Just looked at steam player Data

If something happens repeatedly its not a mistake or an accident. Its being done with intent. This league is no different than most.

Its the same formula over and over again.

GGG is owned by Tencent. GGG makes its living off supporter packs and QOL. Tencent owns the pay to win shops. Its a win win formula.

League beginnings are made to be hard. Hard content funnels players into pay to win shops. If you have good gear the hard content is not really so hard.

When business at the pay to win shops slows down the game will magically be fixed to where the average players can play.

The players that are dropping off are NON PAYING players. If your paying your staying ( having top end gear makes a huge difference ).

Non paying customers have no value.

Numbers are not indicative of financial success.

Go look through poe ninja at all the players with huge amounts of exalts invested in their builds this early in a league.

Keep in mind Tencent owns the game and can just print currency and items as needed.

Right, there should be absolutely no excuse for this league and bare minimum content quality.
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Much of the missing tests can be done easily with a spreadsheet calculation. Excel shines here.

All abilities should be in the spreadsheet with various weighting scenarios and given a medium score of multipliers. For example a specific boss fight may have 100% melee uptime or 50% melee uptime. This should matter a lot.

So each boss scenario, each league mechanic scenario should be cross examined with each offensive and defensive ability. Then they can be properly graded for effectiveness.

So this way if an encounter is added / updated or an ability is added / updated the sheet should automatically calculate / recalculate the effective grade.

You don't need anything fancy for this. Just appropriate weights in the calculations per row.

As shown the blue line are Twitch views/yellow actual players from Steam platform (60-55% of total player base).

Workday numbers around 85K top max and i expect around 85k-90k over the next WE.
Week 2 WE 70-75k, then a big dive to around 40k for a longer period of time.

Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0 on May 18, 2022, 11:35:16 AM
Lol... Numbers mean nothing. Money taken in from supporters, qol and pay to win shops is all that matters.

This is a business and Tencent does that really well. They know all the methods of separating dumb gamers from their earnings.

Nightstone13 wrote:
Lol... Numbers mean nothing

Ah yes, this brings back fond memories of the "vanity metrics" debacle a few leagues back.

I am curious however, if these numbers dont really mean anything, how GGG, or hell, any developers, intend to monetize players that are not playing. That strategy would be of great interest I would suspect.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Vennto wrote:
With the 2nd patch the metamorphs are far more feasable, so you indeed seem to understand the problems very quickly, so why is it so difficult to do this beforehand for once?

Making the game so hard again first. Then GGG can start "buffing" players again in future league. It's their way to prolong the lifespan of the game.

That's why GGG said 3.13 was so bad. Because it leaves them no or very little room for powercreep in the future. Personally, I found it distasteful.
so its friday coming saturday a week later and still tanking like a boss


honestly I think i am on like 4 ot 5 leagues skipped over the past year and a bit at this point

last one i enjoyed was that Tukahama like guy the one with the Stages where you could choose to opt out every fight?

Now that was actually kind of fun.

It was super Janky but enjoyable
I am your Devine one Bow before me
There seems to be a trend with some popular online games these days and that is to take away things people liked about the game and then they wonder why they lost players. The other game I play did the same thing, "oh you like this? gone"

keep doing that enough times and there are much less things to like about the game. Pretty simple honestly.
Anton__Chigur wrote:
There seems to be a trend with some popular online games these days and that is to take away things people liked about the game and then they wonder why they lost players. The other game I play did the same thing, "oh you like this? gone"

keep doing that enough times and there are much less things to like about the game. Pretty simple honestly.

I think when there is something alot of players like its hard to give them something new thats even more liked. Thats why they take away those things.

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