The Multi-box Thread: How it ruins the game.
" Your lack of game knowledge is severely hindering your ability to provide a valid argument. You can't 'run through' an act efficiently while multiboxing legitimately, nor can you do that with docks. Multiboxing forces you to run only a boss repeatedly. You only believe running lowbies for currency is efficient because you haven't actually reached endgame content, or are otherwise farming inefficiently. Stating that 'everyone' knows something doesn't make it true. You repeatedly ask 'what would YOU do', as if the answer is going to change if you ask enough times... You need to quit assuming everyone is bad at the game just because you are. I have yet to see proof of multiboxing low level content generating more income than playing properly alone. Last edited by byubd#7298 on Mar 27, 2013, 7:28:07 PM
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multiboxing isnt as easy as u think it is
in maps it requires you to have ultra-phat dps to make up for the +40% HP every extra account is giving to mobs its not worth using more than 2 multi even with godlike gears, ure better off using less and optimized IIR IIQ gear try it urself before u accuse others, its harder than it looks to multi IN MAPS effectively IgN: Dolpiff (8x Elem wander). Former CB ranger.
Pm me on forums or ig if I won an auction, or to claim an item of mine you won. |
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" Ok - that does it. I'm outta here. Done with this thread. You kids are just throwing around blind insults and assumptions like it's nobody's business. You're disgusting. I haven't reached end-game? Sit down. You have no idea about a single thing about me. But as for the multi's... What the flying fuck do you think rerolling new chars is, if it's not boss-running on Brutus?? And now that we got that covered... What do you HONESTLY think is quicker? A bunch of lowbies boss running Normal Brutus, or a bunch of average-geared high levels boss running Merc Brutus? Don't even answer that, though. Because we all know the real answer, and then we all know the inedible slop you're going to vomit out of your mouth. I'm fuckin' done "arguing" with a bunch of heightened-testosterone economy/programming/gaming experts. You've mutated the thread into an abomination, and at this point, the only thing GGG will do with it is lock it with no response. When this game is dead in 2 years maximum time, I hope they give you the thanks you deserve. Bye. Have fun getting your last words and thinking you "won" because of it - since, you seem to think this thread is some kind of personal competition between us where you just have to win. |
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ShadyC is speaking plain fking english guys. whats faster, low lvl brutus farming or high lvl docks farming. HOW THE FK do you not understand such basic knowledge?! why do you keep saying docks farming is easier?! are you trolling or something? cuz ur pretty damd good at it.
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Great breakdown, ShadyC. Good post.
In my opinion, I feel like the biggest barrier for me is how this fucks trading, as you describe a bit: Your c/o is beaten instantly. Always. By people who can afford to buy whatever they want. This coupled with a lack of a fixed, measurable trade system makes it really, really hard to trade for upgrades. It's hard to search, it's hard to find, it's hard to watch trade chat and also play. It's hard to sell solid gear. Really hard. This, coupled with the economical advantage of the myriad of multiboxers has soaked the economy in chloroform, and the only way to breathe around it is to get the gas mask on: multibox yourself. Which I fully would, if I cared to. It's easy, I have 6 monitors, but I don't want to make extra accounts and seperate characters on multiple accounts and drag a bunch of fucking turds around to try and get more orbs. I really want more currency, for sure. I want to be able to afford lioneyes glare, or kaom's heart. Like, BAD. I want that shit. But making multiple accounts? Jesus, is that fucking lame. That takes the gaming part out of the game and heads towards the working thing. If I want to do work, I'll go to work. I'll canvas for people who need PC repair, whatever. Build my business. I play PoE because I want something to PLAY. Fixing trade and /players X would be big fixes. Adding +exp to actual grouping is a great suggestion I've seen, too, to negate the multibox advantage while not killing partying. /players 6 = IIQ. Cool! But stronger beasties. ARE YOU A BAD ENOUGH DUDE? And etc. Actual party with 6 players = IIQ, AND more EXP! Wowsa. Now you can still pub farm for levels, easy peasy, and if you get bent outta shape about the ninjas (Hey, we're all exiles) you can farm loot on players 6! Seriously, GGG, I love you guys, and I love this game. But I'm hoping we can get something moving to just completely crush this shit. And as sad as I'd be to see the orbs wiped, that's not a bad idea. It'd kind of say fuck you to a lot of multiboxers, for sure. But.... it'd also be kind of amazing to know I have a week to burn through my tiny pile of currency. That'd be super fun. So there is my TL:DR reply to OP. Again, great post shadyC. Makes me really happy to see a competent, not paranoid, not insane complaint from a real level head.
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A currency wipe would be AWESOME!
Crafting doesn't exist in POE. Gambling does...and the house always wins.
Velocireptile - I LOL'ed. Which made me fart. I wish the office were empty right now :( Hardlicker - I had to push the dog out of the way so I could get to the sexy quilt. |
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Sorry didn't feel like reading through 10 pages - how is multi-box still an issue? They took out the iiq with distance did they not? Or are ppl using bots to follow their mains to get the drops now?
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" What that 13m Mean? nothing at all spawn all chars at Boss room and q added. Only worse drop in normal Parties cuz people rush not together. The Multiboxers that use bots is like 80% i know 5 multiboxers 4 of them use KeyStrocking... Ign LilDeril
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How about a mass ban of accounts that multi box?
GGG listens to its fans!!! Thank you!
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"Because thats the sad part...multiboxing is not a bannable offence! how retarded are GGG to allow such a retarded self crippling game play style to be allowed? the mind boggles... you can cheat the game mechanics and get away with it. |
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