Im lvl 73 ffs...i cant upgrade because in all my time playing i have not found a single fucking 5 link item..not even white! so i cant try crafting ether. sad day.
Edit: yeh the multiboxers have allot of orbs but they dont use them..they store them and dont do anythign with them causing inflation issues. pretty sure black friday was the same thing? if i remember correctly it was about some guys buying up all the gold and forcing the price to skyrocket because it was so rare and they had all the gold and never used it.
Last edited by DatChen#6930 on Mar 28, 2013, 1:20:41 AM
NOT multi-boxing, which many/most people seem to CONSTANTLY confuse with multi-loading. They are not the same thing.
EDIT: But here's the thing, what do you consider high. MANY great items can be had for dirt cheap. If you want the best of the best, be prepared to pay out the ass.
I don't consider the 5-Link 500 ES 14% duo res chest pieces that I look for to be the best of the best. but I do consider the 10-15 Exalts people throw at them to be paying out the ass.
And I can't beat those kinds of offers. I can't even match.
EDIT: why back in closed beta was i rich with a few chaos orbs? i had like 10 chaos orbs and i could buy anything. i had great gear and i facerolled end maps. now i bearly get 1 chaos orb a day, terrible drops time and time again and in the end im left with 5 hours of my day wasted for nothing. something has changed for the worse. im thinking open beta multiboxers in swarms and loot drop nerfs. (including recipy nerfs)
See, your problem is right there and has nothing to do with multiboxers. If it takes you 5 hours to farm a chaos orb equivalent of drops then you HAVE to revise your farming strategy.
May I humbly suggest that you try dock runs? Each one should take you less then 6 minutes (otherwise you have to reconsider your build and/or how you itemize your toon). Each run should yield the equivalent of at least one chaos orb. If this is not the case, you have to adjust your IIQ. I am currently able to complete a dock run in less then 4 minutes, each run yields much more than one chaos orb on average and there is not multiboxing/ceating/hacking involved whatsoever. It takes me about a weekend to farm enough stuff to pay for a 6L.
On a side note: I am not sure that multi boxing would be able to improve my farming rate - it would probably slow me down to the extent that it is not even worth it.
Last edited by Faendris#5470 on Mar 28, 2013, 2:35:19 AM
EDIT: why back in closed beta was i rich with a few chaos orbs? i had like 10 chaos orbs and i could buy anything. i had great gear and i facerolled end maps. now i bearly get 1 chaos orb a day, terrible drops time and time again and in the end im left with 5 hours of my day wasted for nothing. something has changed for the worse. im thinking open beta multiboxers in swarms and loot drop nerfs. (including recipy nerfs)
See, your problem is right there and has nothing to do with multiboxers. If it takes you 5 hours to farm a chaos orb equivalent of drops then you HAVE to revise your farming strategy.
May I humbly suggest that you try dock runs? Each one should take you less then 6 minutes (otherwise you have to reconsider your build and/or how you itemize your toon). Each run should yield the equivalent of at least one chaos orb. If this is not the case, you have to adjust your IIQ. I am currently able to complete a dock run in less then 4 minutes, each run yields much more than one chaos orb on average and there is not multiboxing/ceating/hacking involved whatsoever. It takes me about a weekend to farm enough stuff to pay for a 6L.
On a side note: I am not sure that multi boxing would be able to improve my farming rate - it would probably slow me down to the extent that it is not even worth it.
A Chaos Orb equivalent from every Docks run?
You need to stop taking your amazing luck for granted. I ASSURE you it is not normal. An average person gets perhaps an Alchemy or a Fuse every 2-3 runs, and a Chaos Orb maybe once every 10 runs. Regals maybe once every 30.
GCP's, Divines, or Exalts? Forget about it.
izbing wrote:
With new patch multiboxing on PoE is dead.
No Multiboxing = Less hight currency and Less item
Less Currency and Less item = Price go up
U cry because hight currency and item its too expensive because multiboxing is dead ???
Oh last think, i farm 100 - 150 chaos every day. I can buy all gear and currency what i want easy. Its problem for u too if i loot so many currency ?
This I actually... I'm stumped. I'm speechless.
Please enlighten us how you think you make 100-150 Chaos every day.
Is this the part where you tell me a few Exalts drop for you every day, and you always end up finding big-time uniques? And, of course, you assume this is every person's luck as well?
Seriously, the thing I hate the most about RNG is the people blessed with the good end of it but take it for granted. "WHAT ARE YOU, A NOOB? LOL, JUST GO KILL A FEW WHITE SKELETONS, AT LEAST 1 IN EVERY 5 DROPS A GCP!"
It has nothing to do with luck, I do that on a consistent and regular basis. If I farm for an hour, I will have the equivalent of an exalted. If you take longer than 6 minutes for a docks run then you have to work on your build/itemization. If you get significantly less than one chaos each run, then you have to increase your item quantity (item quality is also nice but not that important). It is really that simple.
Just some pointers to make your life easier: in docks you mainly need fire resistance, other elemental resistances are not really important, chaos can be ignored alltogether. This gives you plenty of room for optmizations. Dual totem helps a lot, since you can loot while your totems do the job. I use run speed increase potions all the time and I have the layout of the docks memorized so that I can tell immediately when to turn back and when to continue in a given direction.
