that 20'000% increased quantity now. And I'm pretty confident in betting that they will add more weigth to itemlevel in regards to what mod tier a Item will roll to further double down on hard content = better item.

Ok now for the things that I can only partially agree with:

Ex => Divine changes: Well I understand where you are coming from but this was the wrong way. I agree with changing the crafting recipes costs, yes please so much I was advocating for this for so long. Exalts were more expensive every league, devaluing chaos, making variance much more imporant at league start. I kinda agree with removing the divine 6L recipe. Yes make divine effect a bit rarer and 6L's cheaper with the possibility of making them easier to get, sure. Both, and change all crafting costs to divine? EEEEHHHM.
Here is what you shouldve done:
remove div recipe [x]


Lock Prefix - 2 div
Lock suffix - 2 ex
Cannot roll caster - 2 annul
Cannot roll attack - 2 annul
3 crafted mods - 2 ex

Leave some value in ex while shifting a bit to the newly valued divine but also to annulments - which are about as rare and usefull. Divining an item will and should not be worth 200 chaos. There are way too many items and rolls balanced around divines being relatively cheap. Make it more expensive sure, but not that expensive.

Well, I'm ok with the rework and nerfing it a bit but make it tradeble. Harvest and TFT showed that even if you don't want something to be tradeable, your players WILL find a way to make money off it. Better make it more convenient and nerf the amount one gets OK. What I can't agree with is the removal of certain mods. Reroll prefix / suffix is fucking mandatory in crafting. You literally cant craft any influenced gear without that, and some influenced gear is really build enabling so I hate this already. It also makes the things that are notoriously bad to craft (weapons and jewellery, because of large mod pools where you want only a few specific things), so so much worse to craft since they don't have influenced currency. Id just make them as expensive as the Add craft or a tier between them and the one before them.
Removing the divine orb craft was also a omega dick move. At least leave in some source of diving if you make divs more expensive, the effect isn't that good. Can't even div uniques no more. Just remove lucky and up tier it so its expensive.

TL;DR: "JUICING" was in a dumb and sorry state, you're not getting that shit back. Currency changes and Harvest changes weren't thought through enough.

When you will play alone lets see if you will say the same. Also even streamers quit game so the game is trash now. If you have 15+ hours a day to spend in a game not many ppl have or want. So enjoy your game you are the only one. And yes we all want more currency and items.
KkardanAdam wrote:
I do not understand why they are dead set to keep archnemesis, and put a lot of time to make it viable to fail again again. Why is it so hard for you to bring back old rares (and accept that this was a failure) and put this archnemesis --- as a kirac mods. Those who enjoys and wants this better loots can add to their maps.

I think archnemesis is good, it they are overtuned though. I like their loot drop system, it is definitely more interesting.
This have become a joke, nerf playerpower with 90%, buff all monsters around you by 504353%....
Any update to 32:9 support?
I tried a few T1 maps on my freshly rolled char and was getting some nice drops from the boss during the 7 or 8 runs I made quickly this morning. If you haven’t tried it yet check it out. Bubblegum currency probably needs another bump but uniques were dropping again.
Last edited by cfg3 on Aug 24, 2022, 3:36:51 PM
Zero incentive to play. Zero.

Creative builds that work? No, instead a game were 90 of their 100 builds can't even do end game.

Content that we love? They keep deleting content and/or nerfing it and/or bringing it back in a shell of its former itself. (Scourge being the last "return", with nerfed corrupted currency and the entire mechanic missing, Harvest super nerf, etc)...

Loot that we enjoy to pick up and craft? Non existent, from the pick up aspect to the crafting aspect.

A developer that listens to feedback? No, rather "treat you like children" behaviour, I take away from you 10 things and then give back 1 and call it a day, like taking a page out of developers we have criticized for years, and deleting comments they feel are (what was the wording they used?) needlessly negative. Even without any curse words being used.

Well, feedback can understandably be negative at times.
The needless part I guess is up for grabs now isn't it. If a developer doesn't agree with negative feedback and they call it needless and delete it, that says it all.

A currency system that works on its own? Naaah, aside from nerfing its drop, lets also nerf the actual currency value itself as well.

A vision that heads into a specific direction and we know what that is? Nah, rather instead a contradicting attitude where they say one thing, do another, over and over again, nerf one aspect of the game, buff it for new metas, nerf it, make legendaries weak, buff legendaries, make crafting stronger, nerf crafting, and on the list goes, with ZERO heads up to fundamental changes the game goes through.

A stance that respects all game modes in the game? Like, idk, standard? Where RP players that enjoy accumulation (from leagues as well, when a good league drops)? Naaah, lets make changes that practically halved peoples currencies. Who in their right mind goes and nerfs the most basic currency used in the game, Exalts, to less than half its value? And if they do so, without warning, just drop on us the changes and "deal with it"...

"You don't like it go play something else" doesn't cut it. Not to paying customers. We made you who you are.

I mean sure, if that's what you want, we will leave. But we wont go silently. We defended and supported this game for a decade. Once a product is out the gate and you have paying customers, its not longer yours alone. You have an obligation to stay true to what you initially sold to them. Don't want to? Nothing legally says you can't do whatever you want to do, but don't be surprised with the response, the lack of support with MTX, and lastly, a playerbase that keeps shrinking.

Yeah, we will go some place else. Don't worry, I already have another 10 games in line waiting for me. Downloading Lost Ark again as well, and playing some solo The Ascent while I'm at it waiting for the download.

Don't worry, you don't want us around any more, we will leave.

Zero incentive to play at all. At this pace, even Wolcen would end up being more fun the way you are going about all this. What seemed impossible, now is no longer unexpected.

Thesuffering wrote:
KkardanAdam wrote:
I do not understand why they are dead set to keep archnemesis, and put a lot of time to make it viable to fail again again. Why is it so hard for you to bring back old rares (and accept that this was a failure) and put this archnemesis --- as a kirac mods. Those who enjoys and wants this better loots can add to their maps.

I think archnemesis is good, it they are overtuned though. I like their loot drop system, it is definitely more interesting.

I like Archnem on a fundumental base. Better mods (aside from broken ones), visually better, and well it just feels more dated.

From there on, the system has not been implemented in a good way at all. Not by a longshot.

3 min rares to kill when map bosses take 1 min, and drops which, I will disagree, are not good at all for what we put in to do the content. Not by a longshot. Even in 3.18 the drops were nerfed. I got 0 exalt drops in over 250 t16 maps, most of them juiced, last league. And now its even worse.

Add that to all the other issues they brought, nerfed Harvest, nerfed Scourge currency, the list goes on.

Archnem is just 1 of many problems.
these changes did nothing... still feels really bad.. no return on investment in the maps i run at all.. unbelievably unsatisfied with the communications on this.. lost support to my 32:9 monitor with no word from you and these drop changes didnt go into the patchnotes either. wish i could refund all my supporter packs since i spend A LOT of money on what used to be my favourite game.
Revert 3.19 loot drop

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