Just looked at steam player Data

its low becouse elder ring 2 and Lost ark 2 just started? :p
Junkkis wrote:
its low becouse elder ring 2 and Lost ark 2 just started? :p

Don't get bated, data is not significantly worse than last few leagues.
It doesn’t look too good for opening weekend for sure, but I would wait another 2-3 weeks before coming to any conclusions, players might respond well to the monster mods patches. Standard is very lively, way too lively for opening weekend and this is the only metric that I need to tell you about how good the league is. And I am not getting the usual few whispers for my cheap junk from confused league players so that’s another one. Part of it might be Uber bosses and folks trying them out on their standard chars but this cannot explain numbers of folks looking for rotas etc.

I would let ggg cleanup the mess, I don’t think they realized how big of a change it is for the game. But, again, every end game player I know and every streamer I heard before league lunch was very concerned about archnemesis so I find it hard to believe that ggg didn’t intentionally downplay the importance for some reason.

Gonna hold on to my wallet with purchase of sup pack even though I really like the design, till I see some improvement to the game. Even my deck out standard chars aren’t enjoying the content much. Permanently invulnerable mobs are bad game design, period.
Persistence makes impossible possible, possible likely and likely definite. Yep, Mirror will drop eventually -_-
Almighty0pz wrote:
North America has been on lockdown the better part of the last 3 years and its summer. Try going outside like the rest of the world for a bit bud. Things will be normal again in the fall.

Some of you are 100% delusional and have never seen anything except the basement you dwell in.

You seem like a nice guy.

Also I laughed at the post-COVID freedom as a specific reason for a rejection of a horribly balanced PoE league. You cant make this stuff up!
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Eh elden ring already losing its players too. who gives a fuck.
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xPiranha wrote:
Eh elden ring already losing its players too. who gives a fuck.

In fairness Elden Ring isnt a F2P monetization model.

They want to sell as many copies as possible, with playtime and concurrency not really a main concern.

They sold like 13 million+ copies already. Whatever the player numbers are from this point is literally meaningless.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
First impression is most important. If they fail during frst 24h (which they did), they already lost at least 50% of playerbase.
I returned last league after 2 leagues absence thanks largely to Omniscience. However it is still so scary to grind past level 91. My 5.5k EHP with calculated 70% chance to avoid attack hits and 74% spell dodge disappears in about half a second to Level 3 Tora or Aisling in T15 blue maps. I also failed L83 Records Office heists ALL times, there was no successful run.

Reading all these comments here that it got even harder in the new league are not encouraging me to start again this league.
It was a really weird choice to make Act 1 and 2 MUCH harder.

I kinda liked the difficulty in maps, but imagine being a new player with not even magic gear and walking into a rare with 2 archnemesis mods in Act1/2?

Even if you are patient, you are not going to win.

Game would definitely be an autoquit if you were not a very experienced player.
I don’t think steam charts and indicative of much besides steam players don’t hold out with games long. I mean, we have no data for standalone client.
"Bonus points if it is Scion/Witch because they have nice knees. Ranger has ugly knees and other characters are men so playing them would be homoerotic." - CAKE, 10/20/21

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