Just to make sure that this is absolutely clear: no luck involved, I do that on a regular and constant basis, every day, every hour.
i would never multibox but i have no burning desire to part from my hard earned orbs just because someone doesnt like how someone else is playing the game. d
if they wanted to make it illegal, they would. then use admin tools to monitor players and rely on "reports" and as punishment wipe players inventory & stash.
why do i need to suffer because of them ?
You are ALREADY suffering because of them.They don't want to make it illegal because its too much of a hassle trying to fight multiboxers.
It has nothing to do with luck, I do that on a consistent and regular basis. If I farm for an hour, I will have the equivalent of an exalted. If you take longer than 6 minutes for a docks run then you have to work on your build/itemization. If you get significantly less than one chaos each run, then you have to increase your item quantity (item quality is also nice but not that important). It is really that simple.
Just some pointers to make your life easier: in docks you mainly need fire resistance, other elemental resistances are not really important, chaos can be ignored alltogether. This gives you plenty of room for optmizations. Dual totem helps a lot, since you can loot while your totems do the job. I use run speed increase potions all the time and I have the layout of the docks memorized so that I can tell immediately when to turn back and when to continue in a given direction.
Just to make sure that this is absolutely clear: no luck involved, I do that on a regular and constant basis, every day, every hour.
Tell me your IIQ.
I just did 5 Docks runs with 96%, and the highlights of my drops were 2 Chance Orbs and an Alteration.
It has nothing to do with luck, I do that on a consistent and regular basis. If I farm for an hour, I will have the equivalent of an exalted. If you take longer than 6 minutes for a docks run then you have to work on your build/itemization. If you get significantly less than one chaos each run, then you have to increase your item quantity (item quality is also nice but not that important). It is really that simple.
Just some pointers to make your life easier: in docks you mainly need fire resistance, other elemental resistances are not really important, chaos can be ignored alltogether. This gives you plenty of room for optmizations. Dual totem helps a lot, since you can loot while your totems do the job. I use run speed increase potions all the time and I have the layout of the docks memorized so that I can tell immediately when to turn back and when to continue in a given direction.
Just to make sure that this is absolutely clear: no luck involved, I do that on a regular and constant basis, every day, every hour.
Without sell loot i make 8 or 9 chaos/hour (just farm currency).
loot = 1 item at 3-7 exalted every 2 day (depend of luck) + item at 3-10 chaos.
So, multiboxing or no multiboxing there are rich and poor in this game. If u are poor you can not buy this one rich can buy. Its obvious.
The real problem in rpg/mmorpg is when a casual and poor player who have never loot only 1 item at 5 exalted say : OLOL BOT RUIN ECONOMY, OLOL MULTIBOXING RUIN ECONOMY..
Bot ruin economy in real money only. Multiboxing down price of hight currency but it that all.
Within multiboxing all good player who are time can be buy end game gear in 1 month. So hard...
It has nothing to do with luck, I do that on a consistent and regular basis. If I farm for an hour, I will have the equivalent of an exalted. If you take longer than 6 minutes for a docks run then you have to work on your build/itemization. If you get significantly less than one chaos each run, then you have to increase your item quantity (item quality is also nice but not that important). It is really that simple.
Just some pointers to make your life easier: in docks you mainly need fire resistance, other elemental resistances are not really important, chaos can be ignored alltogether. This gives you plenty of room for optmizations. Dual totem helps a lot, since you can loot while your totems do the job. I use run speed increase potions all the time and I have the layout of the docks memorized so that I can tell immediately when to turn back and when to continue in a given direction.
Just to make sure that this is absolutely clear: no luck involved, I do that on a regular and constant basis, every day, every hour.
Without sell loot i make 8 or 9 chaos/hour (just farm currency).
loot = 1 item at 3-7 exalted every 2 day (depend of luck) + item at 3-10 chaos.
So, multiboxing or no multiboxing there are rich and poor in this game. If u are poor you can not buy this one rich can buy. Its obvious.
The real problem in rpg/mmorpg is when a casual and poor player who have never loot only 1 item at 5 exalted say : OLOL BOT RUIN ECONOMY, OLOL MULTIBOXING RUIN ECONOMY..
Bot ruin economy in real money only. Multiboxing down price of hight currency but it that all.
Within multiboxing all good player who are time can be buy end game gear in 1 month. So hard...
This is unbelievably stupid. If you are constantly picking up items that sell for so much, you're lucky. I seriously cannot stress this enough.
I should stream my Dock runs so you can see that a normal person gets a Chance Orb as their highest orb drop, and a stun threshold & 2 health regen chest with 2 sockets as their best rare.
I'm done arguing about this with spoiled 12 year olds.
Did 5 more Dock runs. Only had 1 more Chance drop, and nothing but vendor trash rares. No 6-Links that you seem to be flooded with, no godly rings that seem to be coming out of your ears, and no high-end uniques that seem to make up your steady income percentage.
Because that's not how it actually goes for normal people. In a game designed entirely off of RNG, if you think you are rich because of your calculations and skill... you're completely fucking delusional. You wanna discuss skill, we can have a go at StarCraft, Counter Strike, Street Fighter............. You know, a real game. But an open beta RNG-based ARPG? No. You're just a lucksacker.
Last edited by ShadyC#1006 on Mar 28, 2013, 4:57:26 AM