The Multi-box Thread: How it ruins the game.

flab wrote:
I actually feel bad for people who multi-box legitimately, in the sense of just wanting a more complex or challenging experience. They're getting screwed any way you look at it.

Multi-boxing for a challenge, is like tossing a child to see how far the child can go.
You will never see a man faking anger, passion and relentless behavior.

You will always see a man faking love, politeness and respectful behavior.
It's funny when one of the big developers of "botting" programs for a lot of popular games says that they won't design a bot for this game because no one will use them do to inefficiency compared to multi-boxing. PEOPLE WON'T EVEN RUN BOTS BECAUSE MULTI-BOXING IS VASTLY SUPERIOR, EVEN IF THEY ONLY PLAY 4 HOURS A DAY.....nah there's no problem
Last edited by nGio#1658 on Mar 31, 2013, 12:15:01 AM
flab wrote:
SL4Y3R wrote:
Those balance changes were against multi loaders, not multi boxers.

The second does not exist without the first, the first is the most basic form of the second that's possible, in terms of exploitation. You are being incredibly naive if you think multiboxing can't be efficient, it is also regularly and closely linked to botting.

Flab, I know you're a pretty smart guy. Multi loading was simply loading an instance with alts. Done

Multiboxing, is completely different. Think of it like this, have you personally ever even SEEN a video of someone doing it efficiently? I've looked at several boards that deal with this topic, and have yet to see ANYONE showing it working. You would have to have them all incredibly geared, since any dog would instantly take them out.

They would have to follow PERFECTLY, which I have yet to see. Not only that, if they collide, their alignment is completely screwed. You really wouldn't want them killing anything, unless you had them ALL with amazing MF

The technical hurdles I have yet to see overcome, since at any point if one dies, there goes 50%. This OBVIOUSLY isn't viable in maps. Further, anytime one does die, do they take the time to revive them and get them back in formation? If so, this again slows you down. Constantly being slowed down is a bad thing. Remember this is all about efficiency.

I would be willing to pay an exalt to anyone who shows me a multiboxing setup working efficiently. Multiloaders need not apply.

Want to know how I know all of this is a bunch of bull? I multiloaded for several months in CB. NEVER did I accumulate anywhere near e amount of currency that is flowing thru default now. I bought the most expensive item in CB for 150 GCP. I had to sell EVERYTHING I had accumulated. EVERYTHING. This total came from me selling maps, an erqi, AMAZING 6Ls ( lucky as fusings), all my gg witch gear, quality gems, everything. All netted me 25 exalts. This was everything from however long from that ladder starting to OB pretty much.

Considering items are selling for around 2x that amount, sometimes easily. Multiboxing is not the sole cause. Not even close. I know what orb drops are like. It's not much better. My wealth came from the alch and regal recipe mainly btw.
Last edited by SL4Y3R#7487 on Mar 31, 2013, 12:21:10 AM
SL4Y3R wrote:
I bought the most expensive item in CB for 150 GCP. I had to sell EVERYTHING I had accumulated. EVERYTHING. This total came from me selling maps, an erqi, AMAZING 6Ls ( lucky as fusings), all my gg witch gear, quality gems, everything. All netted me 25 exalts. This was everything from however long from that ladder starting to OB pretty much.

Considering items are selling for around 2x that amount, sometimes easily. Multiboxing is not the sole cause. Not even close. I know what orb drops are like. It's not much better. My wealth came from the alch and regal recipe mainly btw.

I don't know... I have seen your older posts in a lot of threads that involved poor drop rates, people comparing drop rates, and you ranting on about how they were lying because your drop rates weren't that great...

You might have the sour end of the RNG -- even with multi-loading, mate. And besides, you know that multi-boxing =/= multi-loading, so why are you using multi-loading for your argument, when we are talking about the dreadful multi-boxing? Maybe if you multi-boxed for a half as much as you multi-loaded, you wouldn't be so angry at RNG?
You will never see a man faking anger, passion and relentless behavior.

You will always see a man faking love, politeness and respectful behavior.
Last edited by Deceptionist#1813 on Mar 31, 2013, 12:26:34 AM

I would love to see these threads. In all honesty, I have no idea what you're referring to. I honestly can't think of anything.

To your point, the benefit of multi boxing and multiloading are the same. The IIQ increase. So, considering the bonus is still the same, the end result is/was greater for multi loading. No alts dying, at least none that mattered, park them in the beginnong of map, and face roll.

Edit. I'll pay you a couple alchs per post if you can either find.em, at least what they were referring to. I have been adament about.not increasing drop rates ( for orbs) for as long as I can remember. So, if I had bad drop rates, why would.I say this? So far, I've found 10 ex since OB, and 1 divine lol I've lost.track.of.gcps etc
Last edited by SL4Y3R#7487 on Mar 31, 2013, 12:34:55 AM
SL4Y3R wrote:
Multiboxing, is completely different. Think of it like this, have you personally ever even SEEN a video of someone doing it efficiently? I've looked at several boards that deal with this topic, and have yet to see ANYONE showing it working. You would have to have them all incredibly geared, since any dog would instantly take them out.

They would have to follow PERFECTLY, which I have yet to see. Not only that, if they collide, their alignment is completely screwed. You really wouldn't want them killing anything, unless you had them ALL with amazing MF

The technical hurdles I have yet to see overcome, since at any point if one dies, there goes 50%. This OBVIOUSLY isn't viable in maps. Further, anytime one does die, do they take the time to revive them and get them back in formation? If so, this again slows you down. Constantly being slowed down is a bad thing. Remember this is all about efficiency.

