Streamer priority confirmed. PoE is free to play, so play it for free, but Boycott GGG.

Phrazz wrote:
they have the ability

...Of course they "have the ability". They are coding the damn game. Streamer RNG is a myth - a conspiracy theory, but you can't convert a flat earther. So people believing streamer RNG exist, will always do so - no matter what I say, what the dog says or what GGG/Chris says. The "believers" will never be able to prove anything, but will go on preaching on the forums for years to come.

The "streamer priority" fiasco was a massive fuck-up, and totally removes every competitive aspect of the game. It was (un)surprisingly unprofessional. You could see the backlash and the hate from the community. Now, how would that look if "streamer RNG" was a thing? It would destroy the game if it became public. No one would ever trust them again.

Is it worth it? For some low-ball advertisement? Of course not.

We used to be able to call that (Streamer RNG) a myth and a conspiracy theory. Now the best we can do is say it's probably not true. Or that it would probably destroy the game. Can we even be sure of the latter at this point?
innervation wrote:
Phrazz wrote:
they have the ability

...Of course they "have the ability". They are coding the damn game. Streamer RNG is a myth - a conspiracy theory, but you can't convert a flat earther. So people believing streamer RNG exist, will always do so - no matter what I say, what the dog says or what GGG/Chris says. The "believers" will never be able to prove anything, but will go on preaching on the forums for years to come.

The "streamer priority" fiasco was a massive fuck-up, and totally removes every competitive aspect of the game. It was (un)surprisingly unprofessional. You could see the backlash and the hate from the community. Now, how would that look if "streamer RNG" was a thing? It would destroy the game if it became public. No one would ever trust them again.

Is it worth it? For some low-ball advertisement? Of course not.

We used to be able to call that (Streamer RNG) a myth and a conspiracy theory. Now the best we can do is say it's probably not true. Or that it would probably destroy the game. Can we even be sure of the latter at this point?

No. People will still play.
innervation wrote:
We used to be able to call that (Streamer RNG) a myth and a conspiracy theory. Now the best we can do is say it's probably not true. Or that it would probably destroy the game. Can we even be sure of the latter at this point?

Well, I can only answer for myself, and I feel sure. If not, I wouldn't be playing. Am I sure because I trust GGG? No, I don't really trust them. But I know statistics. I know probability. And I know PoE. When you know these three things, you also know that nothing really points towards streamer RNG. No "proof". Hardly even circumstantial indications.

But you're right, we don't really "know". I don't really "know" that Mars exists either.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Last edited by Phrazz on May 10, 2021, 6:10:48 PM
Phrazz wrote:
I don't really "know" that Mars exists either.

Get a telescope and see for yourself.

Also as it relates to this conversation, dev's in other games have done this, admitted to it, and why.

The question really isnt a matter of can/are they, and more do you believe them capable of doing so.

I dont see why there would be any benefit of the doubt or blind faith trust GGG would invoke, but I suppose to each their own.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
I have known for the longest time that GGG harbors and encourages both a culture of elitism and drives the divide between the perceived haves and have nots.

I have known I am not their target audience, their target audience are their streamers. The games' content is designed and balanced around them.

I have tried to ignore this fact as long as I could derive enjoyment from the game for the things I liked it for. This worked as long as there was a game to enjoy.

Recently they have done things that have rendered the game effectively unplayable for me and many other players. Despite me wanting to buy things from them because I enjoy the aesthetic of their work or the convenience it offers me, I will not.

This whole debacle has only served to crystallize my understanding of the contempt the people making this game have for me as one of their consumers. They don't want me to have fun playing their game. They want me in a cycle of negative and positive reinforcement that will keep me coming back for more.

This game feels more and more like a job, probably because for the people for whom its being made, it actually is! Other major game developers make focusing on their 'elite' cast of players viable while being successful so I doubt GGG will be changing how they handle their players.

I'll keep playing as a free player from now on, enjoying the game for what I can until am either completely alienated by their design or I simply won't be able to play their game period, whichever comes first.
~ I am Wreaclast middle class and proud of it!
~ Poor investment =/= entitlement to compensation.
~ Build smart, build S-mart!
DarthSki44 wrote:
I dont see why there would be any benefit of the doubt or blind faith trust GGG would invoke, but I suppose to each their own.

As I said; I don't trust GGG. Don't think many people do these days. But to make up YOUR mind about streamer RNG, you have to forget about GGG. Look at the math/statistics. Are there really numbers out there backing streamer RNG? Who are these streamers? Examples?

To me, streamer RNG has always been about people crying loud, because they can't phantom the idea of someone being better than them. Someone playing twice as much as them, getting twice as much loot. People playing twice as efficient as them, getting twice as much loot. People scaling content twice as much as them, getting twice as much loot. People being twice as knowledable as them, getting twice as much loot.

I don't care about GGG in this debate. We all know "they are able to". They always have been. But why scream out for streamer RNG without proof? Where is their "telescope", letting them "know" that streamer RNG exists?
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Last edited by Phrazz on May 10, 2021, 8:06:41 PM
I have known for the longest time that GGG harbors and encourages both a culture of elitism and drives the divide between the perceived haves and have nots.

I have known I am not their target audience, their target audience are their streamers. The games' content is designed and balanced around them.

I have tried to ignore this fact as long as I could derive enjoyment from the game for the things I liked it for. This worked as long as there was a game to enjoy.

Recently they have done things that have rendered the game effectively unplayable for me and many other players. Despite me wanting to buy things from them because I enjoy the aesthetic of their work or the convenience it offers me, I will not.

This whole debacle has only served to crystallize my understanding of the contempt the people making this game have for me as one of their consumers. They don't want me to have fun playing their game. They want me in a cycle of negative and positive reinforcement that will keep me coming back for more.

This game feels more and more like a job, probably because for the people for whom its being made, it actually is! Other major game developers make focusing on their 'elite' cast of players viable while being successful so I doubt GGG will be changing how they handle their players.

I'll keep playing as a free player from now on, enjoying the game for what I can until am either completely alienated by their design or I simply won't be able to play their game period, whichever comes first.

Thank you so much for taking the time and making the effort to contribute to this topic. Eloquent and direct. You are not alone.


Folks like this, Darthski44, are why the glue you mentioned is just as important as the horse we flogged to get here. I have never been one for self-bumps but then again I've never before seen GGG do something so openly corrupt and then try to brush it off with a frankly insulting reason/excuse that I actually wish I knew necromancy to raise the horse anytime the beatings got too severe. This cannot be allowed to die. GGG want to kill it far too much, as you've already seen.

Because while this might bear some resemblance to beating a dead horse, that is almost a purely superficial comparison. IMO the horse is dead when there has been either resolution or the situation is entirely hopeless. We all know neither is true in this case. No resolution beyond a hypocritical statement, and hope lies in the fact that people like Emperion are posting 46 pages into a thread whose core message is entirely on page 1.

Besides, if the horse is dead and we are left with glue, there are worse agents for bonding out there. And as I said right from the start: this isn't something anyone could do alone...not even a blowhard in complete love with his own textual prowess such as me. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on May 10, 2021, 10:23:08 PM
Goauld wrote:
+2 Once one recognizes they are part of an ongoing human behavioral experiment, it's impossible to go back to the 'before time'

#InTheFishbowl 😉
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Last edited by The_Impeacher on May 11, 2021, 10:20:31 PM
All roads lead to Rome? All the beloved and much respected game studios I've known now seem to be pale shadow of their former selves.
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (

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