The Multi-box Thread: How it ruins the game.

Solid post, OP.
just go to this site and look at the people advertising their hacks and bots and shit and all of the real money trading.

<site removed>

Rampage IGN: RIP_Stannis_Baratheon
Last edited by pneuma#0134 on Mar 28, 2013, 12:57:14 AM
I think we generally wouldn't want to post links to stuff like ownedcore/blizzhackers and the like. It's just inviting turds to find maphack+keyloggers. They can google it if they want to be stupid.
ShadyC wrote:
Ok - that does it. I'm outta here. Done with this thread.

You kids are just throwing around blind insults and assumptions like it's nobody's business. You're disgusting.

I haven't reached end-game? Sit down. You have no idea about a single thing about me.

stop barking here all week young puppy, all you produce is absolute shit. Yes, you haven't even reached endgame, you think people can't see the characters on your account LOL? You don't have even 1 high level character, yet you talk big. If you actually were playing endgame you wouldn't give a shit about people farming pennies with their multiboxing. You are just a jealous clown who loves to argue.
New gaming generation reminds me of the 5 year olds crying and yelling at their parents in public stores when they don't get something they wanted.
Last edited by AhvneegerMULE#4604 on Mar 28, 2013, 12:19:53 AM
One step at a time AintCare, we all know botters and Dupers are around but at least dealing with multiboxers first is a step in the right direction. Multiboxing itself does not harm anyone but it indirectly cripples the games trading system in many ways that has been explained.

But its just sad to hear there are people playing a online game and they party with themselves just to be a greedy loot whore while honest people like me grind for the same ammount of time and lucky to get a single chaos orb at the end of a 5 hour grind.

Just because people do it does not morally mean its right, multiboxers know they are destroying this games economy but do they care? no. because they are filthy stinking rich and can bully the prices to anything they want and take what they want because they control the market.

Ever seen 25+ exalted for some 5-6L item? blame them greedy cunts for it.
AhvneegerMULE wrote:

stop barking here all week young puppy, all you produce is absolute shit. Yes, you haven't even reached endgame, you think people can't see the characters on your account LOL? You don't have even 1 high level character, yet you talk big. If you actually were playing endgame you wouldn't give a shit about people farming pennies with their multiboxing. You are just a jealous clown who loves to argue.

Grats on baiting a post from me. I just can't help but bite most of the time...

But the fact that you took anything I've said as... "talking big"...

Pretty much any psychologist here could tell you, you have some serious testosterone problems.

And then you play the jealous card, and I can't even begin to imagine where that even comes from.

At any rate, I have a level 69 character - although you knew this, because you creep on my account information - and I've solo cleared through Merc Act 3 no problem, and enough rare 66 maps to know I am fully capable of doing it with ease. All that's left is clear some 77's, but what's the point? All that means is I grind out a few more levels, maybe get a couple gear upgrades along the way... and then do it again.

Questioning my own personal ability to accomplish the things that you yourself have accomplished is petty, irrelevant, a waste of time, and above all else... excruciatingly revealing of your personality.

You're the kind of person that gets personally offended when someone pulls ahead of you on the highway.
But because multiboxing is allowed there are more doing that than botters or dupers. in fact i welcome dupers who dupe 5-6l items and flood the market with them, better off that way so the insane prices of items go down.

Tho thats wishfull thinking i guess. probs duping orbs too...
Prices are high because of botter boards.

NOT multi-boxing, which many/most people seem to CONSTANTLY confuse with multi-loading. They are not the same thing.

EDIT: But here's the thing, what do you consider high. MANY great items can be had for dirt cheap. If you want the best of the best, be prepared to pay out the ass.
Last edited by SL4Y3R#7487 on Mar 28, 2013, 12:43:03 AM
Problem is with the market system there are not enough items and too many orbs so only multiboxers with orbs stashed away and 6L items on trade for major orbs dont really care for your orbs because to them your petty 10 exalted are nothing, so he wants 25 exalted for the item because we all know 6L items are just too damd rare and honest grinders who are lvl 50+ will be still in crappy low end gear because they cant find an upgrade and cant trade because they dont have the orbs, no orbs you cant craft and try get a good item. ur screwed.

Multiboxers win. :<

EDIT: why back in closed beta was i rich with a few chaos orbs? i had like 10 chaos orbs and i could buy anything. i had great gear and i facerolled end maps. now i bearly get 1 chaos orb a day, terrible drops time and time again and in the end im left with 5 hours of my day wasted for nothing. something has changed for the worse. im thinking open beta multiboxers in swarms and loot drop nerfs. (including recipy nerfs)
Last edited by DatChen#6930 on Mar 28, 2013, 12:52:27 AM
So you equate a 6L item to something a lvl 50 character needs?

Ive got 2 lvl 85+ and no 6L and I do just fine. You don't need the best gear to do well. Hell, you don't even need to have the top 25% of gear to do well.

Btw, excess orbs in economy means orbs are cheap. When orbs are cheap, its cheaper to craft.

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