Looks like a lot of players don't want to play tower defence.

Destructodave wrote:

All of it plays a part. But this is a weak league mechanic. I dont know what people gain from defending GGG every single bad league. Is PoE gonna die because it had a bad league? No. Is every league mechanic htat GGG releases top of the line good? No. Its almost expected the mechanic after a good league is gonna be trash.

There was no mechanic last league. It was just show up, get free loot. It's pretty clear you're just really bad at games. You were bashing this league for being too hard, now you're saying progress without doing anything makes a better game.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
girng wrote:

How do you know that everyone uses steam and the people who are not, are the minority?

This isn't how data sets work, you don't have to prove that everyone uses steam you have to have a valid theory for why steam users are completely different to non-steam users.

Only 10% of the players could be on steam, that could still be used as a projection of how well a league is doing as long as the two groups are similar enough.

On topic i'm enjoying the league quite a bit but HC feels like a real ghost town, very difficult to get any weird gear and tbh pretty difficult to find normal stuff ^^
Last edited by Draegnarrr#2823 on Sep 18, 2019, 2:23:03 AM
I like the league.

Having fun, but performance is a little worse than usual.
BloodPuddles420 wrote:

There was no mechanic last league. It was just show up, get free loot. It's pretty clear you're just really bad at games. You were bashing this league for being too hard, now you're saying progress without doing anything makes a better game.

If the loot was "free" glacier wouldn't have had one of the highest death counts for all maps that league.

Legion was particularly dangerous and potentially deadly on red maps even before damage mods. Of course because rng and efficiency are king an easily sustainable map (glacier) that placed the mechanic consistently relatively close to the starting point became the go to.

A lot of us don't have streamer level tolerance of repeating the same thing. It typically takes me a week to get to maps as is, not because i'm inefficient or die repeatedly, but simply because I have such little tolerance going through the motions for a fresh league regardless of mechanic.

If anything, the legion mechanic was a prime example of how common place it was for so little of value to drop and it was sheer number of runs that made it palatable. It's fine if a glacier drops little, not so much on a guardian map.

Since I started, the one thing all popular leagues had in common were meaningful rewards that weren't locked specifically behind the highest map tiers. If blight felt more rewarding for the time invested, it would have much better player retention - but given the amount of repetition most league players already put in as is, there's already a natural deterrent to overcome.
Yep, totally over league play.
Destructodave wrote:

Steam Charts are more than fine and probably more indicative of overall playerbase than anything else.

do the new korean players appear in steam charts?
do the chinese realm players appear in steam charts?


imagine you got 10 players running the game on steam and 10 players running the standalone.

which group would be prone to play other games along poe, permanently switching if one game gets boring?
ive never played a tower defence game, have 0 interest in them, have 0 interest in the league. im playing in standard, the new master stuff is awesome, cant see any reason i would even try this league out.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
cronus wrote:
Destructodave wrote:

Steam Charts are more than fine and probably more indicative of overall playerbase than anything else.

do the new korean players appear in steam charts?
do the chinese realm players appear in steam charts?


imagine you got 10 players running the game on steam and 10 players running the standalone.

which group would be prone to play other games along poe, permanently switching if one game gets boring?

It's a representative sample, just because it literally doesn't tell you everything isn't a good reason to dismiss it.
Snorkle_uk wrote:
the new master stuff is awesome

This! It finally gives mapping the fresh air and much less RNG it needed!

I would like to play more too (just standard nowdays) since Necro is my oldest character and I liked the revamp, but sadly she kills monsters and FPS alike :-(

...and the second ones without any skill of mine, just walking around, too OP! :-D
I'm an ex-exile beacuse I play more rewarding ARPGs! :-P

I miss the "Daily Insightful Charan" with my coffee!

English is not my main language: that means I'll write strange things! :-D
cronus wrote:
Destructodave wrote:

Steam Charts are more than fine and probably more indicative of overall playerbase than anything else.

do the new korean players appear in steam charts?
do the chinese realm players appear in steam charts?


imagine you got 10 players running the game on steam and 10 players running the standalone.

which group would be prone to play other games along poe, permanently switching if one game gets boring?

As another poster said, there is nothing inherently different from people who play PoE on Steam and those who don't. Therefore, you can draw the conclusion that if Steam numbers are down, so are any other number of players.

If you can prove that somehow Steam players are just radically different than the rest of the playerbase, maybe you have a point.

I'm very far removed from my college days, so I dont pretend to be an expert on the stats classes I took, but how do you think they learn things about the population? They dont query all 300+ million people. You take a subset of people indicative of the overall base of people. Which is basically Steam.

Steam doesn't somehow force you to play other games. I'd really like to know why you think gamers who use Steam, (which I'm willing to bet is about everyone; I use the standalone PoE client but still use Steam for a ton of games), are more apt to swapping games.

Not to mention, the 2 biggest games people are blaming for this leagues issues, are Classic WoW, on the Blizzard Client, and Borderlands 3, on the Epic Games Client. They are not even on Steam, lol. Just about any games you play nowadays are on a client, and if you think people using the standalone PoE client ONLY play PoE, have no access to any games client, and then somehow are the majority of the playerbase, I dunno what to tell you.

Last edited by Destructodave#2478 on Sep 18, 2019, 7:22:42 AM
j33bus wrote:
cronus wrote:
Destructodave wrote:

Steam Charts are more than fine and probably more indicative of overall playerbase than anything else.

do the new korean players appear in steam charts?
do the chinese realm players appear in steam charts?


imagine you got 10 players running the game on steam and 10 players running the standalone.

which group would be prone to play other games along poe, permanently switching if one game gets boring?

It's a representative sample, just because it literally doesn't tell you everything isn't a good reason to dismiss it.

Seem a lot of people fails at statistic 101 :D lmao

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