I would be willing to pay an exalt to anyone who shows me a multiboxing setup working efficiently. Multiloaders need not apply.
Deceptionist wrote:
why are you using multi-loading for your argument, when we are talking about the dreadful multi-boxing?

When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Mar 31, 2013, 12:31:56 AM
SL4Y3R wrote:
flab wrote:
SL4Y3R wrote:
Those balance changes were against multi loaders, not multi boxers.

The second does not exist without the first, the first is the most basic form of the second that's possible, in terms of exploitation. You are being incredibly naive if you think multiboxing can't be efficient, it is also regularly and closely linked to botting.

Flab, I know you're a pretty smart guy. Multi loading was simply loading an instance with alts. Done

Multiboxing, is completely different. Think of it like this, have you personally ever even SEEN a video of someone doing it efficiently? I've looked at several boards that deal with this topic, and have yet to see ANYONE showing it working. You would have to have them all incredibly geared, since any dog would instantly take them out.

They would have to follow PERFECTLY, which I have yet to see. Not only that, if they collide, their alignment is completely screwed. You really wouldn't want them killing anything, unless you had them ALL with amazing MF

The technical hurdles I have yet to see overcome, since at any point if one dies, there goes 50%. This OBVIOUSLY isn't viable in maps. Further, anytime one does die, do they take the time to revive them and get them back in formation? If so, this again slows you down. Constantly being slowed down USA bad thing. Remember this is all about efficiency.

I would be willing to pay an exalt to anyone who shows me a multiboxing setup working efficiently. Multiloaders need not apply.

Want to know how I know all of this is a bunch of bull? I multiloaded for several months in CB. NEVER did I accumulate anywhere near e amount of currency that is flowing thru default now. I bought the most expensive item in CB for 150 GCP. I had to sell EVERYTHING I had accumulated. EVERYTHING. This total came from me selling maps, an erqi, AMAZING 6Ls ( lucky as fusings), all my gg witch gear, quality gems, everything. All netted me 25 exalts. This was everything from however long from that ladder starting to OB pretty much.

Considering items are selling for around 2x that amount, sometimes easily. Multiboxing is not the sole cause. Not even close. I know what orb drops are like. It's not much better. My wealth came from the alch and regal recipe mainly btw.

Let's be clear here, multiboxing in acceptable ways just won't be efficient, I agree with that. But that's not the point, that's not what anybody will be doing to exploit things, go ahead and try to run 6 clients and control them manually, individually, good luck with that.

Multiboxing and multiloading aren't all that different, multiloading is just far more basic and accessible, if multiloading could be advantageous why would improved forms of it be less advantageous? It is like the solo vs party thing, the one method (multiboxing) is always capable of at least exploiting the advantages of the other (multiclienting) since it inherits or is derived from it.

You are unlikely to see many videos or guides of people taking advantage or exploiting things in less than acceptable ways (proxying, hacks), the people that would and could take advantage of this are relatively unlikely to share their methods for a number of reasons, including because it'd be advantageous and against the rules.

Are you a good, experienced hacker/programmer, particularly with attempts in PoE? Because if you're not, you can't say much about the technical hurdles to be perfectly honest. You'd have no experience or knowledge of what you could possibly exploit or use to make multiboxing more efficient. Unknown, rare, difficult things aren't impossible things either, just because you haven't seen evidence of it doesn't mean it's not happening, won't or can't happen. I see LOTS of potential for abusive multiboxing, take that as you will.

Fwiw, I'm not saying multiboxing is even affecting anything at all as it is, but that you should not be discounting the possibility or potential.

Also, who'd care about an exalt if they have far more at stake (hypothetically)?

I was just throwing the offer out there. I personally don't give a shit. Is it POSSIBLE someone could around the hurdles of multiboxing? Of course. Is it possible so many people have gotten around the hurdles, and kept their mouths shut? Not very likely. It's the Internet, and people love to brag.

If multiloading was not garnering this much currency in CB, from not just me, but EVERYONE who was doing it,why would OB be any different? Remember, we're talking about raw currency here. You need to be able to upsell your found currency to exalts. Since prices are so high, the rate of conversion scales with it.

OR is it much more plausible that people are just outright buying exalts? Personally, and obviously, I believe there are that many people paying for orbs in this game. There is a reason the spam has increased lately. There's obviously a demand.
SL4Y3R wrote:
I was just throwing the offer out there. I personally don't give a shit. Is it POSSIBLE someone could around the hurdles of multiboxing? Of course. Is it possible so many people have gotten around the hurdles, and kept their mouths shut? Not very likely. It's the Internet, and people love to brag.

If multiloading was not garnering this much currency in CB, from not just me, but EVERYONE who was doing it,why would OB be any different? Remember, we're talking about raw currency here. You need to be able to upsell your found currency to exalts. Since prices are so high, the rate of conversion scales with it.

OR is it much more plausible that people are just outright buying exalts? Personally, and obviously, I believe there are that many people paying for orbs in this game. There is a reason the spam has increased lately. There's obviously a demand.

People using RMT doesn't really prove anything other than many people are willing to pay money for currency, hardly surprising, and I absolutely agree it would have a radical effect on value.

The fact that people are paying money for currency will push people to do increasingly dodgy shit though, this is why I don't think anybody should be discounting anything regarding loot and exploitation in the game.

Remember, it doesn't have to be "so many people", it could be a small group that's incredibly well organized having some sort of exclusive advantages (which is particularly common in real life exploitation).
But if they're multiboxing, they still NEED to upsell currency.

There is absolutely NO way around this. The more expensive exalts become, the harder this is to accomplish. That's all I'm saying.
Last edited by SL4Y3R#7487 on Mar 31, 2013, 1:33:32 AM

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