Streamer priority confirmed. PoE is free to play, so play it for free, but Boycott GGG.

Yesterday was a nice cucumber rubbing event only for streamers that ran 5 hours.
Giving twitch drops was the usual sweet to even open the streamers pages longer than a few minutes, considering both MTX look like more effort than current league ones (12,24a).

I get it trying to advertise a new (reborn from 2018) game mode with a big exposure through streams. But if people are not interested they're not and making a second PvP event (after 3.15 teaser) wont change much.

Missed it yesterday but not really. Got my chicken while (which i will name quintus) alt-tabbing and muting my browsertab as usual when speaking of twitch drops.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Ah, we used to do the same for Warframe back when it was trying to get people to watch Mixer. Sure puts into perspective the (lack of) credibility to viewership numbers in an age of incessant multitasking.

Sort of reminds me of the pointless tallies people keep on anime sites regarding how many shows they've watched. Many admit they do so either at 1.5 speed or just running in the background. Is that really "watching" or is it just letting it run to say you did for some meaningless accumulation? At least these streamer giveaways incentivise the facade beyond mere ego I suppose.

I'm hardly innocent of multitasking (right now I am tapping this on my phone while I play a game on my tablet and read a book; at least the TV is off for once!) but I think caring about viewer numbers when you know a significant portion are not even watching is kinda weird.

Weird but totally where we are as a digital culture driven by attention farming and like-baiting. And oh lord did I just out myself as an incorrigible Gen Xer using the term "digital culture" seriously... -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Jul 30, 2021, 3:03:36 AM
Admittedly, I turned on the stream while at work for 3.5 hours.
Didn't get the mtx though, shrug.
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome
This game has become a joke.
Royella wrote:
This game has become a joke.

It's pretty much unchanged so either it was always a joke or you're a salty zoomer that can't play anything other than CoC cyclone
Last edited by Lordofthedreadz on Jul 30, 2021, 10:52:19 AM
Royella wrote:
This game has become a joke.

It's pretty much unchanged so either it was always a joke or you're a salty zoomer that can't play anything than CoC cyclone

Couldn't have said it better myself. Legit, anyone that is so salty about 3.15 that they choose to quit the game because of it, obviously doesn't have the ability to play the game in the first place.
Creator of Dementophobia

Name, reward, art and flavor text all my idea, very satisfied with outcome
Royella wrote:
This game has become a joke.

It's pretty much unchanged so either it was always a joke or you're a salty zoomer that can't play anything other than CoC cyclone

Jokes about salt again :/ please do not
It's not 3.15 per se, but it didn't help. FYI I have played since 2013, have multiple PC accounts and have dropped a ton of money on this game. I have multiple lvl 100's and the only thing I haven't done in this game that I really wanted to was drop a mirror. So choke on your salt lol. I'm gud. When someone who has put the hours into this game that I have can see that it is no longer fun, that's not salt. That's the meat pal. :)
Royella wrote:
It's not 3.15 per se, but it didn't help. FYI I have played since 2013, have multiple PC accounts and have dropped a ton of money on this game. I have multiple lvl 100's and the only thing I haven't done in this game that I really wanted to was drop a mirror. So choke on your salt lol. I'm gud. When someone who has put the hours into this game that I have can see that it is no longer fun, that's not salt. That's the meat pal. :)

yeah I've got 5k hours and I've been around since 2013 as well.

Something was taken from my enjoyment of this game, and it happened when Empyr spit in everyone's faces while being given special preferential treatment by GGG last league.

It had nothing to do with the game, and GGG financed it. There's something illusive and shitty about that experience that makes this game feel like a perpetually-toothy blowjob with no finish.
Fuck. That's a great analogy and I'm glad someone else made it because that's precisely the sort of acute vulgarity I am no longer allowed to use here because I'm me.

Oh well. They can't take my racing car and food service analogies from me at least.



I definitely don't think the game is a joke. It has never been and never will be. It's just not funny enough to be a joke. PoE will always take itself seriously enough that if you are exposed to it you either attune to that mode or you find something else to laugh at.

Maybe it'd be better as a joke though. I'd rather laugh at or with something than just sigh or roll my eyes.

Nah. Wraeclast is a dark, unforgiving continent with an almost refreshing lack of pop humour and references. This makes the one quest with a pop reference name all the more memorable. I don't miss much from PoE but I definitely wish other online games, especially MMOs, would stay in character more and take fewer lazy detours into cheap wordplay on song titles and quotes from tv shows and games.

PoE would have to stop being everything that defines it to come even close to being a joke. I guess that's a joke in itself.

Have a nice weekend, Exiles. And if you see me in Eorzea, feel free not to /blowkiss at me. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.

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