EXALTED ORB Price Shenanigans [Expedition].170:1 Terrible patch = terrible economy. *shrugs*

LowBudget780 wrote:
People honestly thought ex were going to sit at 24c for the rest of the league because of "muh bots" lol

no, but people are now thinking the only reason why they're going up is because of "muh bots"
What surprises me is not ex cost rise, but also split beast\fossil cost rise. Beast is 90c more expencive today than yesterday lol. And... it makes split maps unprofitable uless you get those ex drops (that are not always the thing). So you lose money if no ex drops, you go to zero with 1 drop, and you having tiny profit if you got more than 1 drop... Why people are bying them at that cost lol? I am going to sell remaining beasts to them instead of using them, since it will give me more money.
Рuffy wrote:
What surprises me is not ex cost rise, but also split beast\fossil cost rise. Beast is 90c more expencive today than yesterday lol. And... it makes split maps unprofitable uless you get those ex drops (that are not always the thing). So you lose money if no ex drops, you go to zero with 1 drop, and you having tiny profit if you got more than 1 drop... Why people are bying them at that cost lol? I am going to sell remaining beasts to them instead of using them, since it will give me more money.

Because mapping isn't where the demand from beasts/fossils come from. The demand comes from grand heist farming. The price will move with/without everyone else.
Well, i made a mistake calling blueprints as maps. And average income from 17 currency blueprint is between 150 and 200c (real one, and not the one program shows). So without ex drops you will lose 100c per bp, and will go above zero only with 3 ex drops per bp, that's... rarely happens.
Yea you need a exalt trinket. Otherwise not worth.

I don't know if even the 3% trinket is worth. I used a 4% one for a couple hundred of these and I was average almost exactly 3 ex per grand heist.
Last edited by yamface on Oct 27, 2020, 12:31:18 PM
Low exalt make chaos recipe worth for many, makes low chaos sales worth while, and i think it is very good for the economy as a whole.

59:1 Welcome to losing currency club!
SunL4D2 wrote:
59:1 Welcome to losing currency club!


People started to set prices in Exalted Orbs again
For example Prime Chaotic Resonator set for 1 Ex
SunL4D2 wrote:
59:1 Welcome to losing currency club!

"There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."

"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG
I hope it will rise again to 80-100c, at least, so the game would be playable.
Anyway, it was weird economic experiment with grand heist dupe, hopefully in the future GGG would fix maps/heists copying and not allow to print money again.

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