EXALTED ORB Price Shenanigans [Expedition].170:1 Terrible patch = terrible economy. *shrugs*

going up again?

no doubt. everyone dumped the hell out of their exalts, which caused it to crash more, and now its just finding its equilibrium.

great timing too. i just got 4 exalts out of the last blueprint i ran (still absolutely HATE running heists, even if they are crazy for currency)
Last edited by Regyoulator81 on Oct 25, 2020, 5:07:43 PM
Regyoulator81 wrote:
But Heist is so Unrewarding!

Oh yay! I love the ARPG genre, I load up the game and open chests for 14 hours then sit in my hideout looking at all the money I have. This game is SOOOO MUCH FUN!!

You see the issue with this right? I miss the days of killing monsters and being rewarded for it.
Welcome to the beautiful world of forex guys !

As in real life there's only 1 good advice here. Split your currency between chaos and exalts. You never win, but you never lose either.

Panic selling or buying is what will make you lose all your currency !
Last edited by tasemagu on Oct 25, 2020, 10:41:46 AM
bots back again?
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Trespeon wrote:
Regyoulator81 wrote:

Oh yay! I love the ARPG genre, I load up the game and open chests for 14 hours then sit in my hideout looking at all the money I have. This game is SOOOO MUCH FUN!!

You see the issue with this right? I miss the days of killing monsters and being rewarded for it.

I cast a few comments out into the void this afternoon before heading out and tbh it does seem to be in the wrong place and I cant remember for whom it was meant so I'll just delete it.

However, since I'm here I might as well add that Rewarding and Fun are two different things even if fun can be its own reward. Yes there's gonna be many views on what is what but I can honestly say that I have had both fun and found this league Very Rewarding and said as much else where from the beginning.

I too like to hit things, watch them go boom and get juicy loot in the process while progressing my characters and doing different content, which is why I have not spent every moment in Heists. In fact I have killed more monsters and spent more time doing so elsewhere in The Game (So far) then I have in this league specific content, regardless of the things achievable playing it.

Ex Orb shenanigans:

Shouldn't really be unexpected for anyone who scrutinises such things and that which may affect their "value" outside of unforeseeable circumstances ofc.

Most negatively affected will be those slow to catch on, mainly consisting of "middle men". Majority of those below likely to have left as they do most leagues despite things being easier then ever for them and those above will just continue to adapt and overcome as the game throws things at them as usual.

While I like and enjoy this league, there are things I found questionable, some of which directly contributed to what we see/saw, which is just the tail end of something that had been present but not realised and bugs.

THE Biggest currency manipulator of them all is GGG. Get over it...
TreeOfDead wrote:
bots back again?

No, I just convinced most of the exalt farmers in split contracts to stop selling cheap. Because its good for all, you know.


So, the market become a lil healthirr.
A lil..
TreeOfDead wrote:
bots back again?

Yup because it was only a bot ban. Nothing else. Nothing. Just the bots did it. They only affect the market. Nothing else. Nothing remotely but the bots. Just the bots. If you ban the bots the price drops. Nothing else will do this. Just the bots.

If the bots come back, the price goes up. Nothing else affects this.

It's the bots. Always been the bots.
Deliver pain exquisite
40:1 Going up?

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