The Multi-box Thread: How it ruins the game.

Im not letting this thread die till GGG gives me a damd answer! i want answers GGG! i know you are on there forums i see you locking threads and reply to retarded questions all the time!

What are you doing about this broken game?! the economy is directly linked to to the game itself. if you cant fix it, remove trading or remove the problem. multiboxers! (and botters/orb sites)

I want to trade dammit, i wana use my hard earned orbs for a decent upgrade but i cant because my orbs are worth nothing. if i cant use a part of a game because its broken then the game itself is broken.
bump. fix this GGG. PoE is too good to be hijacked by lazy blizzard burnouts.
Bump for justice.
GGG, multi-boxing takes the grinding out of your very own title.

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Last edited by Deceptionist#1813 on Mar 30, 2013, 9:29:40 PM
Again, WHY do any of you believe multiboxing is to blame, without even seeing one work properly? It astounds me. I mean, you have absolutely not one iota of anything to base your assumptions off of. Nothing.
SL4Y3R wrote:
Again, WHY do any of you believe multiboxing is to blame, without even seeing one work properly? It astounds me. I mean, you have absolutely not one iota of anything to base your assumptions off of. Nothing.

I never seen a business men severely manipulate the ignorance of a group of people, but I know they do this, and the way the economy works, and how the economy is shaped, while also taking the consequential aftermath, the current consequences and what created the consequential aftermath into consideration, it gives you a very clear notion on what we are really dealing with here.

Clearly you're in denial and don't understand how to break down consequential aspects, and how to read between the lines of what people say there is, and how the things people say do not add up to the universal picture.

For an example, a real life instance; the media says we aren't in an economical fissure, but more and more people are out of their jobs, people are working two jobs, are barely able to be there for their family, and still struggle to make ends meet, and back then, the alotted time for working was much smaller compared to the 5~9, 6~12 hour time spans we have today that are only like this because the people on top have made too many mistakes they couldn't own up to. Also, the more jobs they have provided are for foreign people who would blow the business leader for a bread crumb. They will continue to lie to us and twist the truth for their own illusionary grandeur, while the people who are hopeful will continue to bite the bait -- thinking they are secure -- the same way the town's people back then kissed the soldier's shoes, and they called this happiness in the end.

You really have no idea how far corruption goes, and how easy it is for it to elude common sense.
You will never see a man faking anger, passion and relentless behavior.

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Last edited by Deceptionist#1813 on Mar 30, 2013, 10:19:43 PM
Dumb qq'ers, there's not that many ppl multiboxing after the chaos and distance nerf.
woodyfly wrote:
Dumb qq'ers, there's not that many ppl multiboxing after the chaos and distance nerf.

I played a game that featured slot machines.

When the game was first opened up for players, the slot machines were able to be exploited so people could make billions in a very small time frame.

Then in the middle of the game's history, the game masters fixed the slot machines, and so new players come in and don't experience the same benefits as those who exploited the slot machines.

The result: New players come in, and the economy expects people to have billions, when it is no longer possible to make billions unless you waste your life trying to make money to buy one item because of the inflation the beginning exploitation has caused.

This applies to how people multi-boxed, which made a lot off of it before it was nerfed, it doesn't change the fact that they used all of that currency to further trade and increase their wealth, which will then impede on the current economy.

Anyone who thinks this isn't irrefutable are in denial, or trolling. There isn't anymore to be said. Multi-boxing ate a massive hole into the economy, and it cannot be fixed for a very long time.
You will never see a man faking anger, passion and relentless behavior.

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Last edited by Deceptionist#1813 on Mar 30, 2013, 10:30:22 PM
SL4Y3R wrote:
Again, WHY do any of you believe multiboxing is to blame, without even seeing one work properly? It astounds me. I mean, you have absolutely not one iota of anything to base your assumptions off of. Nothing.

Something's seriously up with the Default economy, beyond what I believe would be explained by normal people using vendor formulas, etc, and multiboxing is the sort of thing that could be happening without our knowledge.

I'll admit that's very sketchy. It's a little like noticing that recent murders in the village have had bite marks on their necks and the mirrors are broken at the scene, then saying "a vampire did it!" Not quite that crazy, but still pretty superstitious.

Mayhap I've been a tad foolish.

In any case, it would do us a lot of good to positively identify the source of the difficulties in the Default economy. Blaming multiboxers might be chasing ghosts, but right now we don't have anything better to chase, and the harm being inflicted is real. You don't just uncover a dead villager with bite marks on their neck, say it's not a vampire, then go home and drink beer.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Mar 30, 2013, 10:30:01 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:

In any case, it would do us a lot of good to positively identify the source of the difficulties in the Default economy.

The economy is similar to how our body functions. The economy is the body, and we the people are the good and bad bacteria.

When bad bacteria comes in, it has two perogatives: 1) Spread, 2) Intent

Since we are retarded people (practically everyone except a few out of the 7.6bil people on Earth), I won't compare us to the bad bacteria fighting army inside the body, and just leave it with the good bacteria on stand-by, and... they are boring... and.. that's it.

Anyways, RMT, RWT and multi-boxing is going to want to attack both, the default league and the hardcore league because it gives them a lot more to manipulate, the same way U.S.A sticks its nose into every third world country it possibly can where it thinks it can benefit off of, even the poorest of the poor.

It is both: Hardcore and default that is being destroyed economically by the aforementioned.

There is no end to a conqueror. Every conquer is only the beginning of another conqueror.
You will never see a man faking anger, passion and relentless behavior.

You will always see a man faking love, politeness and respectful behavior.
Last edited by Deceptionist#1813 on Mar 30, 2013, 10:45:50 PM

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